Smart MTS tariff: description, reviews, connection. MTS tariffs MAXI Smart and MAXI Top Maxi smart description

The focus is on the loudly announced “new” tariffs MAXI Smart and MAXI Top. Only the names turned out to be new, and the complex tariff multi-step, it seems, was invented only for the discreet and painless sending to the archive of “just” MAXI. But the radical change to the “Zero Without Borders” option happened quietly and without unnecessary advertising.

MAXIMUM effect with MINIMAL effort

The announced new tariffs MAXI Smart and MAXI Top turned out to be not very new. More precisely, not new at all, but renamed “Everything you need” options. A thorough examination of the new tariffs under a magnifying glass revealed almost no differences; only packages of minutes were added. And why was there a fence around the garden? It seems that in this extraordinary way, MTS decided to archive the “simple” MAXI with a minimum subscription fee. The operator was no longer interested in this tariff, and the “Everything you need” options with a large subscriber base were issued as additional options to the basic MAXI tariff. Therefore, they sort of sent the entire design into the archive, and instead they made two new tariffs, MAXI Smart and MAXI Top.

However, there are some changes. An important difference from the previous “Everything you need” is the ability to connect periodic packages of minutes. Also, a direct landline number can be connected to both new tariffs; the price of a city number is an additional 980 rubles. per month.

The “Everything you need” options appeared in early February 2011; those interested can read the review. Quote from the summary part of the review “Everything you need 500”:

“For those who talk a lot and use the MAXI Plus tariff as a budget replacement for unlimited, the new option will be harmful and lead to additional costs. For low-to-medium speakers, the subscription fee is 500 rubles. looks like a barrier. An effective niche for the new option is those who talk with subscribers of other networks on average 250-500 minutes per month, while using the BIT service and (preferably) sending some SMS/MMS messages. Those. The user niche has narrowed noticeably, but in this niche the new option will really be beneficial.”

The most significant (now former) criticism of the tariff is the high cost of a minute (RUB 2.20) above the package. 300 minutes a month was not enough for many, and 900 was excessive. The additional packages of 150 and 300 minutes that appeared effectively patched up this “gap”. An additional advantage of these packages is that you can skip them during your vacation and save some money.

Let's remember the main parameters of the now new MAXI Smart and MAXI Top.

MAXI Smart

  • The subscription fee is 500 rubles/month (1,480 rubles with a city number), written off daily in equal installments, so you can switch to another tariff only on the last day of the current month (you can order the transfer in advance at the contact center).
  • The number of minutes in the package is 300. Minutes are spent on all local calls and on the federal MTS-Russia networks. Unused minutes on the last day of the month will expire.
  • After the package is exhausted, the price of a local minute is 2.20 rubles, a minute of a call to MTS-Russia is 5.0 rubles.
  • Unlimited Internet for telephone (BIT). When you activate the SuperBIT option, 150 rubles are debited. instead of 299, that is, the price of the included BIT is taken into account when connecting a more expensive option.
  • Conditionally unlimited local SMS messages. The monthly quota is 900 SMS messages, but no more than 30 SMS per day. Starting from the 31st SMS are charged at 1.95 rubles.
  • It is possible to connect unlimited within the network (additional 10 rubles/day).


  • Subscription fee - 1000 rubles/month (1980 rubles with a city number), written off daily in equal installments
  • The number of minutes in the package is 900. Minutes are spent on all local calls and on the federal MTS-Russia networks.
  • Otherwise, everything is the same as in the MAXI Smart tariff.

Minute packages are added to MAXI Smart and MAXI Top. At the first connection, they “give out” a number of minutes proportional to the number of days remaining until the end of the month, then every first day of the month the package is allocated in full. The price of the package is written off daily in equal installments; unused minutes are expired on the last day of the month.

"Zero without borders." New prices and restrictions

The main “enticement” has been preserved; with the option enabled, the first 10 minutes of each incoming call are still free. The main news is that the “free” nature of these ten minutes is canceled if the SIM card has not been used on the home network for 30 days or more before the trip. A very insidious “modernization” of a popular option for the New Year holidays, those who missed the news will be caught. The main “beauty” is that the traveler who discovers this feature will not be able to do anything, but send the SIM card to Russia to perform a paid action there? And the option is popular, and many subscribers of other operators keep an MTS SIM card specifically for traveling abroad.

See below for other price changes. You also need to pay attention to the fact that outgoing minutes now remain preferential only from the second to fifth minutes, instead of from the second to the end of the call.

"Zero without borders" was: subscription fee - 19 rubles. per day, the fee for the first day is debited at the time of connection. As part of the option, we receive free first 10 minutes of any (and every) incoming call, from the 11th minute of conversation - 8.9 rubles. in a minute. Outgoing calls to Russian numbers: first minute at standard rate - usually from 79 rubles. per minute, from the second -8.9 rubles. in a minute. In Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, incoming calls from the 11th minute - 5.9 rubles. per minute instead of 8.9 rubles. per minute, outgoing to Russia: for the first minute - 25 rubles, from the second minute -5.9 rubles. in a minute. Tariffing for other services (including SMS messages) does not change; the option only applies to voice calls.

"Zero without borders" became: subscription fee - 25 rubles. per day, the fee for the first day is debited at the time of connection. As part of the option, the first 10 minutes of each incoming call are free, from the 11th minute - 5 rubles. in a minute. Outgoing calls to Russian numbers: the first minute and from the sixth at the standard rate, from the second to the fifth minutes - 15 rubles. in a minute. In Armenia, Belarus and Ukraine (Uzbekistan was removed from the list of preferential countries) incoming tickets from the 11th minute - 5 rubles. per minute, outgoing to Russia: for the first minute and starting from the sixth - 25 rubles, from the second to the fifth - 15 rubles. in a minute. Tariffs for other services (including SMS messages) do not change. And the most important change: if the SIM card has not been used in Russia for more than 30 days, then all incoming calls will cost 5 rubles. per minute, the first 10 minutes are not provided free of charge.

"MTS Tablet"

A new Internet option especially for those who like to watch TV shows on a tablet screen, detailed description. The option is now actively advertised as unlimited Internet with coverage throughout Russia for only 200 rubles. per month. There is some slyness present, the price is 200 rubles. valid only for the first month when connecting before January 9, then the monthly fee increases to 400 rubles/month.

It turns out something similar to SuperBIT, but for 100 rubles. expensive. But with its own advantages and additional capabilities. A few key features:

  • The monthly traffic quota is 2 GB. Then the speed is cut to 64 Kbps. Theoretically, this volume is one and a half times less than 100 MB per day on SuperBIT. But in practice, everything is exactly the opposite; for most users, 2 GB per month will be more convenient. On vacation or a business trip you may need a large amount of traffic, but at home and at work Wi-Fi is one of the typical scenarios.
  • This option comes with free mobile TV. It is free, since traffic through the MTS TV application is not charged and not taken into account, the package is not spent on watching TV.
  • There is access to the 4G network if the equipment supports LTE.
  • The minimum speed for watching mobile TV is stated to be 150 Kbps, but this is too optimistic. More or less dynamic scenes are unpleasant to watch; only the “talking heads” look decent. 256 Kbps is already tolerable, 512 Kbps is not bad.

If you don’t have to wander around Russia, but want to watch TV programs, then you can connect to “BIT + Mobile TV” for 300 rubles/month. Within this option, TV viewing traffic is also not charged or taken into account, plus Mobile TV is valid throughout Russia. Regular Internet is only in the Moscow region, this design turned out to be interesting.

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Sergey Potresov ()

Last Friday, at night, the mobile operator MTS opened new long-awaited tariff plans MAXI Smart and MAXI Top for connection and migration. The only thing is that the word “new” is printed “the keyboard was not pressed,” because they are nothing more than a copy of the “Everything you need” packages of the former variation of the MAXI tariff, safely sent to the archive.

Considering that over the weekend the news was no longer news, and MTS subscribers were waiting for new tariffs like rain in the desert, we will devote a whole article to them, breaking them down piece by piece.

First of all, if previously many people associated the origin of MAXI tariffs with the dog food of the same name, now:

Marketers of the Mobile TeleSystems company are not only busy copying old tariffs under a new name (often with slightly degraded parameters), but they have also reached the point of complete nonsense - the MAXI tariff is now present both in the archive and in its current form, however, with slightly different content. The only difference is that in the new version, subscribers are deprived of using the tariff without choosing any package - Smart or Top. Now you are 225 rubles. You won’t be able to spend any more, at least 500. Thank you, MTS! They helped you, subscribers, decide how much to spend per month and how much of what you need to consume in a minimum amount. Coordinate the information received with your employer and get a salary increase!

So, as the MTS company itself reports: “new tariff plans allow you to actively use various mobile communication services.” Oh how! We couldn't afford this before! Further:

“By connecting to the MAXI Smart tariff and paying less than 18 rubles per day, the subscriber will receive 300 minutes per month of outgoing calls to all networks in Moscow and the Moscow region and to MTS Russia numbers, unlimited Internet and unlimited SMS.

With connection to the MAXI Top tariff, paying less than 36 rubles per day, the subscriber will receive 900 minutes per month of outgoing calls to all networks in Moscow and the Moscow region and to MTS Russia numbers, unlimited Internet and unlimited SMS.

The cost of switching to the MAXI Smart or MAXI Top tariff is 100 rubles.”

The wording for charging the monthly fee in the tariffs can be considered complete insanity: “less than 18 rubles per day” for MAXI Smart and “less than 36 rubles per day” for MAXI Top. If the usual advertising ploy of any sane company in our understanding is intended to create the illusion of a cheaper product than it actually is, then it turned out completely the opposite. Having multiplied the subscriber number by the number of days of the month, many, including me, initially decided that it had become higher than it had previously been on VChN.

However, MTS marketers know how to count differently, and at the bottom of the tariffs in pale gray font you can find the saying: “the amount of the daily fee is approximate and is calculated depending on the number of days in a calendar month, and per month is for the MAXI Smart tariff - 500 rub.(RUB 1,480 for a city number), and for the MAXI Top tariff - 1000 rub.(RUB 1,980 for a city number).”

Just like that. It turns out that the monthly fee has not changed and remains the same. This is comforting [there is room for a happy smiley face].

We are also given new packages of food for the co... tariff “Maxi”:

  • Unlimited SMS. In reality, unlimited SMS are still given only to MTS numbers in Moscow and the Moscow region; SMS to other local networks is limited to a package of 900 messages per month (30 SMS per day).
  • Mobile Internet (BIT MAXI). You will receive 2100 MB per month with no speed limit. However, such a package is not given to you entirely and immediately, because if you exceed 70 MB per day, the speed is reduced to 64 Kbps.

Additional benefits for MAXI Smart and MAXI Top subscribers:

  • Option “Unlimited calls” - unlimited calls to MTS subscriber numbers in Moscow and the Moscow region for 10 rubles per day.
  • Option “Super BIT” - unlimited Internet when located throughout Russia. With its limitations, of course: (100 MB per day at full speed, then the speed decreases to 128 Kbps). For MAXI Smart and MAXI Top subscribers special price - 150 rub. per month.

It is also possible to connect additional packages of minutes within the tariff:

  • +150 minutes for 210 rub. per month (less than 8 rubles/day)
  • +300 minutes for 390 rub. per month (less than 14 rubles/day)

Connecting the package will cost 34 rubles. The package is valid in the same way as the basic one - for all local networks and MTS of Russia.

The modern rhythm of life revolves around bustle, a huge number of things to do and impressions. The global Internet makes the life of every person easier and brighter. It’s so great: when you have the opportunity in real time to see a loved one with whom you are separated by many kilometers; when it is possible to work from home, thanks to the use of the high-speed World Wide Web. It was with the goal of making the lives of subscribers better that the mobile operator MTS presented the Maxi tariff.

Tariff plan characteristics

Internet from Maxi is a new product from MTS, which has captivated the customers of this operator with round-the-clock access to the global network in large volumes for a reasonable fee.

It's not only about the necessary information, but also about watching useful videos and the latest films. The description of the tariff allows you to understand all the intricacies of its use.

Maxi Smart provides a huge amount of Internet for a month. Both during the day and at night (01:00-07:00) you can use 12 GB, with optimal traffic load - this is practically unlimited. Available meters are counted separately, depending on the time of day. The expiration of one of the limits does not cause the disappearance of the other. And all this can be obtained for just 700 rubles per month.
When connecting, you can choose a beautiful phone number.

** The maximum duration of a free call is 1 minute. The ability to make outgoing calls to your favorite numbers ends after 20 free calls or after 2 months during which the subscriber’s balance has not been replenished.

All calls up to 3 seconds are free. A local telephone conversation lasting less than 60 seconds is charged at the cost of a minute of airtime; a call lasting 60 seconds or more is charged per minute.

When you activate an SMS package, you receive a package of messages at a better price. At the end of the current billing period (month), unused messages included in the SMS package are canceled. The SMS package is not consumed when sending SMS while roaming or to short numbers; in this case, the cost of SMS is charged in full.

Rounding is carried out upward with an accuracy of up to 53.89 KB once every 15 minutes or when the sum of transmitted and received data reaches 500 KB, as well as when the GPRS session ends. The non-chargeable volume of both transmitted and received data is 5 KB.

Prohibition of identifying your number for outgoing calls (not guaranteed for calls to other mobile networks).

Conference call participants pay for airtime call time independently of each other in accordance with their chosen tariff plans and tariff rules.

The airtime spent by the subscriber to perform any operations using the mailbox is paid in accordance with the selected tariff plan - like local outgoing calls to MTS phones. The subscriber does not pay for the airtime used by the caller to record the message.

Calls forwarded to a local telephone number (including numbers of the MTS network and other mobile operators in your city). Long-distance (international) calls are considered to be calls forwarded to long-distance (international) numbers; such calls are paid according to long-distance (international) tariffs.

Long-distance (international) calls are charged from the beginning of the conversation. The tariff for long-distance (international) communication services is calculated by summing the cost of a minute of long-distance (international) communication and the cost of a minute of local airtime in accordance with the selected tariff plan. When calculating the long-distance (international) component of airtime cost, the duration of a telephone conversation is rounded up to the nearest 60 seconds.

The provider has the right to activate the “content ban” service. To disable the service, you must go through the procedure of confirming the passport data of the number owner at the Provider's office

Prices are indicated in rubles including VAT. Tariffs are indicated taking into account discounts and adjustments when the number is in your home region.
When specifying tariffs, mathematical rounding to the second decimal place is allowed.

The data published on the site is provided solely for information purposes and does not constitute a public offer. If the price of a product or service is indicated incorrectly due to a typo or technical error, the exact price will be given by the manager.

The site has an error correction system. If you find an inaccuracy in the text, highlight it and click Shift+Enter

The focus is on the loudly announced “new” tariffs MAXI Smart and MAXI Top. Only the names turned out to be new, and the complex tariff multi-step, it seems, was invented only for the discreet and painless sending to the archive of “just” MAXI. But the radical change to the “Zero Without Borders” option happened quietly and without unnecessary advertising.

MAXIMUM effect with MINIMAL effort

The announced new tariffs MAXI Smart and MAXI Top turned out to be not very new. More precisely, not new at all, but renamed “Everything you need” options. A thorough examination of the new tariffs under a magnifying glass revealed almost no differences; only packages of minutes were added. And why was there a fence around the garden? It seems that in this extraordinary way, MTS decided to archive the “simple” MAXI with a minimum subscription fee. The operator was no longer interested in this tariff, and the “Everything you need” options with a large subscriber base were issued as additional options to the basic MAXI tariff. Therefore, they sort of sent the entire design into the archive, and instead they made two new tariffs, MAXI Smart and MAXI Top.

However, there are some changes. An important difference from the previous “Everything you need” is the ability to connect periodic packages of minutes. Also, a direct landline number can be connected to both new tariffs; the price of a city number is an additional 980 rubles. per month.

The “Everything you need” options appeared in early February 2011; those interested can read the review. Quote from the summary part of the review “Everything you need 500”:

“For those who talk a lot and use the MAXI Plus tariff as a budget replacement for unlimited, the new option will be harmful and lead to additional costs. For low-to-medium speakers, the subscription fee is 500 rubles. looks like a barrier. An effective niche for the new option is those who talk with subscribers of other networks on average 250-500 minutes per month, while using the BIT service and (preferably) sending some SMS/MMS messages. Those. The user niche has narrowed noticeably, but in this niche the new option will really be beneficial.”

The most significant (now former) criticism of the tariff is the high cost of a minute (RUB 2.20) above the package. 300 minutes a month was not enough for many, and 900 was excessive. The additional packages of 150 and 300 minutes that appeared effectively patched up this “gap”. An additional advantage of these packages is that you can skip them during your vacation and save some money.

Let's remember the main parameters of the now new MAXI Smart and MAXI Top.

MAXI Smart

  • The subscription fee is 500 rubles/month (1,480 rubles with a city number), written off daily in equal installments, so you can switch to another tariff only on the last day of the current month (you can order the transfer in advance at the contact center).
  • The number of minutes in the package is 300. Minutes are spent on all local calls and on the federal MTS-Russia networks. Unused minutes on the last day of the month will expire.
  • After the package is exhausted, the price of a local minute is 2.20 rubles, a minute of a call to MTS-Russia is 5.0 rubles.
  • Unlimited Internet for telephone (BIT). When you activate the SuperBIT option, 150 rubles are debited. instead of 299, that is, the price of the included BIT is taken into account when connecting a more expensive option.
  • Conditionally unlimited local SMS messages. The monthly quota is 900 SMS messages, but no more than 30 SMS per day. Starting from the 31st SMS are charged at 1.95 rubles.
  • It is possible to connect unlimited within the network (additional 10 rubles/day).


  • Subscription fee - 1000 rubles/month (1980 rubles with a city number), written off daily in equal installments
  • The number of minutes in the package is 900. Minutes are spent on all local calls and on the federal MTS-Russia networks.
  • Otherwise, everything is the same as in the MAXI Smart tariff.

Minute packages are added to MAXI Smart and MAXI Top. At the first connection, they “give out” a number of minutes proportional to the number of days remaining until the end of the month, then every first day of the month the package is allocated in full. The price of the package is written off daily in equal installments; unused minutes are expired on the last day of the month.

"Zero without borders." New prices and restrictions

The main “enticement” has been preserved; with the option enabled, the first 10 minutes of each incoming call are still free. The main news is that the “free” nature of these ten minutes is canceled if the SIM card has not been used on the home network for 30 days or more before the trip. A very insidious “modernization” of a popular option for the New Year holidays, those who missed the news will be caught. The main “beauty” is that the traveler who discovers this feature will not be able to do anything, should he send the SIM card to Russia to perform a paid action there? And the option is popular, and many subscribers of other operators keep an MTS SIM card specifically for traveling abroad.

See below for other price changes. You also need to pay attention to the fact that outgoing minutes now remain preferential only from the second to fifth minutes, instead of from the second to the end of the call.

"Zero without borders" was: subscription fee - 19 rubles. per day, the fee for the first day is debited at the time of connection. As part of the option, we receive free first 10 minutes of any (and every) incoming call, from the 11th minute of conversation - 8.9 rubles. in a minute. Outgoing calls to Russian numbers: first minute at standard rate - usually from 79 rubles. per minute, from the second -8.9 rubles. in a minute. In Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, incoming calls from the 11th minute - 5.9 rubles. per minute instead of 8.9 rubles. per minute, outgoing to Russia: for the first minute - 25 rubles, from the second minute -5.9 rubles. in a minute. Tariffing for other services (including SMS messages) does not change; the option only applies to voice calls.

"Zero without borders" became: subscription fee - 25 rubles. per day, the fee for the first day is debited at the time of connection. As part of the option, the first 10 minutes of each incoming call are free, from the 11th minute - 5 rubles. in a minute. Outgoing calls to Russian numbers: the first minute and from the sixth at the standard rate, from the second to the fifth minutes - 15 rubles. in a minute. In Armenia, Belarus and Ukraine (Uzbekistan was removed from the list of preferential countries) incoming tickets from the 11th minute - 5 rubles. per minute, outgoing to Russia: for the first minute and starting from the sixth - 25 rubles, from the second to the fifth - 15 rubles. in a minute. Tariffs for other services (including SMS messages) do not change. And the most important change: if the SIM card has not been used in Russia for more than 30 days, then all incoming calls will cost 5 rubles. per minute, the first 10 minutes are not provided free of charge.

"MTS Tablet"

A new Internet option especially for those who like to watch TV shows on a tablet screen. The option is now actively advertised as unlimited Internet with coverage throughout Russia for only 200 rubles. per month. There is some slyness present, the price is 200 rubles. valid only for the first month when connecting before January 9, then the monthly fee increases to 400 rubles/month.

It turns out something similar to SuperBIT, but for 100 rubles. expensive. But with its own advantages and additional capabilities. A few key features:

  • The monthly traffic quota is 2 GB. Then the speed is cut to 64 Kbps. Theoretically, this volume is one and a half times less than 100 MB per day on SuperBIT. But in practice, everything is exactly the opposite; for most users, 2 GB per month will be more convenient. On vacation or a business trip you may need a large amount of traffic, but at home and at work Wi-Fi is one of the typical scenarios.
  • This option comes with free mobile TV. It is free, since traffic through the MTS TV application is not charged and not taken into account, the package is not spent on watching TV.
  • There is access to the 4G network if the equipment supports LTE.
  • The minimum speed for watching mobile TV is stated to be 150 Kbps, but this is too optimistic. More or less dynamic scenes are unpleasant to watch; only the “talking heads” look decent. 256 Kbps is already tolerable, 512 Kbps is not bad.

If you don’t have to wander around Russia, but want to watch TV programs, then you can connect to “BIT + Mobile TV” for 300 rubles/month. Within this option, TV viewing traffic is also not charged or taken into account, plus Mobile TV is valid throughout Russia. Regular Internet is only in the Moscow region, this design turned out to be interesting.

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Sergey Potresov ()

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Last Friday night, the mobile operator MTS opened new long-awaited tariff plans MAXI Smart and MAXI Top for connection and migration. The only thing is that the word “new” is printed “the keyboard was not pressed,” because they are nothing more than a copy of the “Everything you need” packages of the former variation of the MAXI tariff, safely sent to the archive.

Considering that over the weekend the news was no longer news, and MTS subscribers were waiting for new tariffs like rain in the desert, we will devote a whole article to them, breaking them down piece by piece.

First of all, if previously many people associated the origin of MAXI tariffs with the dog food of the same name, now:

Marketers of the Mobile TeleSystems company are not only busy copying old tariffs under a new name (often with slightly degraded parameters), they have also reached the point of complete nonsense - the MAXI tariff is now present both in the archive and in its current form, albeit with slightly different content. The only difference is that in the new version, subscribers are deprived of using the tariff without choosing any package - Smart or Top. Now you are 225 rubles. You won’t be able to spend any more, at least 500. Thank you, MTS! They helped you, subscribers, decide how much to spend per month and how much of what you need to consume in a minimum amount. Coordinate the information received with your employer and get a salary increase!

So, as the MTS company itself reports: “new tariff plans allow you to actively use various mobile communication services.” Oh how! We couldn't afford this before! Further:

“By connecting to the MAXI Smart tariff and paying less than 18 rubles per day, the subscriber will receive 300 minutes per month of outgoing calls to all networks in Moscow and the Moscow region and to MTS Russia numbers, unlimited Internet and unlimited SMS.

With connection to the MAXI Top tariff, paying less than 36 rubles per day, the subscriber will receive 900 minutes per month of outgoing calls to all networks in Moscow and the Moscow region and to MTS Russia numbers, unlimited Internet and unlimited SMS.

The cost of switching to the MAXI Smart or MAXI Top tariff is 100 rubles.”

The wording for charging the monthly fee in the tariffs can be considered complete insanity: “less than 18 rubles per day” for MAXI Smart and “less than 36 rubles per day” for MAXI Top. If the usual advertising ploy of any sane company in our understanding is intended to create the illusion of a cheaper product than it actually is, then it turned out completely the opposite. Having multiplied the subscriber number by the number of days of the month, many, including me, initially decided that it had become higher than it had previously been on VChN.

However, MTS marketers know how to count differently, and at the bottom of the tariffs in pale gray font you can find the saying: “the amount of the daily fee is approximate and is calculated depending on the number of days in a calendar month, and per month is for the MAXI Smart tariff - 500 rub.(RUB 1,480 for a city number), and for the MAXI Top tariff - 1000 rub.(RUB 1,980 for a city number).”

Just like that. It turns out that the monthly fee has not changed and remains the same. This is comforting [there is room for a happy smiley face].

We are also given new packages of food for the co... tariff “Maxi”:

  • Unlimited SMS. In reality, unlimited SMS are still given only to MTS numbers in Moscow and the Moscow region; SMS to other local networks is limited to a package of 900 messages per month (30 SMS per day).
  • Mobile Internet (BIT MAXI). You will receive 2100 MB per month with no speed limit. However, such a package is not given to you entirely and immediately, because if you exceed 70 MB per day, the speed is reduced to 64 Kbps.

Additional benefits for MAXI Smart and MAXI Top subscribers:

  • Option “Unlimited calls” - unlimited calls to MTS subscriber numbers in Moscow and the Moscow region for 10 rubles per day.
  • Option “Super BIT” - unlimited Internet when located throughout Russia. With its limitations, of course: (100 MB per day at full speed, then the speed decreases to 128 Kbps). For MAXI Smart and MAXI Top subscribers special price - 150 rub. per month.

It is also possible to connect additional packages of minutes within the tariff:

  • +150 minutes for 210 rub. per month (less than 8 rubles/day)
  • +300 minutes for 390 rub. per month (less than 14 rubles/day)

Connecting the package will cost 34 rubles. The package is valid in the same way as the basic one - for all local networks and MTS of Russia.

Are you looking for a tariff plan that includes packages of unlimited calls, SMS messages and Internet traffic? We recommend that you consider the Smart MTS tariff. This tariff plan is included in and is one of the cheapest (only Smart mini is cheaper). Despite the small subscription fee, the Smart MTS tariff has attractive conditions.

Description of Smart MTS tariff

The Smart tariff will be beneficial for subscribers who often communicate within the MTS network, periodically make calls to numbers of other operators and use the Internet to browse websites.

The tariff plan provides for a monthly fee of 450 rubles for Moscow and the Moscow region and 300 rubles per month for other regions of Russia.

We will not explain why subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region have to pay more; we believe everyone already knows the answer.

Considering current prices, we can conclude that the tariff from MTS Smart is really not expensive, but what does the subscriber get for this fee? Will the tariff be profitable or will active subscribers be forced to regularly pay extra for additional packages of minutes, SMS and Internet? Let's figure it out.

  • Smart MTS tariff includes:
  • 3 GB of Internet for subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region and 4 GB of Internet at home and while traveling around Russia for subscribers in other regions;
  • Unlimited calls to MTS Russia at home and while traveling around Russia;
  • 500 minutes to all numbers of other operators in the home region and MTS of Russia;

500 SMS to home region subscribers at home and while traveling around Russia. Such packages of minutes, SMS and Internet are available as part of the Smart tariff from MTS. Whether this is a lot or a little is up to you to decide. One thing is for sure, if you are spending much more than what your Smart plan allows, then you should . Once the packages are exhausted, additional charges will begin. Only calls to MTS numbers will be completely unlimited.

Calls to numbers of other operators, additional SMS and megabytes will be paid.

The official MTS website does not provide all the information about the tariff. Detailed information on prices is available only after downloading a separate file. In addition to prices, you can find a lot of other interesting information there. Each tariff plan has hidden conditions and the Smart MTS tariff is no exception. We suggest that you first familiarize yourself with the prices for communication services within the Smart tariff, and then we will move on to discussing hidden conditions.

The cost of communication services on the Smart MTS tariff

The Smart tariff plan provides for various fairly large packages of minutes, SMS and Internet, but this is not enough for all subscribers and sometimes additional costs cannot be avoided. Of course, you can connect to a different tariff, but even this does not guarantee you the absence of additional costs. Not all communication services are included in Smart tariffs, so sometimes expenses are inevitable. In order not to be surprised by incomprehensible write-offs later, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with detailed information about the prices provided for by the Smart MTS tariff.

  • After 500 minutes per month, the cost of one minute of communication with a subscriber of another network within the home region will be 2 rubles;
  • Calls to numbers of other operators outside the home region will cost 5 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to CIS countries - 35 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to European countries - 49 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to other countries - 70 rubles;
  • After the Internet traffic package is exhausted, an additional 500 MB package is connected for 75 rubles;
  • SMS to mobile phones in your home region after the package is exhausted - 1 ruble;
  • SMS to mobile phones in other regions of Russia at home and while traveling around Russia - 3.80 rubles;
  • SMS to international mobile operators - 5.25 rubles;
  • MMS to mobile Russian operators - 6.50 rubles.

Disadvantages of the Smart MTS tariff

The Smart MTS tariff provides good conditions, but do not forget that each tariff plan has its own disadvantages. The official MTS website describes only the positive aspects of the Smart tariff, without any information about its characteristic disadvantages. Hidden conditions for the tariff can be found in a document with a detailed description of the tariff plan, which can be downloaded on the MTS website or here.

If you do not want to look for hidden terms in this document yourself, then the information below will be useful to you. We carefully studied the MTS Smart tariff and identified all the hidden conditions. Which ones are significant and which ones are not is up to you to decide.

The Smart MTS tariff has the following disadvantages:

  1. The package of minutes available within the tariff for calls to numbers of other operators (500 minutes in most regions) is spent not only when communicating with subscribers of other networks, but also when making calls to MTS numbers outside the home region. After the package is exhausted, calls to MTS Russia will still remain free, but you will have to pay for communication with subscribers of other networks.
  2. If you have recently changed your tariff, you will have to pay extra to switch to Smart. In addition to paying the subscription fee, another 200 rubles will be withdrawn from the account.
  3. The Smart tariff cannot be used in modems or routers. If you install a SIM card with a tariff in the modem, you will not be able to fully use the Internet. The speed will be limited to the extremely low speed. Considering the size of the Internet traffic package, it is difficult to call this drawback significant, but you should be aware of this limitation.
  4. After the monthly Internet package provided with the tariff has been exhausted, the subscriber will automatically be connected to additional Internet packages within the “Additional Internet Smart” option until the main package of the tariff is updated. The volume of the additional package is 500 MB and will cost you 75 rubles.
  5. When located in the Sakhalin Region, Norilsk, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kamchatka Territory, Magadan Region and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the speed within the included volume of 3 GB is limited to 128 Kbps.
  6. If the subscriber’s balance becomes equal to or below zero (but not lower than minus 300 rubles), then for the next 61 days he will only have access to incoming calls, receiving SMS and calls to MTS service numbers. At the same time, during the specified period, the “Unlimited forwarding from a direct number” / “Sovintel Service” / “TSS Service” group service is written off in full. If after this period your balance does not exceed 0.01 rubles, the possibility of receiving these services is terminated.
  7. Failure to receive funds to the subscriber's Personal account within 61 days after the expiration of the above-mentioned 61-day period of funds in an amount sufficient to achieve a positive balance on the Personal account, or the subscriber's failure to use paid services within a period of 61 days will mean the subscriber's unilateral refusal to execution of the contract.
  8. From January 20, 2016, when connecting and switching to the Smart tariff, the MTS Music service is automatically activated. The service is provided free of charge and is valid for 30 days. The operator promises to automatically disable the service after the free period expires, but we advise you not to rely on the operator and do it yourself if you do not need this service.

Of course, we have not listed all the disadvantages of the Smart MTS tariff. We have provided only information that has been confirmed. If you believe the reviews of subscribers, then the tariff has many more disadvantages. MTS, like other operators, never ceases to amaze with its greed and continues to impose additional costs on subscribers in various ways. If you know other disadvantages of the tariff, be sure to share this information with other subscribers in the comments.

How to activate the Smart MTS tariff

Of course, the Smart tariff is not ideal, but this is true for all tariff plans. Unfortunately, we do not have the opportunity to independently design the ideal tariff for ourselves, so we have to choose from what is available. The Smart tariff from MTS can be a good solution for many subscribers, and if you are among them, use the information below to switch to this tariff plan.

You can switch to the Smart tariff in one of the following ways:

  • Dial the command * 111 * 1024 # on your phone
  • Log in to your MTS personal account and in the “Tariffs” section, find the Smart tariff plan, then click on the appropriate button to activate the tariff;
  • If you need to switch to a tariff from your phone, we recommend using the “My MTS” application;
  • Call the MTS operator and ask to connect to the Smart tariff.
  • You can visit the nearest MTS store and buy a tariff.

Any of the above methods can be used to switch to the Smart MTS tariff. Which one to choose is up to you.

How to disable Smart tariff

Have you already used the Smart MTS tariff for some time and during this time you realized that this tariff does not suit you at all? Fortunately, MTS has many other tariffs, in addition, do not forget about the opportunity to change the operator while maintaining the number. Many subscribers are convinced that before switching to a new tariff, it is imperative to disable the old one. In fact, it is not necessary to do this, because when you connect a new tariff, the current one will be disabled automatically. However, you can disable the Smart tariff yourself, and there are several ways presented to your attention.

You can disable the Smart tariff on MTS:

  • Through your MTS personal account;
  • Using the “My MTS” application;
  • By calling the MTS help center;
  • By contacting the nearest MTS office.

This is where we will end this review. We tried to describe the Smart tariff plan in as much detail as possible. Of course, to get a more complete impression, you need to study the reviews about the Smart MTS tariff. In this regard, we ask you to actively share your feedback with other readers.

The modern rhythm of life revolves around bustle, a huge number of things to do and impressions. The global Internet makes the life of every person easier and brighter. It’s so great: when you have the opportunity in real time to see a loved one with whom you are separated by many kilometers; when it is possible to work from home, thanks to the use of the high-speed World Wide Web. It was with the goal of making the lives of subscribers better that the mobile operator MTS presented the Maxi tariff.

Tariff plan characteristics

Internet from Maxi is a new product from MTS, which has captivated the customers of this operator with round-the-clock access to the global network in large volumes for a reasonable fee.

It's not only about the necessary information, but also about watching useful videos and the latest films. The description of the tariff allows you to understand all the intricacies of its use.

It often happens that subscribers forget that they still need to check the remaining traffic so as not to be left with nothing. In any case, clients will still have the opportunity to correct the situation using the “Turbo Button” - a service that puts high-speed Internet at your disposal with favorable payment terms. You can make sure that you have remaining traffic by dialing *217#.

This tariff plan is designed for use by several gadgets. Traffic will be calculated as usual even if the SIM card is connected to a tablet or modem. Your gadget can also operate in modem mode, distributing the Internet to several devices, but their number should not exceed 6, and when creating a group, you will have to pay an additional 100 rubles for each new group member. Using a tariff outside the region where it is valid requires an additional daily payment of 50 rubles.

Connecting and disconnecting the service

MTS cares about its customers and tries to make the lives of subscribers easier and more comfortable. That is why you can choose the most suitable option for connecting to the Maxi tariff:

  • Sending a command by dialing *111*161#;
  • Connecting the service through your personal account from the official MTS website;
  • Ask for help from any company service point with a passport.

Disabling a tariff plan can be done using the same methods, with the exception of the first. The combination must be in the form of *111*161*2#.


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