Uninstalling programs using standard Windows tools. Uninstalling programs using standard Windows tools Where is uninstalling programs in Windows 10

In addition to the standard program installation methods for previous versions of Windows, version 10 has acquired several interesting services. The official Microsoft store has become available to users, from which they can conveniently install many useful applications. In addition, for command line lovers, the developers have created the ability to download software using text console commands directly from repositories.

Normal installation of programs

The Install Wizard, which is familiar to users, is also available in Windows 10. The process has not changed at all compared to previous versions - just run the installation file (or insert a disc) and follow the instructions provided.

Installing applications through the store

For those users who use a Microsoft account, the developers have created a special service - Shop. This is a huge software database stored on Microsoft servers. Many of the video games and programs presented are completely free.

All applications are convenient sorted by category, in addition, users can create their own categories with selections of programs that they think are useful. In addition, you can easily find any utility using the built-in search. The most interesting or new software is displayed in the TOP charts on the main page of the store.

To start using the store, you must be signed in to Windows 10 with your Microsoft account. After that, open the menu " Start" and select the item called " Shop" It is also worth remembering that to work with this tool, your computer must be connected to the Internet.

Installing software via OneGet

The developers have made it possible in Windows 10 to install programs directly from repositories using console commands. A similar function has been present in the Linux operating system for quite some time. Many users are put off by the lack of a graphical interface in the console, however, this is one of the the most convenient and fastest ways to download and install programs.

For example, in previous versions of Windows, if you needed to download Chrome, you would do the following:

  1. Open the standard Internet Explorer browser.
  2. Through the website, the search engine found the official page of the web browser from Google.
  3. Downloaded the installation file.
  4. We launched it and waited for the rest of the program to load.
  5. In the case of many utilities, you also had to agree to the license, click Next many times, and so on.

Using the service OneGet you can perform a complete installation of the application with just one command - “ Install-Package».

To do this, do the following:

For example, if you want to install the Opera Internet browser, use the “Install-Package Opera” command. After pressing Enter, all the necessary files will be automatically downloaded from the Microsoft repository and installed on your personal computer.

Regular program removal

Removing software in Windows 10, as before, is carried out through the utility built into the system. To call it, right-click on the menu " Start" and select the option " Programs and components" Next, you need to select the desired application and click on the Delete button, which will be displayed above the list.

Likewise, you can get to this menu in three more ways:

  • Call up the dialog box “ Execute"Using the key combination Win + R, enter the line "appwiz.cpl" and press Enter.
  • While in Windows 10 Explorer (the " This computer"), click on the button " Computer" in the top menu and select " Remove or change a program».
  • In the Start menu, right-click on the application icon and select the option “ Delete».

Delete in tablet mode

If you are using Windows 10 in tablet mode, you will most likely find it convenient to uninstall through the " Options»:

Video on the topic

Many novice computer users cannot, if necessary, correctly remove the program. What do they do when they need to remove a program? They find the folder with the program and send it to the trash, i.e. just deleted.

I once did this myself. It is not right! On the one hand, it seems that everything - the program has been deleted, but no: its other parts remain on the computer.

And over time, the remnants of various programs after removal become more and more numerous, and users look in surprise and think, where did another couple of hundred megabytes go? Now I will tell you how to correctly remove the program from your computer using standard Windows tools:

Uninstalling and changing a program

You can uninstall a program if you no longer need it or need to free up space on your hard drive. You can use Programs and Features to remove programs or change their settings by adding or removing specific settings.

1. By clicking the Start button, select the item Control Panel,

in the window that appears, select "Installing and removing programs"

after which a window appears in front of us with a list of all installed programs. We find the program that we need to remove and press the button "Delete", there may also be a button "Replace/Delete".

Some programs can not only be deleted, but also modified and restored. To change the program, click Change or Restore.
Enter the administrator password or password confirmation if prompted.

If the program you are uninstalling is not listed, it may not have been written for this version of Windows. To remove a program, see the program documentation for information.

In the next window that appears, confirm your intention to delete by clicking “Yes”

The program will be completely removed from the computer. By the way, when uninstalling different programs, this window may differ, but it is similar. If the program was in English, then the text in the window will be in English. At the end, when the program is removed, a window will most likely appear that says that the program was successfully removed.

That's all! We remove programs correctly!

If the program cannot be removed using standard means, use the uninstaller.

The system can be supplemented with third-party programs and then removed. Some applications can be put into startup, given priority, or blocked from installation. You can also designate the location where all programs will be installed by default.

Managing installed programs

Although the Windows 10 operating system differs from previous versions in greater functionality, it also contains familiar tools and services.

Control Panel in Windows 10

In Windows 10, as in earlier versions, there is a standard program through which you can uninstall and manage third-party applications.

Uninstalling an application

To remove programs from your computer, you can use the uninstall file, which is usually located in the folder with the installed program. But this file is not always provided by the developer, so you can perform this action through the “Control Panel”. While in the “Remove Programs” subsection, select one of the applications and click on the “Delete” button, after which the removal wizard will open, follow its instructions to remove unnecessary programs from your computer.

Using the "Delete" button you can uninstall programs

Video: how to remove a program on Windows 10


By giving priority to a program, you can set the percentage of computer performance that will be given to it relative to other programs. For example, if you have two browsers running simultaneously, then the one with higher priority will consume more resources and, accordingly, work faster.

Activating program startup

By adding an application to startup, you will ensure that it will start on its own every time you turn on the computer. This is convenient if you use some kind of program every time you interact with a computer. The disadvantage of this method is the load on the computer: startup programs slow down the system startup and subsequently overload it.

Prohibition on installation of programs

It is not possible to prevent the installation of a specific program using standard Windows methods. The only way to limit access to installing programs is to create a new account without administrator rights. Since almost all applications are installed as an administrator, since they make changes to the main partition of the hard drive, a regular user will not be able to use them.

If you need full control over the new account, then you can create it with the status “For a child”. In this type of account, all actions are sent to the administrator account, from which you can set additional restrictions, including on the use of certain applications.

  1. While in your computer settings, go to the “Accounts” section.
    In "Windows Settings" go to the "Accounts" section
  2. Select the “Family and other users” sub-item and click on the “Add family member” button.
    Click the “Add Family Member” button
  3. In the next step, indicate that you are creating an account for your child.
    We indicate that the account is for a child, click “Next”
  4. Fill in all the required data and confirm the action.
    Fill in the fields “Last name”, “First name”, e-mail, click “Next”
  5. Go to the official Microsoft website, log in and proceed to editing family settings.
    Log in to the Microsoft website and go to family settings
  6. In the “Applications and Games” block you can set a ban on some programs. You can only block applications that have already been launched at least once.
    Block access to some applications if necessary

Video: Parental controls in Windows 10

Installing incompatible programs

Video: Working with Compatibility Mode

Changing the location of installed programs

To change the default location for new applications to be installed, follow these steps:

The system does not allow you to install the application

Sometimes when you try to install an application, you may see a message stating that the program may be dangerous for the system, and you cannot continue the process. In this case, there are two options: the program being installed is really dangerous, check it with an antivirus to make sure it is safe, or, if you are confident in the reliability of the program, disable Windows Defender - the built-in antivirus that prevents you from installing. Remember that this may lead to adverse consequences.

Sometimes the system can block a program that it considers unwanted

To temporarily disable Defender, open Task Manager, find the Windows Defender process, and end it. This will pause the defender for 10-15 minutes, then it will start again. During this time you will have time to install the program.

Terminating the Windows Defender process

There may be another reason why the system does not allow you to install the application: the installation file does not have a registered license that guarantees its safety. This should also make you wary: secure programs would most likely receive a certificate. At your own risk, you can bypass the system ban by disabling the UAC (User Account Control) check. Please note that to do this you need to be logged in as an administrator.

Why do apps take a long time to install and how to fix it

The reasons why a particular program takes a long time to install can be different:

  • the installation file is damaged or is intended for a different system capacity;
  • the computer or some of its components are overloaded with an abundance of running processes, programs or tasks in progress, so very little productivity is allocated to the installation;
  • the hard drive is full and the installed program cannot find a place for itself;
  • the hard drive is divided into incorrectly located cells;
  • If the problem occurs with large applications, then the process may be slowed down by the antivirus, since during installation it simultaneously scans all files added to the system.

So, the main reason for long installations is weak, overloaded or broken computer components or unoptimized installation files.

In most cases, removing unnecessary programs from startup will help, as indicated earlier. Removing unnecessary programs and defragmenting the disk can also help speed up your computer. You should also disable your antivirus during installation so that it does not slow down your work.

Programs in Windows 10 can be installed, uninstalled, added to startup and given priority. If the system does not allow you to install or launch the application, then disable the built-in antivirus and certificate checking. When working with programs, remember to monitor the load they place on your computer.

Over time, a huge number of installed but unused programs accumulate on the system. Unnecessary applications take up a significant portion of the memory on your hard drive and significantly slow down your computer. This problem is especially relevant when each of these applications strives to get into startup and launch along with the OS. Often the user is not even aware of this. Today we’ll talk about how to remove a program in Windows 10 and make the “life” of your own PC easier.

Uninstalling unnecessary components is as important a procedure as removing trash from an apartment. In this manual, we will look in detail at all removal methods, including those tools that were already pre-installed on the system. There are many ways to uninstall programs in Windows 10:

  • using section ;
  • using the uninstallation service generated during application installation;
  • applying Windows 10 settings;
  • using the delete option via the menu;
  • using PowerShell;
  • downloading special tools.

Let's move on to consider each method and draw some conclusions about their convenience and effectiveness.

Manual removal (including removal of pre-installed programs) is the first group of options that does not require the installation of additional software. Let's look at several types of actions.


One of the simplest and most familiar methods from previous versions of Windows. The uninstallation sequence (except for standard utilities) in this case can be represented as follows:

  1. Go to the control panel. To do this, click on the search icon next to the menu and enter the corresponding query, after which we go to the first result:

  1. Among the numerous blocks we find and go to it:

  1. The system will compile a list containing all applications, among which you need to find the one you want, click on it and press the button. The application will be completely uninstalled from the computer:

As you can see, removal in this way occurs as quickly as possible and does not require any additional actions. Let's move on to another method.

Through the uninstallation service of the program itself

To use this option, you need to find the folder with the installed program on your hard drive. By default, any component on Windows 10 is installed in the folder « ProgramFiles" to the system disk. If the user did not change the installation path, the application will be installed in this folder.

Knowing the location of the desired folder, you need to carry out the following sequence of actions:

  1. Open the folder and find a file called « exe":

  1. Let's run this file. The uninstallation wizard will open:

  1. We follow all the instructions of the master.

This method will be useful when for some reason the desired application is not displayed in the automatically generated list.

Let's move on to an alternative course of action.

Through system parameters

Any application can also be deleted through the system settings. This option was added to Windows 10 and could not be used on previous versions of the OS. To implement it you need to follow the following instructions:

  1. Open the menu and click on the gear symbol to go to the OS parameters:

  1. Opening the block:

  1. In the proposed list, find the desired option, click on it and click on . If the list is too large, you can find the application you need using the built-in search bar:

You can also open this menu by pressing the Win + X key combination on your keyboard and going to the item:

You can also get to this menu by request in the search bar located directly next to “Start”:

In essence, this method is similar to uninstallation through the control panel. Let's go to consider another option.

Via the menu

In this case, everything is simple - so much so that there is no need to even write separate instructions.

  1. To remove it through the Start menu, simply find it among all the items, right-click and select:

  1. A window will open, instructions for uninstalling through which are located two points above:

Let's look at another, more non-standard way to remove programs on Windows 10.

Via Windows PowerShell

Windows 10 comes to the user with a huge number of built-in components and applications (for example, the Photos application or the Calculator utility), which do not have an uninstaller and cannot be removed through the general ones (they simply do not appear in such lists). Let's figure out how to remove built-in applications in Windows 10.

You can remove standard programs using the PowerShell technology provided by the developers. To take advantage of this opportunity, you must carry out the following set of actions:

  1. Click on the search icon next to Start and enter the appropriate query, then select the first result, right-click and select the item:

  1. We register Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName to get a list of all installed programs. Press Enter. The most important line for us will be PackageFullName, because it contains full names:

  1. Find the full name of the required component from this list and enter the command to remove it Get-AppxPackage APPLICATION_NAME |Remove-AppxPackage –package(the application name must be taken from the listPackageFullName). This method will remove even those programs that cannot be removed using standard means. Press Enter and the removal from the PC will be carried out without any accompanying notifications. There is no need to worry - the uninstallation is not complete, because you can restore deleted programs of this kind by simply downloading them from the official store.

PowerShell is extremely interesting because it can be used to, for example, remove an application from the Microsoft store. In fact, this is the only way to remove such programs. It is recommended for more experienced users to use it, since a person takes responsibility for such changes in the OS.

Let's move on to the next group of methods.

Removal using additional tools

There are a large number of programs designed to uninstall components in Windows 10 and clean the OS as a whole. Let's look at the most popular and user-tested options. All of them can be used on systems of any bit size – both x32 Bit and x64 Bit. It is only important to remind you that you should not use unlicensed programs, because removing software is an operation that has a direct impact on the OS.

– an extremely convenient program for removing any Windows components. In order to take advantage of its capabilities, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Open the application. The bottom part of the window displays the number of installed programs and the amount of memory they occupy:

  1. Right-click on the component that needs to be removed and click on « :

  1. Select the removal mode. By default, normal is activated. It is recommended to use this:

  1. The process of creating a system restore point will start, after which the standard uninstall wizard window will open, with the help of which you will need to carry out the uninstallation procedure.

Let's move on to the next utility for removing installed programs.

– the most simple utility that does not require any additional knowledge from the user.

  1. At the first launch, a list of installed applications is generated, among which you need to select the one you want, click on it and press the button in the top menu:

  1. The removal process is no different from the standard one. The point of using such utilities is only that many of them remove all connections left by the program being removed and compile the most complete lists of available applications.

Let's move on to the last utility.

is undoubtedly the most popular utility for cleaning the system, excluding startup from startup, and removing components, among other things. In order to use it, you do not need to read separate instructions - you just need to open this tool, go to the section "Service", stay in tab "Remove programs" and select the one you need there. Having selected, click on the button "Uninstallation" in the right menu. The removal process is similar to the previous ones:

At its core, the process of using CCleaner is similar to using the control panel built into the system.

Removing uninstallable programs

A situation may arise when the application is simply not uninstalled. The only way to remove an uninstallable program is to remove data about it from the registry:

  1. Open the system registry. To do this, press the combination Win + R on the keyboard. A window will open where we enter the command « , then click on "OK" or Enter :

  1. Be sure to make a backup copy of the registry before making any changes. To do this, go to the tab "File" from the main menu, click on , select the location to save the copy and create it:

  1. Let's go along the path:

  1. We find the name of the required component in this list or select it from among the numerous codes. If the name is not specified in the folder, it will be displayed in the key « DisplayName":

  1. Double click on the key « and copy its value:

  1. Press Win + R again and paste the copied data, then press "OK" or Enter. The program will be removed from the PC:

It is necessary to clarify that changes to the registry must be made with extreme caution. It contains a large number of keys, and therefore the user must know exactly which ones can be deleted and which ones are best left untouched, because forcibly deleting important components can lead to OS instability. However, the registry option can help remove spyware from the OS.

Results and comments

We have fully covered how to uninstall unnecessary and remove standard applications from a PC. All of the above options are effective and can be used in a specific situation. Choosing one of them is a decision for each individual user, since all methods are convenient in their own way.

Video instruction

For clarity, we recorded a separate video with an overview of how to remove any program installed on a computer or laptop.

Microsoft tries to make its operating system as user-friendly as possible, but not everyone agrees with its decisions. In Windows 10, the familiar Programs and Features panel has been replaced by a new one. If you are conservative enough and want to use the old version, then here are some ways to do it.

Via "Control Panel"

To open the old menu through the “Control Panel”, you first need to find it. To do this, click on the search icon next to the Start menu and enter the query “Control Panel”.

In Control Panel, find the Programs icon and click Uninstall a program underneath it.

Using the Start Menu

A fairly simple method, however, it does not work with pre-installed applications and downloaded from the Microsoft store. Open Start, select an application and right-click on it. In the menu that appears, click “Delete”. The classic Programs and Features panel opens.

However, there is a possibility that this method will no longer work. Microsoft wants you to master the new interface. Well, while you have the opportunity, take advantage of it.

Via the Run dialog box

Windows has a hidden command that launches the Programs and Features menu. To use it, press the Win + R keys. In the dialog box that appears, enter the command and click “Ok”:

By creating a shortcut

To create a shortcut, right-click on the desktop and select “New” → “Shortcut”. In the "Specify object location" field, paste the following command:

rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl


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