Must read: A huge selection of cases on SEO and internet marketing. Must read: A huge selection of cases on SEO and Internet marketing Grouping keywords by product listings

Dear friends, I decided to make a selection of useful cases on how to increase website traffic.

For many years, I have been storing the best materials in various areas of Russian and English SEO in my Evernote bookmarks, and from time to time I look through them to refresh my memory of interesting developments.

It's time to share your bins with the site's readers 😉

In fact, there are many, many more cases on how to increase website traffic in RuNet than I cited in the article. But a significant part of them is uninformative and does not provide any value.

I collected only those cases that I liked and which contain interesting tips and work. All cases relate to promotion in the Russian-language segment of the Internet.

I ran into a small problem when compiling the list. Many sites do not have a normal title image in their articles. This is truly a disaster :) Therefore, for screenshots, I simply used the title of the article or statistics with a traffic graph.

It is advisable not just to look through the listed articles, but to briefly write down the ideas you like, and then be sure to apply them to promote your sites. That's what I do myself.

I arranged the cases in random order.

A selection of cases to increase traffic

So, let's go! 🙂

Taxi website promotion case

An interesting point in this case is that before creating the site, the necessary search queries were collected and it was found that in the taxi industry there is a very large proportion of queries with the word “cheap”. Based on this, a domain was registered that contained this word.

Based on the analysis of competitors' sites, we created approximately the same number of pages on the promoted site as the competitors' average.

Service pages have H2 subheadings in the form of questions that users often ask along with the search query promoted for this page. From my own experience, I can say that this has a positive effect on increasing traffic.

🔥 By the way! I have released a paid course on promoting English-language websites. If you are interested, you can apply for the early list through this form to be the first to know about the release of the course and receive a special discount.

Promotion in RuNet.
@burzhunet - English-language SEO.

Taking advantage of my official position, I remembered my own case :)

Back in 2008, I conducted a public experiment and increased traffic to my blog from 350 to 1000 people per day in 10 weeks and on time. After which I wrote a series of 4 articles, telling in detail what and how I did to increase traffic to my site.

Although it was written a long time ago, much of the information in it is still relevant today.

Plus this is the only case in RuNet that consists of 4 parts 😉

Liberta case: promoting a mirror production site with ROI 501%

I have been convinced many times in practice that creating and regularly maintaining a blog on a commercial website is an effective way to increase traffic. In this case, this method was used.

The article discusses the method of additional optimization of content, which I also actively practice; I wrote about it in a post. This approach works great both on the RuNet and on the English-language Internet.

SEO for a Moscow online spare parts store with a budget of 15,000 ₽ per month

  • The reference mass decreased gradually.
  • A lot of work has been done to improve the optimization, functionality and structure of the site.
  • Commercial factors have been refined.

As a result of the actions taken, site traffic in Yandex increased from 2,500 to 10,500 visitors per month. And this is on a limited budget.

Case: how did website traffic increase 8 times in 4 months?

Petr Aleksandrov has an interesting approach - he collects the semantic core not for the entire site at once, but for its individual categories, so as not to waste time.

The post mentions that strong keyword highlighting has been removed. I also often notice that many site owners still highlight queries promoted on the page in bold. This has stopped working for several years now. Moreover, because of this, the site may fall under search engine filters.

Increase in search traffic from 60 to 4500 transitions per month

To promote this site, articles were also used, of which 15 were published per month. Some articles mentioned numbers in their titles, for example, “5 amazingly unusual ideas for curtains in the living room”, “7 details that will make your curtains irresistible”.

As you know, articles with numerals in the titles are more effective than regular ones. They are especially good for attracting visitors from social networks.

I liked that the case describes the creation of an e-mail newsletter on a promoted site. This is an effective way to form a permanent audience of site readers. Some visitors will visit the site again and again thanks to the newsletter.

Search engines take into account such repeat visitors, and this works well for website promotion. Plus, search engines take into account the share of non-search traffic on sites.

The more visitors not from search (transfers from letters, from social networks, from other thematic sites, etc.), the better.

Case: from 106,276 to 411,956 search visitors per month

E-mail marketing was used, a blog was created and a technical audit was carried out.

Along with other measures, this provided the necessary impetus for a significant increase in attendance.

Case: increase in traffic to a news resource by 3.5 times in 6 months

Promoting news sites has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account.

I have a news website that is being promoted. The key to success in this area is to conduct thorough work on internal optimization and eliminate technical problems in order to properly prepare the site for inclusion in major news aggregators.

If everything is done correctly, then in a few months the site will receive good traffic from news aggregators:

  • Yandex News
  • Google News
  • Rambler News
  • Liveinternet news
  • Novoteka

Once included in news aggregators, the issue of obtaining quality links is also resolved - news will be quoted by other news sites and a link to the source will be provided.

Judging by the actions described in the case, everything was done correctly.

Case: Content project growth by 1.5 times to 1 million visitors

It was decided to move the promoted site to a dedicated IP in order to avoid “bad” proximity to sites of gray topics.

Detailed 5-page instructions were written on the design of articles and their content.

An analysis and optimization of old pages was also carried out, the positions of which were in 20-30 places. When a query is already on page 2-3 of search results, in many cases a small adjustment of texts and metagets is enough to get the query to the top.

When creating new articles, we studied popular articles from leading competitors that attract traffic, and based on them, topics for new materials were selected.

Case: how to increase traffic for an online store of household appliances by 4 times

What I liked about this case were the following:

  1. Reviews were used on product pages, which provided additional traffic.
  2. Separate pages of the form: tag and tag+brand were created in order to attract targeted visitors based on search tips.
  3. A/B tests were conducted to improve conversion and increase profits.

Case: promotion of construction services

Perhaps the most beautiful picture of all the cases 😉

Some of the main areas of monetary expenditure for this site were:

  • Video Content Creation
  • Buying quality links, reviews and press releases
  • High-quality content for the site

The structure of the site and the formatting of content on the pages were redesigned.

To attract additional traffic, a blog was created in which about 300 articles were published.

How to increase website traffic by 2 times due to “unnecessary requests”

The emphasis in this example is on attracting targeted commercial traffic for low-frequency queries.

As a result of analyzing search queries in the selected topic, it was found that 60% of traffic comes from queries of 5 or more words in length.

Based on the data obtained, the tagging method was used.

What is tagging? This is the optimization of tag pages, as well as the creation of new tags for low-frequency queries, usually used on online store sites.

As a result, the site began to receive an additional 3,500 targeted visitors only for low-frequency queries, without taking into account mid- and high-frequency queries.

Promotion of a medical website - a general clinic

Promoting medical websites has its own characteristics. The case describes that work was carried out to add a site to medical portals, and activities were also carried out to attract targeted traffic from regional forums.

The promoted site has been added to Google My Business and Yandex Directory.

In addition, press releases and articles about the clinic’s services were posted on regional portals and news sites, which also brought additional visitors.

In this case, I liked that the page loading speed was accelerated.

Case: a new site in the TOP of Yandex in a year and a half

Before starting work, the client did not yet have a website, so a detailed analysis of the websites of leading competitors in the heating sector was carried out.

Taking this into account, the website was created and its internal optimization was carried out.

Subsequently, based on the analysis of pages from the top 10 for the necessary queries, the semantic core was expanded.

Crowd marketing as a service has one very important feature - confidentiality. Therefore, we really appreciate the moments when the team has the opportunity to publish a case with real data from clients.

The search for tricks and life hacks in SEO has long faded into the background. Systematic work on the site from different sides gives results with a higher degree of probability than several chips applied to the site.

There are life hacks and you need to look for them, but today we’ll talk about complex thinking, building a strategy and expectations from link building and look at a case.
If you don’t want to read long discussions, you can go straight to the case.

Internet marketing consists of dozens of tools, most of which can be assessed and measured individually.

SEO is one of the most difficult areas to predict. You can do technical optimization of the site according to the recommendations of Google or Yandex, but this will not guarantee results, it will rather increase the likelihood of you winning in this game, nothing more.

The component of SEO that is most difficult to evaluate is links.

The Question No SEO Specialist Can Solve

There is no answer to this question. SEO specialists build a website promotion strategy based on niche analysis, competitors’ promotion methods, gut instincts and ideas.

Suppose there is a website with ideal technical optimization according to Google help, with a good behavioral profile, but the pages are far from the top and do not receive enough targeted traffic due to the weak link profile of the pages. How to determine enough links of the right quality to get the desired positions, without paying too much?

The material was prepared and presented by an SEO specialist at LemonDog Tolstenko Alexander. Data is current as of 06/13/16.

The taxi website promotion case describes well how you can develop your resource in a natural way, without boosting behavioral factors and purchasing links, with minimal development and promotion costs.

Initial data

  • Website:
  • Subject: transportation of passengers (taxi service)
  • Region: Saint Petersburg
  • TIC 0, PR 0
  • Domain age: 186 days
  • Traffic: 0-5 people/day
  • Start of promotion: February 2016

About six months passed after the launch of Minusinsk in Yandex, during which time many large sites fell under the filter, but also many got rid of it. Nowadays you can find a number of cases on the Internet about how webmasters escaped the filter, what they did to achieve this, and what the result was.

And there are no secrets here, mostly site owners remove links. Some people remove everything at once, others come up with clever strategies for cleaning the reference mass. During this time I also managed to help several projects fix the filter situation. In this article I will share my method of filtering links using the example of a printing house website.

Increase in orders: +24%

The case was prepared by SEO-Impulse and presented by an SEO specialist Maxim Akulov.

This case demonstrates how to promote a young website in a short period of time at minimal cost using natural improvement of behavioral factors and optimization of the commercial component of the resource.

Initial data:

This example perfectly demonstrates how good preparatory work saves money on links and produces good results.

Initial data:

Construction site;
- Titz 10, PR 0, domain age - 5 years;
- About 110 unique articles (mostly scans from books);
- 15 optimized articles (copywriting);
- 800 visitors per day, 83% of traffic goes to 1 successful article;
- Targeting: Russia and CIS countries.

Target: Significantly and qualitatively increase search traffic

Task: Update the design, change the CMS system, change the structure, write and fill with content

Project initial data:

Online store dedicated to “auto” in Moscow and regions

Visibility according to the high-frequency semantic core – 0%

More 40,000 pages Online

Confusing internal navigation structure

Budget for promotion 150,000 rub. per month

Project audit

A detailed audit of the site was carried out using 11 key indicators:

  1. Selection and analysis of search queries
  2. Technical aspects of optimization
  3. Optimizing website documents
  4. Site content
  5. Website optimization for mobile devices
  6. External factors
  7. Social signals
  8. Security issues

The audit revealed the following critical errors:

The site is accessible and indexed on 4 mirrors:


The result of the mass deletion of documents and sections of the site was the presence of a large number of pages giving code 404

Reducing the search index. Weighted speed of full site indexing once every 207 days.

Most of the documents are located on 5,6, 10+ site levels

Average loading time for website documents – 0.98 sec.

A chain of incorrect 301 redirects leading to page 404

Doubles main site documents

More 1500 internal broken links, including in “bread crumbs”

Absence mobile or adaptive version of the site

Not connected SSL certificate

A number of optimization errors, such as: non-unique, long page title titles. Duplicate meta descriptions of pages, lack of structured markup for products. No H1 headers were found on a large number of pages. The ALT attribute is not specified for site images.

An unexpected benefit was presence of external links from authoritative resources, however, their age was only 7-9 months. The growth dynamics of external link mass is positive, correctly distributed across the internal pages of the site.

The site is also present in the Yandex catalog in the "Auto" section.

Social cues are virtually non-existent.

An analysis of the main behavioral factors showed that some landing pages on the site have failure rate over 80%

An audit of website and server vulnerabilities revealed bugs in the PHP version, the CMS itself is a year out of date.

No signs of SPAM were detected.

SEO website promotion strategy step by step

  • Step. 1 All technical errors identified during the audit process were corrected.
  • Step. 2 The robots.txt and sitemap.xml indexing files are configured correctly.
  • Step. 3 A semantic core of 99,852 keys has been collected in depth. Clusters of targeted commercial and information requests were selected.
  • Step. 4 Relevant keys are distributed across site pages to optimize texts and resource meta data.
  • Step. 5 New prototypes of pages with a high bounce rate have been developed
  • Step. 6 Optimized site navigation structure
  • Step. 7 A website blog concept for content promotion was developed, and a detailed editorial plan for 2 years was created. A character map has been created and a style for presenting information has been formed. Implemented internal link structure.
  • Step. 8 A team has been selected to create expert content on the following topics: cars, spare parts, tire service. The team included several experts, an editor, and an optimizer.
  • Step. 9 Content is published on the site with a regularity of 2-3 expert articles per week + 3 news reviews.
  • Step. 10 A number of thematic social and external platforms have been selected for regular broadcasting of content.

Website promotion result

During the peak season month, an increase in traffic was registered + 11,420 unique visitors compared to the reporting period last year.

With the same search traffic conversion rate of 0.50%, the number of “purchase” goals achieved increased by 150% in direct proportion to incoming traffic.

More than 400 key queries were included in the TOP 10 search results of Yandex and Google.

A feature and important advantage of the chosen promotion strategy is its resistance to changes in ranking algorithms. did not in any way affect the dynamics of traffic growth, however, pessimization was noticed in the results of competitors’ sites using SEO copywriting tools.

The advantages of the strategy also include the cumulative effect of content in the information part of the site. Even after the decline in publication turnover, the dynamics of organic traffic growth remained.

Difficulties in project implementation

The main problem in implementing the strategy was the qualifications of personnel. About 30 authors were reviewed, of which 4 had the proper level of expertise, and as a result, 2 candidates were approved.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that SEO promotion methods based on holes and loopholes in ranking algorithms certainly work, but they only work for the time being. In the context of dynamically developing methods of machine learning and neural networks, the most reliable and effective remains method of creating high-quality websites with useful content, and yes, this truth is an eyesore, but the fact remains a fact. Based on the experience of our agency, we are convinced of this time after time!

And one more thing: you shouldn’t expect similar results with a budget for SEO promotion of 20,000 rubles.

Texterra has created the largest selection of cases on Internet marketing. I don’t know how to find the time to read them all…. But you need to do it!) This collection is definitely worth your attention.

Here you will find:

Cases on website promotion and increasing traffic

Case from Russia: How Radario gathered an audience of 200 thousand people in one day on the “Theater.Go” project
How to grow from 2 clients to 102 in a year - experience of the Mneniya.Pro review collection service
White case: Increasing traffic to a construction site by 12 times in 4 months without using exchange links
Case for promoting a wallpaper and curtains store: increasing search traffic from 60 to 4,500 clicks per month
Experience of the ​ trading platform: How a Russian project can achieve payback in 4 months
Case: how to increase search traffic several times for an online store in 3-4 months
Case: increase in traffic to a news resource by 3.5 times in 6 months
Case "Megatrus" - promotion of a young website in Moscow
Case: Roller coaster in Yandex
Promotion of a construction site. Case: promotion of construction services
Threefold increase in organic traffic for the legal portal
Case: portal promotion from despair to the beginning of success from 460 to 17,700 people per month
An example of website promotion using low frequencies. Case "Hotels in Kharkov"
Simple examples of improving website traffic and conversion. TEL Hosting data center case
Case of bringing a young website to the highly competitive TOP
Case: how we brought a high-frequency query to the TOP 10
Case: Treating a website with proper internal optimization
Case: Templates theme for the USA. Increase in attendance by 2 times in 1 year
Case. Forex blog for the USA from 0 to 8000 visitors per day
Impact of publication date on traffic from Google
SEO trick with publication date
Fresh case: in the TOP after internal optimization
Case: promoting an event request
We increase traffic by 8 times, increase income by 5 times!

Cases on removing search engine filters

Case: removing a website from the Penguin filter
Case: Link disavowal tool is not enough to remove Google penalties
How Google's Disavow Links Tool Really Works to Protect Against Penguin
Case about removing Google's filter for low-quality links
Case: removing Penguin automatic sanctions and increasing ROI by 4 times
Mini case: quick removal of manual Google sanctions from a foreign site
Case: how to remove Google’s manual sanctions and return positions and traffic
Case: How we dealt with Panda and returned traffic to the site
Case study on the withdrawal of an online store of heating and water supply equipment from the Google Panda filter: ROI 338%
Case study on removing a website from the Google Panda filter
How to get out of the filter for cheating PF: real experience using the example of several sites
Case: How we removed the site from the filter for PF cheating
Case: removal from the Yandex filter for “invisible” spam
How to get out of the Yandex filter for advertising that is not on the site
A tale of two kingdoms: cases of leaving affiliation
How we removed the site from the filter for over-optimization
How to get out of the filter for over-optimization? Two real cases
How technical problems with affected its search traffic
How to remove a website from the filter: 8 non-standard cases
Case for removing the Yandex automatic filter: returning traffic in 44 days
Case: Unbanning an AdWords account

Cases on boosting behavioral factors

Case: how I cheated behavioral factors, and after 3 years Yandex burned me
My experience in boosting PF for Yandex: is it worth it?..
How I “twisted” behavioral factors
Cheating behavioral factors: ready to catch the filter?
Cheating PF in Movebo: 5 anti-cases
Do you want to receive practical advice and cases on internet marketing to your email? Subscribe to our newsletter. The episodes are not published anywhere, but the content is really worthwhile. You can see this for yourself:
The most creative landing page you've ever seen
How to start an email newsletter if you don’t have a database?
Why do your business need cases? Texterra experience
Content that must be on your blog

Cases on content marketing and PR

Internal and external content marketing: case
Why 98% of texts on your sites don't work. At all. And how to fix it
Why your content doesn't work: my personal case
How to increase website traffic by 620%? 3 turn-based strategies
When will content marketing not help you?
Maxim Ilyakhov on how to correctly compose a text with a story about yourself
About content marketing in the USA using a case example: 51 publications in 5 months
Promotion of a complex niche product in RuNet - the experience of the Webartex article exchange
How a startup can attract first traffic in RuNet - the experience of the Russian project “Shopping Smartly”
How to write a headline and not screw it up - using the example of the IKEA catalog
How to increase website sales by 47% in 2 hours for free using new headlines
PR cases: The most successful publications of Russian IT startups
Case: hidden marketing to increase sales of an online store
A colossus with feet of clay or the vulnerability of companies on the Internet. A real case of black PR

Cases on natural improvement of behavioral factors

Mosigra: How we increased user time on the site by 6 times
Case: Reducing the number of failures by 2 times due to adaptive design
Case: How to attract and retain visitors to a news site?
Case: How to revive regional online media with visitors
How to increase your post views by 158%
Skyeng case: Step-by-step instructions for creating a mobile version of the site
We improve behavioral factors and reach the top. Calculator on the website

Cases on improving conversion and conducting A/B tests

How we increased the conversion of a house construction site by 24% in 1 day
Case: from 50 to 100 registrations per day. Optimizing the registration form
Mosigra: How to increase conversion using product descriptions
How 3 Minor Changes to Your Price List Page Helped Increase Sales
Benefit from Growth Hacks: How CPU Reader Improved Your Payment Funnel in Two Minutes
“Live” usability: test drive of the website of the Planeta Kino cinema chain
TJournal Experiment: Which Social Buttons Bring More Traffic
How to increase website conversion by 2 times without financial costs
Increasing conversion on a strip club website
How to increase landing page conversion by 30% by setting up just one report in Google Analytics correctly
Placing an order in the cart. From complex to simple
5x increase in conversion rate for a website selling CRM systems
Why A/B tests reduce conversion - the experience of the Russian company Driveback
Wargaming experience: how to increase views on YouTube using A/B tests
Case of a Russian project: Which online service to choose for A/B testing
“Add to cart” vs. “Buy in one click”: +58% to conversion

VKontakte promotion cases

Cases of targeted advertising on VKontakte using the Cerebro Target application
20 cases on VKontakte targeting
A selection of the best articles on Target VK
Case: promotion of VKontakte creative evening of Emir Kusturica
Case for selling tickets to a concert of the musical group OdnoNo
Case: VK targeting for a free online conference
10,000 adult subscribers to the VK group for 10,000 rubles
Case study on attracting people to an event at a yoga center
Case: promotion of automotive products on VKontakte
Case: targeting for a weight loss center
Case: promotion of a foreign language school
Case study on working with a trend in targeted advertising
Case on targeted advertising of gifts
Case “Online store of Chinese smartphones”
How we made the first post smelling like socks
Testing mobile advertising on VKontakte - ZakaZaka experience
Case: how effective is advertising in the MDK public
How to gain 60 thousand VKontakte subscribers in a month and a half?
How to attract 400 thousand people to the site through the VKontakte exchange in three months
Case: advertising post with a fake survey
Case: Increasing the number of VKontakte subscribers by reposting
Read also: 200 most shared posts on Internet marketing in RuNet

Cases of promotion on Facebook

The benefits of targeted advertising on Facebook - the case of the advertising company Aitarget
Facebook can't cope with targeting: Megafon case
What I learned after a year of working with Facebook advertising tools
How can you use the Pepper.Ninja service to reduce your Facebook advertising costs by three times?
How to attract your target audience on Facebook for 3 rubles
How to get into the Facebook gaming top: the case of Plarium

Cases of promotion on Instagram
Case study on promotion on Instagram using the example of National Geographic Russia
LEGO Russia campaign on Instagram: task, main stages and results
Odnoklassniki launched a New Year's quest on Instagram
How to gain 25 thousand followers on Instagram in 2 months
How to promote a business on Instagram with your own hands in six months without cheating
Case: restaurant promotion on Instagram
How to CORRECTLY conduct contests on Instagram

Cases on email marketing

Email marketing case:
Artem Chukanov: How Kinokhod launched email newsletters
Milestones for entrepreneurs or how to get your first 1000 subscribers
[CASE] Email marketing that helps you get Clients
Case on email marketing. Resuscitation letter with open rate 34%
How not to reactivate email subscribers: the experience of Netology
Letters of happiness: How Russian online stores remind you of “forgotten baskets”
How Russian online stores collect their databases for email campaigns
Email Marketing Anti-Case: How Mailchimp Banned Me, and I Lost Trust and My Entire Subscriber Base
The postman rings twice, or How to increase the open rate
Benefits with delivery: what newsletters are interesting to read
Choosing the best email service: review and comparison of the 17 most popular companies on the market
How to recruit subscribers to your newsletter by violating usability rules, or Increasing the conversion rate of your subscription form

Video marketing cases

Shanti-Shanti.rf: how to promote an online store using video reviews? store case: How to increase traffic by 200% using an iPhone and a mustache
Case: A video from the KidBurg children's center about a stressful interview became the leader of Russian YouTube
Analysis of the viral case “Raccoons caused a riot in the office of a Moscow company”
Case. Launching a new product on the market using video
Case on creating a viral advertising video for the Kopikot service
Video channel of one of the best Russian agencies for creating viral videos

Cases on creating viral content

15 ways to make an Internet project go viral - experience
Case from Ukraine: How the viral effect on Facebook helped attract users to the service
How to sell an apartment with the help of cats: Mosaic and Maxus project for Sberbank
"Svyaznoy.Eda": How to collect 7,000 subscribers using an April Fool's draw
How to make a viral landing page: 7 examples and a case

Cases for creating landing pages

Case: How to collect 2,000 email addresses using a salary expense counter
Rocketbank experience: how to make effective landing pages for business
Common mistakes when creating customized landing pages
Case: How to sell 10,000 products on 1 landing page and earn 5 million rubles per month
How to earn one and a half million from one page in a week
Case study of a selling landing page for a website in the topic “wholesale children’s clothing”: ROI 9980%

Cases on the use of online chats, call tracking systems and other services

Case: how disabling active chat invitations reduced the number of our calls by 12 times
[Experiment] CallBack widget “we’ll call you in 30 seconds” as a method of attracting clients
Reader's case: How to increase the number of calls from a website using the Chaser widget
How to track customer calls - the experience of the Russian eCRM platform PrimeContext
Case from Russia: Why call tracking is needed and how to use it in your project
Case from Russia: How the online furniture store Hoff tracks calls from the site
Case “5x increase in website conversion without increasing the budget”
Read also: 96 killer content ideas for social networks

Cases on creating and promoting mobile applications

Case of the Mint application: Tricks to reach the top 3 of the Russian App Store
App Store: How to attract the attention of Apple users and editors to a paid application
Case from Russia: How the “Wallpapers for iPhone” application got to the top of the App Store
Anatoly Sharifulin, “Island”: How to optimize applications in the App Store and Google Play
Creating a mobile application in the competitive air ticket sales market - the experience of Svyaznoy Travel
How to lose 3 million and learn how to make projects - Redmadrobot experience
How to achieve 30% of sales through a mobile application - experience of the VisaToHome service
Case from Russia: How the music service Hitster tested its Android application on users before launch
Case from Russia: How the “My Water” project got into the top 10 paid applications in the App Store
Pocket DJ experience: How to attract 6,500 activations from VKontakte in a couple of weeks
Sharing our experience: Creating a mobile application for a website builder

Cases on increasing sales during a crisis and on New Year's Eve

Case: doubling the number of orders during a crisis
Spotty's experience: How to launch the production of fitness trackers for dogs during a crisis
Case: “Black Friday”, or Black Friday in online marketing
Case: how to sell 5 tons of carp in a week without a penny for advertising
New Year's activities of Russian companies
Reader's case: How an online store can increase sales before the New Year
Case of the Russian company Startwish: How the New Year helped the service grow 20 times
+ 1,350,000 users to the Raffaello public for the New Year

Cases of promotion offline / offline events

How a minibus driver promotes a personal brand
Advertising in elevators to improve PF?
How we did the project that Forbes wrote about
Advertising on asphalt: How a Russian startup tested the effectiveness of the channel
Case on Seopub: how to hold a cool event with a minimal budget
Case on Face2Face: life hacks for organizing a conference for 400 participants
How we promoted the online conference “iSmoking Room”
Case from Russia: How to use free Wi-Fi and boobs to promote a project

So, we have our first result, which we are not ashamed to boast about. That's why We present to you a case study on SEO optimization using the example of one article from our website. Thanks to the analysis of queries in Yandex Webmaster and Search Console, for which our article was shown in search results and competent promotion of the article, we managed to increase traffic to the page with the article by almost 6 times! 6 times, Karl!

Initial data: Article "". Published December 14, 2016. Indexed by Yandex on December 21, 2016, at the 13th position in the main search results, according to the request that the article is titled, a week later, namely on December 29, it rises to the 4th position.

Finalization of the article

After an analysis of search queries, with the help of which additional keywords and phrases were identified, it was decided to make changes to the content and SEO settings of the article.

1. Changed title And snippet. We removed words that users do not use in their requests; if the title initially sounded: “How to properly configure Yandex Direct - instructions for use,” now it has become “How to correctly configure Yandex Direct - step-by-step instructions for IM.”

What means? Using the IM prefix, we made the title unique and indicated that the instructions were step-by-step.

We identified articles on the site that also received a high rating from Yandex and were indexed at least in the TOP 10, and also in one way or another relate to Yandex Direct or contextual advertising. From these articles, links were placed to the promoted article; key phrases were used as anchors: “Direct, Yandex Direct and Setting up Yandex Direct.”

3. Improved the behavioral factor.

Article SEO optimization results

Starting from January 20th, we began to appear in the TOP 10 of the main search results for queries such as “Setting up Yandex Direct”, “Direct” and even for the query “Yandex Direct”!

As a result, from December 14 to January 14, this article had 166 visitors, and from January 15 to February 15 there were already 976. It is not difficult to calculate that the traffic growth was 587%.

According to data as of February 16, 2017, we are in the TOP 10 of Yandex search results in Russia and Moscow, for a request with a frequency of more than 114,000 per month. And in the TOP 3 for a request with a frequency of more than 3000 per month. Moreover, in both cases these are not general indicators, but an exact entry. Therefore, we can safely add to this a huge tail of low-frequency queries.


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