Check if flash player is working. How to find out the version of Adobe Flash Player

For normal operation of any browser, additional components are required, otherwise Internet pages will not load completely, and many features will not be available at all. One of the main components of any Internet browser is Flash Player. Without it, you will not be able to view animations on Internet pages, play Flash games, etc. Also, the version of Flash Player must be updated from time to time.

You will need

  • - Computer with Windows OS;
  • - Revo Uninstaller program.


  • There are several ways to see what version of this program is installed on your computer. The first way is this. Click Start. Go to "Control Panel". Next, select the “Add or Remove Programs” component. Depending on the type of menu and version of the operating system, this component is located in different sections.
  • Open Add or Remove Programs. After that, select “Sort programs by name.” Thus, programs from Adobe, which is the developer of Flash Player, should be among the very first in the list. Among them, look for Flash Player. The version of the program that is installed on your computer will be written there.
  • There are times when there is no Flash Player among the programs. Then you need to use software that will show information about all installed applications. Download the Revo Uninstaller utility from the Internet. It is designed to view and remove programs. Install it on your computer. Launch the utility.
  • After launching Revo Uninstaller, you will see that its window displays a list of installed programs. They are arranged in it in alphabetical order. So look for Adobe Flash Player at the top of the list. By left-clicking on the program, you can view its version.
  • You can also find out the version of the program directly on the official Adobe website. Go to the main page of the site. After that, go to "Support". Select Documentation, then Flash Player Documentation. Scroll down the site page.
  • Next, click on the line “Flash Player Home Page”. A page will open containing all the information about the installed version of the program. Find the You have version item, below there will be information about the program version. If necessary, you can immediately update Flash Player.
  • Adobe Flash Player for the Windows platform comes in two versions:

    1. Component for Internet Explorer(and other browsers that support Internet Explorer ActiveX components and plugins)

    2. Browser component Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera.

    It follows that for games through Internet Explorer and the client, you need the first component, the one that is ActiveX. To play through Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, you will need a second component.

    Not knowing or not remembering this point is the source of problems associated with starting the game. Because Adobe Flash Player installed via Firefox or Opera, will not be distributed on Internet Explorer and the game client. Similarly, Adobe Flash Player installed via Internet Explorer will not be distributed on Firefox, Opera, etc.
    I hope that after reading this you already clearly understand which Adobe Flash Player you need at the moment. Next, I will tell you how to install, check the installed version and update Adobe Flash Player.

    Checking the version of installed Adobe Flash Player.
    To check whether you have Adobe Flash Player installed and how up-to-date it is (is it the latest version), just follow this link ATTENTION! Once again, please note that Adobe Flash Player is different for different browsers. You must open this link with the exact browser you want to check the Flash version in. Those. To check the flash version in FireFox, you need to open this link in Firefox. To check the flash version for Internet Explorer and the client, you need to open this link in Internet Explorer.
    And so, we opened the link in the browser we need. The version of your installed flash will be indicated in the Version Information frame. Just below there will be a table that lists the current (i.e., the latest at the moment) versions of Adobe Flash Player components for different operating systems and browsers. If the version of your Flash matches the version for your browser and OS indicated in the table, then this means that you are the proud owner of the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. If the numbers are different, then you need to update your flash.
    Installing and updating Adobe Flash Player.
    We will assume that you already know which Adobe Flash Player component you need. If not, then read from the very beginning again. If we know what we need, I can offer two installation options and one update option for Adobe Flash Player.
    The first option is to open the link Again, the link must be opened in the browser for which you need Flash. The Adobe website will detect (or at least try to) your OS and browser and offer the component you need and installation instructions.
    The second option is to open the link and select the component you need. It doesn’t matter which browser you use to open this link. It is important to make the right choice, i.e. choose the right OS and browser. Windows 7 users will get to this page in any case; they need to select the Vista option as their OS. Selected, download the file, install. To be even more important, you can check what is installed there as described above.
    Now for the update. At the moment, the universal way to update the flash is to use one of the two options proposed above. I don’t see any point in deleting the existing flash before installing a new one and have never done it. But the choice is yours, if you really want to, you can delete it. It won't get any worse. There is also an option to use the update utility located here c:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\. The file is called FlashUtil10c.exe The number and letters may vary depending on the version. If you run this file, it will automatically download and install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player ActiveX. Attention! This utility updates ActiveX ONLY flush, i.e. the one needed for the client and Internet Explorer.

    What is Flash Player

    Among the necessary utilities is Adobe Flash Player: a program through which video and audio are played in browsers, navigation is carried out, and advertising is shown. Most of the moving and blinking elements of each site are “flash content”. Without a player installed on the system, instead of colorful and useful pictures, you will see only a gray empty space with a proposal to install a plugin.

    Although progressive websites are trying to move away from this rather old and not very optimized technology with many security problems, Flash content is sure to be present on the web for many years to come. The computer regularly tries to update the program, displaying a message on the screen indicating that Flash Player is being checked.

    Flash Player versions: why it needs to be updated

    In fact, there are three options for Flash player, and this is only for Windows:

    Plugin for Chromium-based browsers: Chrome, new Opera, Vivaldi, Yandex browser, many others;

    Add-on for the Mozilla Firefox browser and its clones: Pale Moon, WaterFox, etc.

    Flash player for Internet Explorer (or the new Edge browser from Windows 10).

    The program is regularly developed: major updates are released by Adobe every 3-4 months. Versions have a numerical value, for example

    The first integer (21) is a “generation”, or a large version of the program. This number grows 3-4 times a year, every few months. The last number after the dot (0.242) means small internal updates aimed at enhancing security, minor code optimization, and other not particularly significant innovations that are not worthy of releasing a separate “major” version. These updates appear every 1-3 weeks.

    All three versions of the player for different browsers have the same version number. It is advisable to install all three types of programs on one system - we are talking about information security and the speed of the computer.

    Check Flash Player version: step-by-step instructions

    There are two options for checking Flash Player, both are fast, simple and effective.

    1. Start menu – Control Panel – Programs and Features. In the list of all programs installed on the computer that appears, there will also be Flash players - with a version number. Flash Player verification completed.

    2. The same first steps: Start menu, Control Panel - Flash Player. A dialog box will open where you need to select the "Updates" tab. The version number is in front of your eyes - you can also click on the "Check" button and go to the developer's website to find out the current version of Adobe Flash Player.

    Adobe Flash Player: verification by computer, without user intervention

    You can once and for all free yourself from the need to check the version of Flash Player by entrusting this routine action to your computer (see the picture above). The program itself will regularly find out the latest version number, compare it with the installed utility and, if necessary, install it without the user’s knowledge. Convenient - but only if the Internet connection is stable, fast, and traffic in the amount of 20-40 megabytes does not cause unnecessary expenses.

    For the web browser to work correctly, third-party components are required, one of which is Adobe Flash Player. This player allows you to watch videos and play flash games. Like all software, Flash Player needs to be updated periodically. But to do this, you need to know which version is installed on your computer and whether an update is needed.

    You can find out the version of Adobe Flash Player using your browser in the list of installed plugins. Let's look at the example of Google Chrome. Go to your browser settings and click on “Show advanced settings” at the bottom of the page.

    Then in the “Content Settings…” item, find the “Plugins” item. Click on "Manage individual plugins...".

    And in the window that opens, you can see all the connected plugins, as well as find out what version of Adobe Flash Player you have installed.

    Adobe Flash Player version on the official website

    You can also find out the version of Flash Player on the official website of the developer. Just follow the link below:

    On the page that opens you can find the version of your software.

    Thus, we looked at two ways in which you can find out which version of Flash Player you have installed. You can also use third-party sites, of which there are quite a few on the Internet.

    Finding out whether Flash Player is installed in your browser is quite simple. To do this, you will need to follow the recommendations described below.

    Option 1: for browsers based on the Chromium engine

    First of all, you need to separate the group of browsers for which Flash Player is already installed, which means there is no need to install it additionally. These browsers include almost all web warmers created based on the Chromium engine. Such browsers include Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser, Amigo and others like that. If you are a user of one of these web browsers, rest assured, the plugin is already installed.

    You can verify this if you click the mouse in the upper right corner on the menu button of your Internet browser and go to the section "Settings".

    Go to the very bottom of the page and click on the button "Additional".

    In the block "Privacy and Security" click on the button "Content Settings".

    Find the section "Flash" and select it.

    Make sure you have the option active “Allow Flash on sites”. If necessary, make changes to make the plugin work.

    Option 2: for IE, Mozilla Firefox and Opera

    If you are a user of the Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera web browser, then you need a separate installation of Flash Player as a program.

    To check in this case whether Flash Player is installed on your computer, open a window on your computer "Control Panel" and go to the section "Programs and Features".

    If you see Flash Player in the list of installed programs, it means the program is installed on your computer.

    In addition, you can check the presence of Flash Player through the browser menu. This is done differently for each of the listed web browsers.

    Checking for Flash Player in Opera

    Checking for Flash Player for Mozilla Firefox

    Checking for Flash Player for Internet Explorer

    For normal operation of any browser, additional components are required, otherwise Internet pages will not load completely, and many features will not be available at all. One of the main components of any Internet browser is Flash Player. Without it, you will not be able to view animations on Internet pages, play Flash games, etc. Also, the version of Flash Player must be updated from time to time.

    You will need

    • - Computer with Windows OS;
    • - Revo Uninstaller program.


  • There are several ways to see what version of this program is installed on your computer. The first way is this. Click Start. Go to "Control Panel". Next, select the “Add or Remove Programs” component. Depending on the menu type and operating system version, this component is located in different sections.
  • Open Add or Remove Programs. After that, select “Sort programs by name.” Thus, programs from Adobe, which is the developer of Flash Player, should be among the very first in the list. Among them, look for Flash Player. The version of the program that is installed on your computer will be written there.
  • There are times when there is no Flash Player among the programs. Then you need to use software that will show information about all installed applications. Download the Revo Uninstaller utility from the Internet. It is designed to view and remove programs. Install it on your computer. Launch the utility.
  • After launching Revo Uninstaller, you will see that its window displays a list of installed programs. They are arranged in it in alphabetical order. So look for Adobe Flash Player at the top of the list. By left-clicking on the program, you can view its version.
  • You can also find out the version of the program directly on the official Adobe website. Go to the main page of the site. After that, go to "Support". Select Documentation, then Flash Player Documentation. Scroll down the site page.
  • Next, click on the line “Flash Player Home Page”. A page will open containing all the information about the installed version of the program. Find the You have version item, below there will be information about the program version. If necessary, you can immediately update Flash Player.
  • Rate the article!

    Adobe Flash Player is one of the main programs that you need to install on your computer. It is responsible for playing Flash in browsers. These can be games, animation, films, music and much more. And what you also need to know is that due to the way it works in the system, it must be constantly updated. This usually happens automatically. But if this doesn't happen, you should know How Adobe Flash Player update.

    How to update Adobe Flash Player

    Assuming you already have the product installed but do not have automatic updates set by default, you will be presented with a window, usually in the bottom right of the screen. You should be careful here, since attackers specifically copy this notice and use it for personal gain to infect your computer with viruses. And while visiting a site, it can be called up on your monitor screen. And in a number of cases, an unknowing user clicks on it and, accordingly, either downloads a deliberately dangerous program, or will be directed to a false company website, where he will be asked to download an infected utility.


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