How to set up monitors for shooting. How to set up your monitor for correct color reproduction using software? New PN-PNX series from Renkus-Heinz

Almost all users of computer systems want to see a clear, rich picture on the screen while working. Color is one of the components that greatly influences the image and also does not tire the eyes. But not everyone knows how to properly set up a monitor for correct color reproduction and check the settings made. Of course, in each specific case it all depends on personal preferences, but some general advice can still be given. Let's look at some basic tools.

Setting color rendering: related parameters and factors

So, the user was faced with the problem of checking the set parameters for correct color rendering. What to do first? First, you need to clearly understand that adjusting just these parameters may not give much improvement.

The fact is that in this case many related factors play a role. For example, before calibrating colors, you need to decide on the place where the monitor itself is constantly located, what the illumination is in this place, whether it changes during the day, whether direct sunlight or electric light falls on the screen, etc. Depending on this, the settings can be completely different.

In addition, it is worth considering that brightness, contrast, and many other factors have a great influence on color settings. In addition to all this, the question of how to set up a monitor for correct color reproduction on a laptop or perform similar actions on a desktop device or television panel to which a computer terminal may be connected may have completely different solutions. More on this later.

Dependence on the type of matrix and graphics adapter

Another challenge in deciding how to set up a monitor for correct color reproduction is the variety of modern types of matrices. Setting the same parameters on monitors with CRT, TN or IPS matrices is not the same in terms of the resulting image.

For example, IPS matrices can be easily configured without the use of software methods, since they are made using such technology that when looking at the screen at an angle, the image practically does not change. But other screens may produce glare or change colors.

In the same way, screens can be configured differently depending on what video card is installed. Typically, manufacturers supply special configuration utilities for them in a pre-installed form, so it is better to perform color calibration with their help. In addition, it is precisely these utilities that allow you to change parameters in relation to normal operation or for playing computer games. As a rule, access to color settings and other parameters is carried out from a menu called up by clicking on the adapter icon in the system tray. And, I must say, they can make installations automatically.

Visual determination of image quality

Finally, before you start directly deciding how to configure the monitor for correct color rendering (use software or limit yourself to system tools), you need to evaluate how feasible this is.

The most important scourge of all screens is a change in color or contrast when viewed from the side. First, you should move a few meters away from the screen and see how the image changes. Along the way, it is worth paying attention to the presence of horizontal stripes changing in the vertical direction. If they are visible too clearly, you will have to do some adjustments (this can be done in the adapter properties on the “Monitor” tab). The higher the frequency, the better. As a rule, the default setting is initially set to the optimal setting, but a free-standing computer monitor or laptop screen may support higher settings. Therefore, you need to test each of them by selecting the appropriate frequencies in the drop-down menu.

How to set up your monitor for correct color reproduction: desktop devices

Now about the setup itself. As a rule, most modern computer monitors (not laptop screens) are already equipped at the time of manufacture with their own means for setting the necessary parameters.

To solve the question of how to set up your monitor for correct color reproduction, in the simplest case you need to press a special menu button on the front panel or side to enter the corresponding menu. When you select the desired section using two buttons, you can adjust all parameters. But, as is already clear, such settings are primitive, and the monitors themselves are clearly limited in their ability to fine-tune all the necessary parameters.

How to properly adjust monitor color rendering using Windows?

Although you can access color adjustments on Windows systems through personalization or screen settings (both sections can be accessed from the right-click menu on an empty space of the Desktop), it is still better to use a special calibration tool. The easiest way to call it is through the search bar of the Start menu, where the word “calibration” is written. You can also access this tool, for example, in Windows 10 through the screen options, where additional settings are selected. You should first set it to optimal (recommended) or use higher settings if supported.

Next, you will need to follow the recommendations of the “Wizard,” changing certain settings along the way. Particular attention should be paid to setting the number of displayed colors and depth. You don’t have to experiment with the quantity, but the color depth for displayed graphic objects for almost all modern devices should be set to 32 bits.

Testing and configuration using RealColor

It is believed that one of the most optimal solutions to the problem of how to set up a monitor for correct color reproduction is to use special wallpapers called RealColor, which is somewhat reminiscent of the adjustment grid that was previously used on TVs.

You just need to download the wallpaper with a resolution corresponding to that installed on your computer monitor or laptop screen, and then open it in full. Next, you should look at the screen from a normal distance. But it is better to use a special picture, in which, with optimal color settings, a smooth gray gradient should be visible. If streaking is visible or other colors are mixed in, the monitor is not calibrated. A similar result should be observed for images with colored letters and circles on a gray background.

In most cases, the result will not live up to your hopes, so you will have to use special utilities. One could, of course, recommend the special Atrise Lutcurve application, but the program is paid ($25), and most users simply cannot afford it.

Image calibration in Adobe Gamma

Thus, if you decide how to set up your monitor for correct color rendering using software, you can use Adobe Gamma as a testing utility, however, this program is basically designed for color calibration when working in Photoshop (so that the image on the screen does not differ depending on what will be printed).

When starting the application, it is better to select a special “Wizard” (step by step) and create a description of the new profile. Next, as in the case of calibration in Windows, you need to follow the instructions and recommendations, changing the parameters manually.

We set the glow type to HDTV (CCIR 709) or our own, leave only one checkbox for consideration and determine the so-called color temperature of the white point (for daylight the value is set to 6500K). Next, three light squares will be shown, from which you will need to choose the most neutral gray. At the last stage, all that remains is to set the point display as hardware and save the profile. If you need to make changes, editing the profile or launching a new test can be done from the system tray.

Using online services

In principle, you can evaluate the correctness of the set color rendering parameters using special web services like, however, they do not have their own configuration tools, but in the test results they provide fairly detailed descriptions of problems and recommendations for eliminating them.


As a conclusion, we can only note that fine-tuning color rendering is quite a difficult task, especially since these parameters depend on a huge number of third-party factors and conditions. Therefore, in different situations, the settings used may differ sharply from each other.

But many will ask, what should I use? In the simplest case, you can limit yourself to Windows tools. Well, in software terms, it is better to configure it through the utilities supplied with the graphics adapters (if such programs exist). In most cases, they save the user from changing settings manually and can optimize all parameters based on the selected operating mode.

The poor quality of the matrices in mainstream monitors makes it difficult for users to accurately identify details and colors in photographs, printed designs, or other images. But everything is not so hopeless. There is no need to run to the store for a new one. How to adjust your monitor to improve image quality?

First of all, we need to take into account that we are talking about a consumer approach. Professionals are guided by completely different tasks and opportunities. And their requirements differ from everyday ones. Professional decisions require serious costs, which are unlikely to be justified if your earnings do not depend on the quality of the image.

Why adjust your monitor?

A monitor can be good or bad, but more often it turns out to be incorrectly configured. Many of us have noticed the difference in colors on our TV and those of our parents or friends.

You should also understand that a person has individual vision characteristics, so everyone perceives the image differently. In addition to the visual characteristics of the person himself, monitor settings should also be taken into account.

Default computer settings, standard drivers, use of inappropriate color profiles, standard cords, or incorrect screen placement all have a certain meaning. Therefore, you should not rely solely on images on the Internet.

Photographers often show portfolios to potential clients on their laptops, which are set to the appropriate settings. But photos may look different on a different monitor. Therefore, you should not rely on the monitor to assess the quality of pictures. The only way to universally check quality is to print photographs.

How to properly set up a monitor - where to start?

Before setting up your monitor, you should remove possible obstacles to normal color reproduction (with maximum shades for this monitor) and full color perception. First of all, you should place the Monique in a place where there will be no interference from outside lighting. Look around the room - it is optimal that there are no windows in the chosen place, and that the lamp light does not fall directly or at an angle.

Designers also use special curtains that help limit glare and side light. For ordinary users, such curtains may be overkill, but you can at least place them on the table so that no light enters the screen.

Let's consider an image specially created to evaluate the quality of the picture on the monitor. This image contains 2 halves - white and black. Each half is marked with numbers 1-5. If the matrix is ​​of sufficient quality and well configured, you can see all the numbers from this list. Owners of a mid-level monitor can see numbers 1-3. If only numbers 1-2 are visible, or it was not possible to notice them at all, the problem must be solved - this is what our article is intended for.

image source

Good and correct display settings are not the last task in order to work comfortably and efficiently not only with images, but also simply at the computer. The factory settings of monitors are always too high for brightness and contrast; manufacturers do not make adjustments at all, and users themselves often simply do not know about it.

I note that we will talk about the simplest screen settings; professional calibration is much more complicated.

You can configure it both software (if your display is connected to a PC with an operating system that has tools for such settings) and hardware. Adjusting using the menu buttons is not much different from adjusting the picture on a modern TV.

Hardware setup

Start by learning the buttons on your monitor. If nothing is clear, then you will have to read the instructions, or use the “unscientific poking method” (not recommended). After you have figured out the control buttons of the device, you can go directly to the settings.

Important note: ensure proper lighting! If the sun or a 200 W light bulb hits the monitor directly, no adjustments will help. Well, this is a separate big topic, but now there are a few basic recommendations:

  • The bright light source should not directly illuminate the monitor;
  • The light should not hit the eyes;
  • It is better to use uniform diffused lighting, for example, in the form of an LED strip.

Setting and assessing image quality

When working with a monitor with a low-quality matrix, errors often occur when choosing colors when processing images, photographs and on print layouts, when creating websites and resources.

The picture below will allow you to evaluate how well the monitor is configured. On each half of the picture there are numbers 1 2 3 4 5

If you see all the numbers on both bars, then the monitor is set up well. The average level will show you the numbers 3. With a very bad setting, only 1 and 2 are visible.

Remember how many numbers you can see. With this, after configuration, you can evaluate the quality of the improvements made.

But, first, a small off-topic “with a beard”:
“...I downloaded the program “Cleaning the monitor from dust”, laughed, installed it, launched it. The monitor was filled with an even dirty gray color, the keyboard turned off, clicking the mouse did not help.
I took a napkin, wiped the dust off the monitor, and saw a barely visible “Thank you, you can exit the program” button. I went out and thought, looking at the blank monitor...”

Therefore, first we put the surface itself in order, after which we move directly to the settings.


The brightness should be adjusted so that in the picture the black colors of the suit and shirt do not merge into a single whole and the cross in the background becomes visible. The brightness parameter is responsible for the difference between details and dark colors.


Responsible for light colors and their details.

In the image, to adjust the contrast, you should select a quality such that the folds and buttons on a white shirt are clearly visible. Set the contrast to zero and gradually increase it. As soon as these details begin to disappear, it is worth going back a little.


The next important parameter is gamma. The exact ideal setting cannot be performed on all monitors, but it is still worth getting closer to the ideal. A good gamma setting will be indicated by missing spots of light and dark shades in the center of the test image.

Gray setting

Eliminates unnecessary shades that distort the colors on the display. This is done either software or hardware by adjusting the 3 primary colors (red, green, blue). Ideally, a picture with gray stripes should not be interrupted by extraneous shades. Only shades of gray.

Ideal gray setting.

Software setup

We launch the calibration tools programmatically (described for Windows).

In Windows 7, click the “Start” button and write the word “calibration” in the search bar. Launch. You will be given a series of image adjustment tests. There are very few of them. Go through them.

In Windows 10, enter the command cttune in the search bar, ClearType will launch, turn it on and select the display that is most comfortable for your eyes. Then enter the dccw command. The calibration of screen colors, gamma, brightness and contrast will begin. Everything is described in the tests, read and follow the advice.

Checking the result

Now go back to the beginning of the article and look at the first image with numbers. At the very beginning, I asked them to remember. If you have improved the settings, you will see at least one more number.

Set it up correctly and in the end you will be pleasantly surprised at what your monitor can do!

Have you set up your monitor? Get to work: profession "".

Good day.

If your eyes get tired when working at a computer, it is quite possible that one of the possible reasons is not optimal monitor settings (I also recommend that you read this article:).

Moreover, I think many have noticed this if you work not at one monitor, but at several: why can you work at one of them for hours, and at another after half an hour - you feel that it’s time to quit and give your eyes a rest? The question is rhetorical, but the conclusions suggest themselves (it’s just that one of them is not configured accordingly)…

In this article I want to touch on the most important monitor settings that affect our health. So…

1. Screen resolution

The first thing I recommend paying attention to is screen resolution . The point is that if it is set to something other than “native” (i.e. what the monitor is designed for)- the picture will not be so clear (which will make your eyes strain).

The easiest way to check it is to go to resolution settings: on the desktop right-click and go to screen settings in the pop-up context menu ( in Windows 10 this is the case, in other versions of Windows OS the procedure is done in a similar way, the difference will be in the name of the line: instead of “Display options”, there will be, for example, “Properties”)

You will then see a list of resolutions that your monitor supports. On one of them the word “Recommended” will be added - this is the optimal resolution for the monitor, which should be selected in most cases ( it provides better picture clarity).

By the way, some deliberately choose a lower resolution so that the elements on the screen are larger. It’s better not to do this, the font can be enlarged in Windows or a browser, various elements can also be enlarged in Windows. At the same time, the picture will be much clearer and looking at it, your eyes will not strain so much.

Also pay attention to (this subsection next to the resolution choice if you have Windows 10). Using adjustment tools: color calibration, ClearType text, changing text size and other elements, you can achieve a high-quality image on the screen (for example, make the font LARGE). I recommend opening each of them one by one and choosing the optimal settings.


You can also select the resolution in the driver settings for your video card ( for example, in Intel this is the “Basic Settings” tab).

Why might there not be a resolution choice?

A fairly common problem, especially on older computers (laptops). The fact is that in new Windows operating systems (7, 8, 10), during installation, most often, a universal driver for your equipment will be selected and installed. Those. You may not have some functions, but it will perform the basic functions: for example, you can easily change the resolution.

But if you have an older Windows OS or “rare” hardware, it may happen that universal drivers will not be installed. In this case, as a rule, there will be no choice of resolution (and many other parameters too: for example, brightness, contrast, etc.).

In this case, first find the drivers for your monitor and video card, and then proceed with the settings. To help you, here is a link to an article about the best programs for finding drivers:

From the lighting of the room in which the PC is located: so in a dark room the brightness and contrast should be reduced, and in a light room, on the contrary, increased.

The higher the brightness and contrast at low lighting levels, the more your eyes begin to strain and the faster they get tired.

How to change brightness and contrast?

1) The easiest way (and at the same time the best) to adjust brightness, contrast, gamma, color depth, etc. parameters is to go to the settings of your video card driver. Regarding the driver (if you don’t have it :)) - I provided a link above in the article on how to find it.

For example, in Intel drivers - just go to the display settings - section " Color settings"(screenshot below).

2) Adjust brightness via control panel

You can also adjust the brightness through the power section in the Windows control panel (for example, a laptop screen).

First, open the control panel at the following address: Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options. Next, go to the settings of the selected power plan (screenshot below).

Then you can adjust the brightness: from the battery and from the network.

By the way, laptops also have special buttons for adjusting brightness. For example, on a DELL laptop it is a combination of Fn+F11 or Fn+F12.

Function buttons on an HP laptop to adjust brightness.

3. Refresh rate (in Hz)

I think longtime PC users understand big, wide CRT monitors. Nowadays they are not used very often, but still...

The point is that if you use such a monitor - pay close attention to the refresh rate(sweep), measured in Hz.

Update frequency: This setting specifies how many times per second the screen image will be shown. For example, 60 Hz. - this is a low indicator for this type of monitor; when working with this frequency, your eyes quickly get tired, since the picture on the monitor is not clear (if you look closely, even horizontal stripes are noticeable: they run from top to bottom).

My advice: if you have such a monitor, set the refresh rate to no lower than 85 Hz. (for example, by reducing the resolution). It is very important! I also recommend installing some program that shows the refresh rate in games (since many of them change the default frequency).

If you have an LCD/LCD monitor- then their technology for constructing a picture is different, and even 60 Hz. - provide a comfortable picture.

How to change the refresh rate?

It's simple: the refresh rate is adjusted in the drivers for your video card. By the way, you may also need to update the drivers for your monitor. (for example, if Windows “does not see” all possible operating modes of your equipment).

4. Monitor location: viewing angle, distance to the eyes, etc.

Several factors have a very big impact on fatigue (and not just the eyes): how we sit at the computer (and on what), how the monitor is located, table configuration, etc. The picture on the topic is presented below (in principle, everything is shown 100% on it).

Here are some important tips:

  • if you spend a lot of time at the computer, don’t waste your money and buy comfortable chair on wheels with backrest(and with armrests). Work becomes much easier and fatigue does not accumulate so quickly;
  • the distance from the eyes to the monitor should be at least 50 cm. - if you are not comfortable working at such a distance, then change the theme, increase the fonts, etc. (you can click on the buttons in the browser Ctrl and + simultaneously). In Windows - all these settings are done very easily and quickly;
  • do not place the monitor above eye level: if you take a regular desk and place a monitor on it, this will be one of the best options for placing it. This way you will look at the monitor at an angle of 25-30%, which will have a positive effect on your neck and posture (you won’t get tired at the end of the day);
  • do not use any inconvenient computer desks (nowadays many people make mini-racks in which everything just hangs on top of each other).

5. Indoor lighting.

Has a great impact on the convenience of working at the computer. In this subsection of the article I will give some tips that I follow myself:

  • It is highly advisable not to place the monitor so that it receives direct sunlight from the window. Because of them, the picture becomes dim, the eyes strain, and begin to get tired (which is not good). If you can’t install the monitor any other way, then use curtains, for example;
  • the same applies to glare (the same sun or some light sources leave them);
  • It is advisable not to work in the dark: the room should be illuminated. If there is a problem with lighting in the room: install a small table lamp so that it can evenly illuminate the entire surface of the desktop;
  • Last tip: wipe off dust from your monitor.


That's all for now. As always, thanks in advance for any additions. Don't forget to take a break when working on a PC - this also helps to relax your eyes, and as a result, they get less tired. It is better to work 2 times for 45 minutes with a break than 90 minutes. without it.

Why do some people get eye pain from watching a monitor (computer)?

This is a question many users are asking these days. Indeed, the problem of pain in the eyes and head, and irritation of the optic nerve from working at the computer has become urgent. In this article I want to tell and reveal the main reason for this reaction of the human eye to modern screens.

So, a little history. A few years ago I bought myself a new laptop and after a few months of using it, one day I felt a sharp pain in my eye. I couldn’t continue working on the laptop; I thought that my eyes and head were hurting because of the weather. However, the next day after I sat down to work at my PC, I again felt discomfort in my right eye and pain in my head from the eye to the back of my head. This is how my story of struggle with low-quality screens of modern electronics began.

I tried adjusting the brightness and colors of the monitor of the new laptop, turning on and adjusting the lights in the room, but it didn’t help, my eyes still hurt from the computer. Since then, my eyes from computers and monitors began to hurt constantly, as soon as I sat down to work at any PC. This problem became very acute for me, since I worked as a programmer and was forced to look at the monitor screen all day long. I bought myself special computer glasses, used drops, went to appointments with ophthalmologists, but everything was to no avail. The apogee of my struggle with the disease was a trip to Moscow to the Helmholtz Institute of Ophthalmology. Candidates of medical sciences and professors shrugged their shoulders and concluded that there were no pathologies in my health.

I didn't understand the reason for this irritation, because I had worked on computers for over ten years, played computer games for many hours without a break, and had never experienced such problems before. The only thing I knew for sure was that my eyes hurt the most from the new laptop. I stopped using it and began to look for the reason for this eye reaction to the new screen. At that time, one of my friends had been struggling with uncomfortable work on a new laptop for several months and told me about such a thing as PWM.

Pulse width modulator (PWM)

Manufacturers of modern monitors needed to create a mechanism that allows them to adjust the brightness of the screen backlight. For this function, most monitors are equipped with a pulse width modulator, or PWM for short. What is it and how does it work?

PWM is a device through which voltage is supplied to the monitor backlight, capable of changing the duration of the phases of short-term switching on and off the backlight power to change its brightness. Simply put, at a backlight brightness other than the maximum, LEDs, if we are talking about modern LED backlighting, do not always light up - they turn on and off very quickly, thereby creating a certain brightness. The longer the LEDs are lit, the brighter it is and vice versa. This is a kind of rheostat for lighting. The human eye does not see these flickers (on and off) of the backlight, since we notice the frequency only up to 80 Hz, but as it turns out, our visual tract and brain perceive these flickers negatively, since the backlight flickers up to 300 Hz. Due to the flickering of the backlight, pain occurs in the eyes, they become covered with a “mesh”, the head begins to hurt and other negative consequences of working behind such a screen appear.

So I found the main reason why my eyes, the entire optic tract and my head hurt - This is the flickering of the monitor backlight.

Visual evidence of flickering screens

Below are photos of two monitors. Photographing took place at a shutter speed of 1/800. The first screen (above in the photo) does not flicker. The second screen, as can be seen from the photographs, flickers and hurts the eyes. With a very short shutter speed, you can catch the moment when the backlight turns off completely. This can be seen in photo 4. The photographs have noise because the gamma was greatly turned up to increase brightness and clarity.

LED backlight and PWM - a fiery mixture for the eyes

As it turned out after some time, my new laptop was equipped with an LED-backlit screen and was naturally equipped with a pulse width modulator (PWM). And on my work computer in the office there was an old-style LCD screen with a matrix backlight based on cold cathode lamps (CCFL-backlight), from which my eyes practically did not get tired. What is the difference between them? Didn't old LCD monitors have PWM? Equipped, but the difference is that LEDs, unlike fluorescent lamps (CCFLs), have a very fast response to turning the voltage on and off. If I'm not mistaken, the LEDs light up and go out at the speed of light. They instantly light up and go out when voltage is applied to them and it is turned off. In this case, the operation of PWM becomes critical and the flickering is very clear, in contrast to the flickering of fluorescent lamps, which glow for some time after turning off the voltage from them.

All old LCD monitors were equipped with a CCFL backlight and, when the voltage from such a backlight was turned off (operation of the pulse width modulator), did not have clearly defined flickering. Likewise, flicker is not noticeable on cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors.

This is where the legs of the problem grow. The problem of pain in the eyes from monitors appeared precisely with the advent of LED backlighting. It was on LED screens that pulse width modulation began to cause eye problems in people.

What to do if your eyes hurt from the monitor?

We found out that the main modern cause of neuroses when working with monitors is backlight flickering. Therefore, you need to make sure that there is no PWM on your screen. This can be checked in several ways:

  • Using the "pencil test";
  • Using a video camera;
  • Using a professional camera;
  • Using special expensive equipment;
  • Using various Internet services.

Usually the first three methods are sufficient, as they are the easiest to use. When choosing a monitor, for example in a store, it is convenient to use the pencil method.

ATTENTION! All tests must be performed at various backlight brightness levels. As a rule, at maximum brightness the PWM is turned off and the backlight is constantly on. Test monitors at maximum, minimum, and medium brightness levels.

Pencil test

Take any pencil or pen and quickly move (wave) it in front of the screen being examined. If clear (individual) pencil images are visible, then the screen backlight flickers and has PWM. If the image is smoothly blurred, then there is no flickering or PWM. An example of a “pencil test” is shown in the following picture.

Video camera test

IN in some cases Regular video cameras, such as a mobile phone camera, can capture the flickering of the backlight. But this method cannot always reliably indicate the presence of flicker. If flickering, irregularities and waves are not visible in the video, this does not mean that there really is no flickering. Sometimes video cameras do not pick up such flickering.

In the following video you can clearly see what a screen with PWM and a screen without it looks like. There is PWM on the monitor on the left and it hurts my eyes. The screen on the right shows perfectly and you can work comfortably for a long time.

Test with a professional camera

You can reliably determine whether the backlight of your screen flickers or not using a camera on which you manually set the shutter speed and aperture. Usually a shutter speed of 1/800-1/1000 is sufficient. You need to take a camera, set the shutter speed to 1/800 and take a picture of the monitor screen with a white background (for example, open a new MS Word document or notepad). In order to capture something in a photo at such a low shutter speed, you need to open the aperture to the maximum. It is also advisable to take photographs in a dark room.

If in the resulting photos you see waves or uneven brightness of the screen image (the top is brighter than the bottom or vice versa), then your screen is definitely flickering. Otherwise, no. You can see examples of such photography below. There is flickering on one of the screens.

What to do if you have a PWM monitor and it flickers?

In this case, there are several solutions:

  1. Set the backlight brightness to maximum. At the maximum brightness level, pulse width modulation is turned off and flickering disappears. However, it is true that not always and not everyone can work with a monitor at the highest brightness. This method can be used as a temporary solution.
  2. A more drastic way is to change the monitor. Simply put, buy a monitor that doesn't have this drawback. This is the easiest way to protect your eyes and health. To test a new screen, it is better to use the pencil method in conjunction with photography.

Monitors and laptops without PWM

For those who are looking for flicker-free monitors and laptops, proven models will be published in this section of the article. At the moment, many manufacturers have already begun to produce flicker-free monitors, for example, Benq and ViewSonic. I think other manufacturers will soon not remain aloof from solving this problem. However, as it turned out, the flicker-free tag does not guarantee that the monitor will not flicker.

Despite the availability of proven models of monitors and laptops without PWM and the declared flicker-free technology, there is no guarantee that the copy you purchased will be without PWM. These are the realities of the situation. Each copy must be checked before purchase.


  • ACER V3-571G-736b8G75BDCaii
  • ACER Swift SF113-31 (ACER Siwft 1)

Video review of a laptop without PWM ACER Swift 1:

For a more detailed study of why your eyes hurt from the computer, I recommend watching the following video:

P.P.S. If you know the model of a laptop or monitor without PWM, we will be grateful if you share valuable information with readers in the comments.

We wish you pleasant work at the computer! Take care of your health!


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