How to remove the keyboard from a laptop. How to properly clean a laptop keyboard

If the keyboard does not work on a laptop, and its warranty period has already expired, then it is not necessary to immediately take it to a service center. Some problems can be corrected on your own. True, in order to do this, you will first have to figure out how to remove the keyboard from the laptop.

First thing

First of all, when carrying out any repair work on your laptop, you must disconnect it from the power supply. This also applies to batteries, which must be removed before removing the keyboard.

Types of fastenings

Most keyboards of modern laptops and netbooks are attached to the panel using special latches. There may be several of them, depending on the model of equipment - from six to eight. They are hardly noticeable; to find them you will need to look closely at the recesses around the perimeter of the keyboard. If you have this particular mount, then in order to pull out the keyboard you will have to sweat a little. You should start with the latch located in the upper left corner. You will need to press it with a thin screwdriver. When the latch opens, the corner of the keyboard can be carefully pryed up. After this, you can move on to the second latch and so on. It is important to take your time here so as not to break the thin keyboard. Therefore, when opening the first latches, it is better to place not your fingers under the corner of the keyboard, but some thin object, for example, a ruler or a plastic card.

Less common are keyboards that are attached to the case with screws. Typically, such mounts are hidden either under a decorative panel next to the computer monitor, or under batteries. Often this type of fastening can be found on old equipment. In principle, how to change the keyboard on a laptop that was released many years ago will not be so difficult to understand. First you have to carefully unscrew the screws securing it to the body. Then the top edge of the keyboard lifts up and it is easily pulled out of the grooves.

Let's move on to the train

The keyboard is connected to the internal devices of the computer using a thin cable. It can be seen directly under the keyboard plate when you lift it up. This train is very fragile and can be easily damaged. If you don’t want the keyboard to not work on your laptop even after you remove it and clean it, then try to disconnect the cable as carefully as possible. It is attached to the socket using a special lock. The locks are different, but they all open quite simply - usually it is enough to lift the ears or open the clasps.

Disconnecting the cable is the last stage of our work. So removing or replacing the keyboard is not that difficult. More difficulties may arise when repairing it, for example, if you have to reinstall all the keys. The main thing is that after you change the keyboard on your laptop, pay attention to whether all the buttons work and whether the keys are stuck. If you didn’t manage to do everything correctly the first time, it’s better to take the equipment to a specialist so as not to completely break it.

Every person who uses a computer will sooner or later encounter a problem when their keyboard gets clogged and because of this it works poorly. Of course, this is inevitable, since every person loves to drink tea near the computer or eat while watching their favorite TV series. Crumbs and spilled liquid have a very detrimental effect on the operation of the keyboard.

If you've been using your keyboard for a long time and it starts acting up, then most likely it's clogged and it's time to clean it. A professional will charge about 300 rubles for his work, but you don’t have to shell out the cash and clean it yourself. Many people, when they start cleaning their keyboard, ask the question: “from the keyboard?” Let's look at this.

How to remove buttons from Cleaning dust and debris

If the clogging is caused by crumbs, you will need to remove the buttons and clean them of debris. First you need to make sure that the keyboard is disconnected from the computer. You should also take several photos of your keyboard, so that later there will be no problems with the location of the keys, so as not to confuse their places.

How to remove buttons from the keyboard? We take a knife and carefully pick it out. You need to act slowly so as not to break the fastener. It is better to hold the button with your hand so that it does not fly far away. After removing one button, you will understand how best to proceed further. This process requires a person to be careful not to damage the keyboard. You also need to have at least an hour of free time.

After removing all the buttons, you can clean everything with a vacuum cleaner. Next, wipe the surface with a damp cloth. This way you will also get rid of dust. After completing all the steps, you can begin assembly. To do this, you need to put the button in its place so that it fits into the groove, and press. As soon as you hear a click, you can release the button. To avoid confusing the location, use the photo you took before disassembling the keyboard. As soon as you assemble it, you can start using it.

Cleaning Up Spills

If you spill tea or coffee on your keyboard, you should be more careful when cleaning it. In this case, you must immediately disconnect the keyboard from the computer and drain all the liquid. Next you need to disassemble the keyboard. So, remove the buttons and soak them in plain water to remove any remaining sticky liquid. And the place where the buttons were should be thoroughly wiped with a damp cloth. If you are sure that liquid has not gotten inside the keyboard, then you can begin assembly.

It is possible that after assembling the keyboard, some keys began to stick, then you need to continue cleaning. To do this, you need to turn the keyboard over and unscrew the screws. Carefully separate the top and bottom pieces. Of course, there is no 100% certainty that you will be able to fix the keyboard, but it’s worth a try. There is no need to take everything completely apart. You need to carefully wipe with a damp cloth the areas where the liquid may have been. After this, it is better to assemble the keyboard and test its performance.

How to remove the button from Cleaning from dust and debris

The keyboard on your laptop can also become dirty and sticky. How to clean it of debris? You also need to remove the buttons and use a vacuum cleaner to remove all debris. On a laptop, removing the buttons will be a little more difficult. How is it shown? Let's look at how to remove buttons from the keyboard.

We also take a knife and carefully pry up the button. It should rise at the very tip of the knife. Once it clicks, you can be sure that it has popped out of the latch. Unfortunately, it all just seems simple. In fact, you need to study very carefully how to remove buttons from the keyboard. After removal, clean it of debris and dust.

After cleaning, you need to put the keys back in place. There are 2 latches that you need to carefully get into. Place the button and press it, then release it after clicking. Let's do this with all the buttons.

Cleaning Up Spills

On a laptop, the keyboard is quite difficult to recover from spilled liquid. As soon as such an incident occurs, you need to turn off the laptop and drain all the liquid. Next, it is better to take the computer to a professional, since an inexperienced person can only harm the laptop.

As laptop owners (and others) know, this small computer is susceptible to various external influences. After all, the compactness of a laptop and its small size, along with its convenience, are also a risk factor. For example, if on a desktop computer if liquid gets on the keyboard you can get by with replacing only the keyboard, then on a laptop you will have to replace, along with the keyboard, all kinds of components and parts of the motherboard and more.

In this article I want to describe a little the process of disassembling and cleaning a laptop keyboard after filling it with sweet liquid. The keyboard from the Samsung R510 laptop, which was drenched in sweet coffee, will act as a guinea pig, but the laptop did not lose its functionality, but the keyboard buttons began to stick. So, let's start cleaning:

1. As many have already guessed, before starting the cleaning procedure, the keyboard must be removed. To do this, so as not to accidentally break anything, I recommend using special service manuals, which can be found in the instructions section (SG). Guided by the manual, remove the keyboard; to do this, unscrew the two bolts marked with triangles.

and disconnect the keyboard cable from the motherboard.

This completes the removal of the keyboard and you can begin cleaning it.

The first thing that catches your eye is the presence of a protective film on the back of the keyboard, this saved the laptop from leaking liquid onto the motherboard and helped it not burn out (the protective film is not present on all laptop models). In order to clean the keyboard from coffee residues, namely sweet deposits under the buttons and on the contact layer, you must:

2. Remove the buttons. To do this, from the back of the keyboard, use a small flat-head screwdriver and lightly press on the latch fastening.

When the latch comes off, carefully remove the button from the back side, moving it horizontally in the direction opposite to the latch.

The rest of the keyboard buttons are removed in the same way.

When all the buttons are removed

carefully remove the contact pad (in this case, blue) and wash everything with alcohol.

The keyboard is assembled in the reverse order. The buttons are placed as follows. We engage the double-sided rotating mount (we removed it last) and lightly press the button until it clicks.

In order not to get confused in the sequence of buttons when assembling the keyboard, you can write down or photograph the sequence of buttons. You can also use the manual.

After these steps, the stuck keys will disappear.

If the keyboard on your laptop stops working and the warranty period has already expired, then you do not need to immediately take your device to any service center. Laptop problems can be fixed, and replacing the keyboard is no exception. Of course, before doing this, you need to have a good understanding of this procedure.

Before carrying out any repair work on your laptop, you should never forget to turn it off from the power supply. This also applies to the battery, which should also be removed.

Today we can observe that for most laptops, keyboards are secured using special latches on the panel. There are usually several such latches, in most cases from six to eight. To see them, you need to look closely. They are located around the perimeter of the keyboard in the form of recesses. If your laptop has just such a mount, then in order to remove the keyboard you will have to work hard. You should immediately start with the latch, which is located in the upper left corner. This can be done using a thin screwdriver. After this latch opens, you need to carefully pry up the corner of the keyboard. When this procedure is done, it will need to be repeated with all the latches in turn. There is no rush in this matter, so everything needs to be done as carefully as possible, otherwise the thin keyboard may break. That is why, when opening the first of these latches, you should slip a plastic card or a line at an angle, but not your fingers.

There are also such keyboards when they are attached to the case with screws. Such mounts are usually placed either under the batteries or under the decorative panel, which is located next to the monitor. Such a keyboard will be somewhat easier to replace. You just need to carefully unscrew the screws that are attached to the body. In the end, you just need to lift the keyboard by the top edge.

But the inside of the computer keyboard is connected to the devices using a thin cable. It is located immediately below the keyboard plate. The cable should be disconnected as carefully as possible, because it is very fragile and can be damaged. The cable is attached to the socket with a special lock. Despite the fact that these locks have different shapes, opening them will not be difficult.

Disconnecting the cable is the final stage of the work. As you can see, replacing the keyboard yourself is not that difficult. More difficulties may arise during the repair, because you will need to install all the keys again. After replacing, the main thing is not to forget to check the functionality of all the keys so that they do not stick. If, after first removing the keyboard, the problem could not be corrected, then it is better to seek help from a specialist.

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How to remove an Asus keyboard?

There are times when skills in disassembling electronic equipment are simply necessary. If, for example, a laptop is broken or some parts in it are not working properly, then they can be removed for repair or replacement. The keyboard is no exception, so let's figure out how to remove the keyboard using the example of an Asus laptop.

Removing the keyboard

For work, prepare the following tools and devices:

  • thermal paste;
  • two screwdrivers;
  • brush;
  • plastic card.


  1. To remove the keyboard, you must first remove the battery and hard drive and unscrew the bolts from the bottom cover of the device. Typically, laptop lids are held on by two bolts. When it is removed, you need to unscrew the hard drive, which is secured with three bolts. Next, you should pull out the hard drive (hard drive), and to do this you need to unscrew all the fasteners.
  2. Now you should remove the bottom cover of the laptop. It is held on by several bolts in the corners. When this external protection element is removed, you can begin to remove the keyboard. The disassembled laptop must be turned over to its normal position. To remove the keyboard that is held in place by the latches, you need to use a screwdriver, tweezers, or something sharp to pry the latches away.
  3. By lifting the black latch, disconnect the cable that secures the keyboard to the laptop itself. When the keyboard is completely disconnected, you can continue disassembling the laptop further, unscrewing the remaining bolts and removing all the parts gradually.

After the keyboard, you can remove the drive, then the cooling system. To detach the bottom and top covers of the laptop, you need to use a plastic card - slide it along the contour of the entire case.


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