Hyperlink in Word: creation and configuration. Hyperlinks

After adding new pages to the site, you need to think about how the user will navigate between them.

An excellent means of moving between pages of the current site, as well as to other nodes, are hyperlinks. You clicked on a certain place on a Web page and, as if by magic, you ended up in the right place on a completely different page.

Hyperlinks can be thought of as lines with arrows that you follow to find the information you need. They can point to text, graphic images, pages of other sites on the Internet, Microsoft Office documents, bookmarks placed on the same page, on other pages of the site or inside documents, local files on your computer, email addresses for delivering correspondence, etc. d.

When you link to Microsoft Office files, the corresponding program automatically launches and opens the file that the link points to. If the page where the link is created is a frame, you can even specify which area of ​​the frame to load the page the link points to.

A hyperlink can include either the entire graphic image or individual parts of it, called hot regions. For example, to obtain information about the weather in a particular region, you can place a map image on the page. Then create several active areas on the map, when you point to them a message from the weather service of the corresponding region will appear.

If hyperlinks didn't exist, the World Wide Web would consist of individual, isolated Web pages that would be difficult to navigate. You don’t have to look far for examples. Let's take a look at the test site we created. In addition to the home page, we can add any number of pages we need to it. But how to make the transition between them? Of course, the developer can navigate through the pages using the panel Folder list(Folder List), selecting the desired page on it. But what about a user viewing a page in a browser where this panel is missing?

1. Open the test site we created.

2. Place a text list on your home page, the elements of which will be used to navigate to other pages.

3. Select the first item in the list, and then do one of the following:

When you perform any of these actions, a dialog box appears on the screen Adding a hyperlink(Insert Hyperlink) (Fig. 16.4).

1. List Folder(Look in) of the dialog box contains the name of the open site, and the area below is a list of all its folders and pages. Select the Web page you are linking to from this list. Its name will be transferred to the Address field.

Rice. 16.4. Add Hyperlink Dialog Box

5. Click the button OK.
6. Save your home page.

See what the first list item for which a hyperlink has been created now looks like (Figure 16.5). It has changed color and is underlined. This is how hyperlinks look on Web pages so that the user can easily find them.

Rice. 16.5. A hyperlink has been created for the first list item


Dialog window Adding a hyperlink(Insert Hyperlink) allows you to create hyperlinks not only to pages of an open site, but also to Web pages on the Internet, local computer files, to an email address, as well as to a new, not yet created page. To understand how this can be done, consider the buttons placed in the dialog box Adding a hyperlink. Purpose of panel buttons Link to(Link to) is described in table. 16.1.

Table 16.1. Link To panel buttons

Button Purpose
Creates a link to existing files and Web pages (see Figure 16.4). To search for the Web page to which the link is being installed on the Internet, located in the area

Folder (Look in) button Internet, which launches the browser installed on the computer. The address of the found page is transferred to the field Address dialog box Adding a hyperlink(Insert Hyperlink)

Creates a hyperlink to a bookmark located in the current document
Places in the window's work area Adding a hyperlink(Insert Hyperlink) fields (Fig. 16.6) that allow you to create a link for sending an email. Field E-mail adress(E-mail address) is intended for entering the recipient's address, and the field Subject(Subject) - message topics
Places in the window's work area Adding a hyperlink(Insert Hyperlink) interface objects that can be used to specify the name of the new page to which the link is being created, and to indicate whether to create the page now or later

Rice. 16.6. Add Hyperlink dialog box when creating a link to send an email

Dialog Box Features Adding a hyperlink are not limited to the buttons listed in the table. 16.1. Field Text(Text to display) allows you to set the text of the hyperlink. Button Bookmark(Bookmark) is designed to create a link to a bookmark located in another document or on another Web page. Button Frame selection(Target Frame) allows you to specify the name of the target frame into which the page specified in the link should be loaded. Creating a hyperlink using the move-and-leave mechanism

We looked at creating hyperlinks using the dialog box Adding a hyperlink(Insert Hyperlink). But the capabilities of the FrontPage program are not limited to this. It provides the developer with a move-and-leave mechanism for creating hyperlinks.

1. Open the website.
2. Display the folder structure view panel on the screen. To do this in the menu View(View) select command Folder list(Folder List).
3. Open the Web page on which you want to create a hyperlink in the FrontPage workspace.
4. In the folder structure area, place the cursor on the icon of the file or page to which you are creating a link.
5. Click the left mouse button and, while holding it down, drag to the place on the Web page where you want to place the link. 6. Release the mouse button.
7. The text appears in the location you specified and a link is created. The text corresponds to the name of the page to which the link was created. Adjust the hyperlink text, making sure it remains highlighted and underlined. If you simply delete it and enter the text you need, the link will also be deleted.


Hyperlinks can be added not only to text, but also to graphics, photographs, and documents. You can create hyperlinks using the Microsoft Office Word text editor. If you just need to create a specific website or Internet resource, this is done very simply. Copy the Internet address you need, then paste it into a Microsoft Office Word document. But immediately after the “Insert” command, press Enter. After this, the hyperlink will be created automatically.

You can also add a hyperlink directly to the text. To do this, select the desired section of text using the left mouse button. After this, press the right mouse button. A context menu will appear. From this menu, select "Hyperlink". A new Insert Hyperlink window will open. If you want to create a hyperlink to an Internet resource, then in the “Address” line, enter the Internet address of this resource. You can also enter a link to graphics, photographs or other files that are on the Internet in the “Address” line.

If you need to create a hyperlink to a file that is stored on the hard drive of your computer or on the hard drive of one of the computers in your network environment, you need to do this. In the Insert Hyperlink window, select Browse for File and specify the path to the file to create the hyperlink. Select this file and click OK. The search window will close, and then in the “Insert Hyperlink” window, also click OK. A hyperlink will be created.

A hyperlink can also be added to graphics (photos, images, pictures, etc.). To do this, select the desired object and right-click. Next, also select “Hyperlink”. Subsequent actions are identical as with creating a text.

If you simply right-click on an empty space in the document and select “Hyperlink”, then in the “Text” line you can, accordingly, enter the text for which a hyperlink will be added and, in the same ways as described above, add a hyperlink to file or Internet resource.

Video on the topic


  • how to create links in a document


How to copy an address: Right-click in the address bar (the address will be highlighted in blue); In the context menu that appears, select the “Copy” command.

How to insert a hyperlink with the name of the page. Above the post field in forums and blogs there are usually text formatting buttons. Among them there is one that allows you to create a hyperlink with a name. It can be marked in different ways: http, “link”, a squiggle icon, but when you hover the mouse, the “Add link” hint pops up.

Click on this button - a small window will open where you will need to enter the page URL (what you copied from the address bar). Paste it and click OK.

The following window will appear where you need to enter the name of the page located at this address. Then click the "Submit" button to publish your message on the site. The published message will contain an underlined page title, which is a hyperlink. This text looks neater.


  • teacher blog

Probably every personal computer user has used a program such as Microsoft Word. It is installed by default in many cases with the operating system and is an indispensable tool for editing documents. However, some users often have difficulty inserting a hyperlink.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - Word program.


A hyperlink is some part of a document that links to a file or website on the Internet. Most often used to insert websites into a document. Then you can follow the link with one click of the mouse. There are several ways to insert hyperlinks into a document.

To paste it into Word, you need to copy it. This can be done using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + C. You can copy in another way. Select the link and right-click on it. A context menu will appear in which you need to select the “Copy” item. Next, open the document in Word and press the key combination CTRL + V. If you need to select the entire document at once, press the key combination CTRL + A.

You can also use the mouse. To do this, right-click and select “Paste”. The hyperlink will be copied into the document and highlighted in some color. By default, all active links are highlighted in blue. You can also try following the hyperlink. If everything is done correctly, you will be automatically redirected to the browser using this link. However, it is worth noting that you must have an active internet connection to view the content.

In general, we can say that pasting into Word is not a difficult task. In the future, you will perform this operation in a few seconds. Experience comes with time, so don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time. Try until you can do it without any difficulty.

Video on the topic

The main feature of the hypertext document markup language, HTML, is the ability not only to carry out the necessary markup of a document, but also to link together several documents that can be located at any distance from each other. These features greatly facilitate the task of navigation, both between individual documents and within one complex one. Essentially, a link is the same tag with certain attributes.


In order to create the simplest HTML pages, the most common text editor “notepad” is enough. At the initial stages, you should learn the basic rules for creating documents in HTML and remember at least the basic tags. If you immediately work with editors that have auto-substitution, the memorization process may take a long time. However, in order to make working with the code more visual, it is recommended to use text editors from text, such as Notepad++.

Start with a simple example. Create a folder for the test with any name convenient for you and in it create two files with the .html extension - index.html and page.html. Next, in each of them, write down the basic “framework” that underlies any html page:
Page title
***here is the main page code***
Save changes to files.

Open the “index.html” file for editing and write the following in the place where the source code is located:
Link to page page
Here “a” is a tag for forming a hypertext link. The “href” attribute specifies the address to which the user will go when clicking on the created link. This can be either a page in the same folder as the main page, or any network address. If you indicate the path to a file in the address, you will get a link to download it, because when clicking on it, the browser will try to open the file, and to do this, the file will need to be saved first.

Video on the topic


  • Download Notepad++

A hyperlink is usually called an element of text or graphic image that has special properties. A hyperlink is designed to go to a desired location in a document, local or network, or to perform a specific action, for example, launch a selected program.

Creating hyperlinks 2

Change the color of hyperlinks 4

Creating control buttons 5

How to change the appearance of a control button? 10

On a note! eleven

Creating Animation 11

Selection 12

Travel paths 12

Additional features 14

Add animation (apply multiple effects to one object) 14

Animation Effect Sequence 14

Audio insertion 15

Video insertion 16

Setting up presentation display 17

Notes for slides 17

Presenter Mode 19

Setting the slide change time 19

Recording of report 20

Creating hyperlinks

In Microsoft Office PowerPoint, a hyperlink links one slide to another in the same presentation (for example, a hyperlink to a custom show), or to a slide in another presentation, email address, web page, or file.

Create a hyperlink to a slide in the same presentation

On the tab Insert in Group Connections click the button Hyperlink.

In field Link to select place in the document.

In field Select a location in the document Click the slide you want to use as the hyperlink target.

In the window Text hyperlink text is displayed. If a hyperlink is made to a graphic object, then this field will be inactive.

By button Clue You can set the text that pops up when you hover over a hyperlink.

In field Select a location in the document the slide to which the transition will be made is indicated.

Create a hyperlink to a slide in another presentation

In normal viewing mode, select the text or object you want to use as a hyperlink.

Click the right mouse button and select the item in the menu that appears Hyperlink.

In field Link to select file, web page.

Specify a presentation that contains the target hyperlink slide.

Click Bookmark, then click the title of the slide that the link will point to.

Create a hyperlink to an email address

In normal viewing mode, select the text or object you want to use as a hyperlink.

On the tab Insert in Group Connections click the button Hyperlink.

In field Link to select by email.

In field Email address mail enter the email address that the link will point to, or click the email address in the field Recently used email addresses.

In field Subject Enter the subject of the email message.

Create a hyperlink to a page or file on the Internet

In normal viewing mode, select the text or object you want to use as a hyperlink.

On the tab Insert in Group Connections click the button Hyperlink.

In field Link to select file, web page and press the button Internet .

Specify the path and select the page or file that the hyperlink will point to, and then click OK.

Create a hyperlink to a new file

In normal viewing mode, select the text or object you want to use as a hyperlink.

On the tab Insert in Group Connections click the button Hyperlink.

In field Link to select new document.

In field New document name Enter the name of the new file that will be created as the link target.

If you need to create a document in a different place, in the field Path select Change, specify the path where you want to create the file, and then click OK.

In field When to make edits to a new document indicate when you want to edit the created file - now or later.

Before you learn how to create a hyperlink, you must understand what it is. A hyperlink is a fragment of an HTML document, text from an email message, or an image that provides the ability to go to another page on one site or provides a connection between two virtual resources. If it is necessary to redirect the visitor to a page of this site, then use the relative address of the page (page.html). To ensure the connection of pages of different web resources, it is necessary to indicate the absolute address of the page in the hyperlink, which looks like this - http:⁄⁄site.com⁄page.html.

It is possible to use a hyperlink within one virtual page. For example, if the developer wants to highlight for the user some of the most important information on the same page, or an example of such a hyperlink could be a quick transition to the top of the page. The usefulness of a hyperlink cannot be overstated because it allows you to instantly create a message to the user whose address is displayed as a hyperlink. You can create hyperlinks not only on websites, but also in Word documents, as well as in presentations and in Powerpoint.

Create a hyperlink in a presentation

Several programs can be used to create a presentation. The main ones are Powerpoint and LibreOffice Impress. All programs provide for the creation of hyperlinks in the presentation. In addition, hyperlinks in presentations can be divided into several types - you need to know this before creating a hyperlink in a presentation, since when developing a specific project, you should take into account all the possibilities offered by a particular program.

  • Internet address;
  • document;
  • E-mail address;
  • presentation slide;
  • slide of another presentation.

In order to make a hyperlink in a presentation created in PowerPoint to a website page, you need to select the content (this can be a media file, picture or text), look for the “Links” group in the “Insert” tab and click on the “Hyperlink” button. As a result of your actions, the “Insert hyperlink” window will open on the monitor screen. Now your task is to choose one of four hyperlink options:

  • to an email address;
  • to a web page or file;
  • to a new document;
  • into place in this document.

After selection, you need to insert the desired address - the component will take on the traditional form of a hyperlink. The same result can be achieved in another way - you need to use the right-click menu. After clicking, you will be taken to the same “Insert hyperlink” button.

To create a hyperlink in a presentation implemented using the LibreOffice Impress program, you need to select the part of the content that you want to make a hyperlink, activate the “Insert” tab, select “Hyperlink”. Upon completion of these steps, insert the appropriate address.

Creating a hyperlink in Word

Documents in Word are printed for posting on any web resource. Therefore, it is advisable to create hyperlinks directly in Word documents. We'll talk about how to create a hyperlink in Word. Despite such a capacious word “hyperlink”, it is very simple to create. First, you need to select the word and phrase (this action is performed to create a hyperlink in documents and presentations, in texts on websites). On the Insert tab there is a "Hyperlink" button - you will find it in the "Links" commands. Based on the results of your work, a dialog box opens. The “Hyperlink” item can also be selected in the context menu - right-click on the selected text. In addition, using the ctrl and k keys on your keyboard, you can also call up the “Hyperlink” option if you highlight words or phrases in the document.

Your computer's documents will appear in the dialog box, from which you can select the one you need. In the case where a hyperlink is made to an Internet document, you can use the manual method of creating a hyperlink. Just copy its URL and paste it into the Address field. To confirm your actions, click the “OK” button. This completes the link insertion operation.

Creating a hyperlink in HTML

It was described above how to create a hyperlink in Powerpoint (in “creating a hyperlink in a presentation”), but a hyperlink can also be created in HTML. In this language, a hyperlink has the following form - Text link. As you can see, in this version there are two parts - (the opening part and closing part). Text is placed between these symbols - the user will only see it, and not the entire hyperlink. The href attribute is required to be included in a hyperlink, but it may not be the only attribute placed inside the opening tag brackets - these are the minimum requirements for creating a hyperlink. Other attributes may include those that contain information about the appearance of the link and how the link should respond to hover, click, and other events.

Before you create a hyperlink in html, you need to create a tag, which is subsequently placed in the source code of the document. You can do this manually or use a page editor, but this method of creating a hyperlink is only possible when the document is hosted on a server that has a site management system. In the visual editor mode, you need to select a piece of content, click a link in the editor interface, and then a dialog box will open. It indicates the address.


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