Anti-rain oleophobic. How to restore the oleophobic coating? How to find out if your device has an oleophobic coating

Today you won’t surprise anyone with the “oleophobic display coating” option in the description of a smartphone or tablet. We have long been accustomed to this term, however, not everyone knows its meaning, the properties of such a layer and its characteristics.

Let's figure it out together.

What is an oleophobic coating

Oleophobic coating- a nanometer-thick film that can repel fats from the touch screen. The coating contains the following elements: chlorine, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, fluorine and nitrogen. They form a film of alkylsilane, silicone and solvent.

Such a coating was first developed and patented in Germany in 2005. Apple products began to use an upgraded oleophobic coating starting with the model iPhone 3GS. A year after the release of this smartphone, the idea was picked up by other equipment manufacturers.

Today, most smartphones and tablets in the mid-price segment and above have an oleophobic coating. Even when replacing the iPhone and iPad display, a competent service center will install a screen with an oleophobic coating.

Why is it needed?

The coating is not able to protect the display from scratches and damage. It only provides protection against dirt, dust and fingerprints. Contamination on a coated display appears less frequently and is easier to remove.

The oleophobic coating of some electronics manufacturers can prevent glare from the sun. Protection is not 100%, but more comfortable work on the street with such a screen is guaranteed.

Is there such coverage on my device?

My old iPad, which has no coverage for a long time

Checking for the presence of an oleophobic coating is very simple. To do this, simply drop a drop of water onto the display with a pipette. After this, you need to tilt the device a little so that the drop rolls down the screen.

If water leaves a trail, wetting the screen, then there is no coating on the device.

Attention! During testing, do not allow water to get into any openings on the device (speaker grille, connectors, buttons).

Here is a visual comparison of screens with and without oleophobic coating:

The coating may wear off unevenly, this will be noticeable by the behavior of the drop in different places on the display.

How durable is this coating?

The oleophobic layer is applied using vapor deposition. Over time, this very thin layer wears off. Its service life depends on the intensity of use of the device and operating conditions.

On the first models of smartphones with an oleophobic coating, after a few months, the layer in place of the unlock slider was noticeably wiped off. Some users have noticed wiping areas in places where they frequently press and swipe. Sometimes there was noticeable loss of the coating in the place where the smartphone came into contact with the seam of the jeans, the case, or objects in the bag.

Today, all manufacturers have improved the oleophobic layer on the display; it is almost impossible to see its wiping and wear. The layer can wear out in 6-12 months.

This is interesting: average repair prices for reference.

  • Display replacement from RUB 3,000.
  • battery replacement from RUB 2,200.
  • case replacement from RUB 5,900.
  • Speaker replacement from RUB 2,200.
  • microphone replacement from RUB 1,800.

Oleophobic coating against protective films

Good protective films and glasses also have an oleophobic layer. You can check this even before gluing such protection. For the test, you can use plain water or a water-based marker. The oleophobic coating will repel the layer applied by the marker and turn it into small drops. The service center recommends choosing protection with an oleophobic layer.

Here is a comparison of two protective coatings with and without an oleophobic layer:

On the one hand, gluing films allows you to “renew” the oleophobic coating, and on the other hand, upon contact with the adhesive base of the protection, the original coating will be erased.

Of course, everything depends on the quality of the film or protective glass, but 3-4 procedures for gluing such protection can completely destroy the factory oleophobic layer of the iPhone.

What is the oleophobic coating afraid of?

The main enemy of coating is friction. Gradual destruction of the layer occurs even with simple clicks on the display. However, the greatest harm is caused when carrying a smartphone in a pocket or in contact with rough materials. Any hard objects, fabrics and surfaces gradually destroy the oleophobic layer.

The layer wears off very quickly upon contact with solvents and solvent-based products. Liquids with a high percentage of alcohol can destroy the layer.

Abrasive fabrics, napkins with coarse pile and paper do not have the best effect on the coating.

To preserve the oleophobic coating, it is better to wear your smartphone in a case that protects the display, wipe the screen only with a soft microfiber cloth, and do not use solvent-based cleaners or those with an alcohol content of more than 60%. Do not wipe the screen with wet wipes, especially car wipes.

How to replace the original oleophobic coating

The most affordable option is film or protective glass with an oleophobic layer. We check for the presence of a repellent coating before gluing, carefully glue and get several more months of good protection from fingerprints and dirt.

You can find many products on sale that imitate the oleophobic coating on the display. They come in spray form and are easy to apply. We do not recommend using such products; their composition, as well as the possible consequences of use, are unknown.

On the Internet you can find folk methods for restoring oleophobic coating:

For obvious reasons, you shouldn't do this with your iPhone and iPad.

The best way to restore the oleophobic coating is to replace the display with a new original one. Of course, I do not suggest making expensive repairs just to restore the repellent layer on the screen, but this fact may become an additional argument in favor of repair.

If the iPhone screen is broken, cracked, or has many chips and scratches, the need for replacement is imminent. A new layer of oleophobic coating, which will be present on a high-quality original display, will be a pleasant bonus after the repair.

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We apply the oleophobic coating with our own hands

Oleophobic coating is used in many smartphones and tablet PCs, on touch screens, improving convenience and ease of use. This coating provides improved gliding on the screen, does not leave fingerprints on the surface and protects against water. However, it tends to wear off and becomes necessary to reapply after a while.

In service centers, this procedure is by no means cheap. An alternative to this is to apply the coating yourself. This guide shows how to apply an oleophobic coating to the screen of a smartphone or tablet.

First, you need to purchase such coverage. Naturally, you won’t be able to find it in a regular store. Therefore, it is best to order it through an online store or in a specialized store that sells tools for repairing equipment. This set is called “Fusso SmartPhone”.

Step 1

A clean piece of microfiber cloth is included in the package. Using it, wipe the glass of your mobile phone until it is perfectly clean, leaving no traces or dust on its surface.

Step 2

Apply Fusso liquid to the screen of your mobile phone. It is enough to drop 10-15 drops onto the surface. Afterwards, using microfiber, quickly rub the drops into the smartphone screen, evenly distributing them over the surface until the drops dry.

When applying to tablet PCs, it is better to divide the screen area into 4 or 8 sections and rub the drops into the corresponding area of ​​the touch screen, as the liquid dries very quickly. The volume of liquid per unit area is the same as for smartphones.

Step 3

Repeat “Step 2” two or three times and leave the device for 6-8 hours without touching the screen surface. During this time, the oleophobic film will be tightly absorbed into the touch screen.

We strongly recommend repeating the procedure from section “Step 2” more than once. It is best to apply a layer on different days. This is necessary so that each subsequent layer of coating is firmly ingrained into the structure of the screen, which will increase its performance and durability.

Note! Any remaining coating and drips on the touch screen after application can be removed using an ordinary piece of paper. However, you should not remove excess drops while “sucking” the layer into the screen. Thus, using this method, you can easily provide your smartphone with a high-quality, durable oleophobic layer, as in expensive and flagship smartphone models.

One of the features of modern smartphones that we have long become accustomed to is an oleophobic coating. Apple began using similar technology back in the iPhone 3GS.

Nowadays it is very difficult to find a smartphone or tablet without such a layer on the display.

Why do you need an oleophobic coating?

Oleophobic coating- a special very thin layer on the surface of the display that repels fats and resists the appearance of dirt.

The coating cannot be seen with the naked eye, but checking its presence is very simple. Just drop a drop of water on the display and tilt the device.

If water leaves a mark, there is no coating on the smartphone or tablet, but if the drop flows smoothly and without a trace, there is coverage.

Here is an example of a device on which the oleophobic coating has long worn off

What are the advantages and disadvantages of oleophobic coating?

A coated display is easier to keep clean and does not become covered with fingerprints as quickly, even with active use.

The coating improves tactile sensations, the finger literally slides over the surface of the smartphone, swiping is very easy.

The main disadvantage of the olephobic coating is its fragility. The more actively you use your smartphone or tablet, the faster the coating will wear off.

The coating can be completely erased after six months of use; it often wears off unevenly, disappearing faster at the bottom of the display where the user presses and swipes more actively.

You can restore the coating by replacing the display with an original coated one or by gluing a film with an oleophobic layer. Other methods for applying all kinds of gels, varnishes or wax are unsafe.

They can damage the smartphone, and further contact with the owner’s skin can lead to negative consequences.

How to preserve oleophobic coating

The main enemy of coating is friction. Of course, we will not refuse to use the gadget.

You should minimize the impact on the protective layer when cleaning and wiping the gadget.

What is safe to cover:

  • wipe the display with special microfiber cloths;
  • use specialized products with low alcohol content for cleaning;
  • Carry your smartphone in a closed case to avoid unnecessary friction of the display on your clothes or bag.

What is dangerous for the coating:

  • you should not glue the protective film, it will minimize the benefit of the original oleophobic layer, and after its removal the coating will be severely damaged;
  • Do not use ordinary wet or dry wipes to wipe the device (the composition of wet wipes can be aggressive, and dry wipes may contain coarse particles);
  • You should avoid using products with a high alcohol content and/or solvent-based content and other products not intended for mobile devices on the display;
  • Do not leave your smartphone in direct sunlight for a long time, the oleophobic coating is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Do not rub the display on clothing or carry it in your pocket without a closed case.

By following these simple rules, you can significantly extend the life of the native oleophobic coating on your iPhone or iPad.

At the same time, the display will remain smoother and more pleasant to the touch, dirt and fingerprints will be less noticeable on the device.

⭐ Thanks to re:Store for the useful and interesting information.

Great achievements in the field of microelectronics, which have been taking place especially intensively in the last decade, have begun to awaken in people an increasing thirst for a comfortable environment with amazing things. Aesthetics and power are intertwined in an ephemeral manifestation of the human mind - a multifunctional phone with a touch control panel, the screen of which received an oleophobic coating, was revealed to the world. This amazing substance and the ingenious simplicity of the invention will be discussed in this article.

A little biology and a little about physics

It was one of the features of human physiology that served as a kind of impetus to use a substance whose properties would prevent the appearance of fatty traces on the surface of the touchscreen. After all, it’s no secret that a smooth base, and even one that has certain mirror properties, is an incredibly easily soiled material. The oleophobic coating solved all the problems. The touch screen has acquired a fairly serious protector who can easily preserve the aesthetic beauty and effective practicality of the display's color rendition.

The “heroine” of the story is “Mrs. Chemistry”

So, what is an oleophobic coating and what components does the “miracle” substance consist of? In order not to get into the terminology, let's just say that this is a certain substance, the basis of which is: alkylsilane (organic hydrotrioxide), silicone - polyorganosiloxane polymers (organosilicon) and a solvent (as a binding element).

However, a film just a few nanometers thick can effectively repel multiple “tactile attacks” from our fingers. That is, the above coating serves as a natural barrier to fat in any of its manifestations. By the way, the chemical composition of a human fingerprint is nothing more than an aggressive environment, which contains a fairly serious arsenal of various substances: several types of acids, ammonia, salt and phosphates. So sweaty hands are “stress” for the oleophobic coating. However, everything has its limits, and the protective properties of spraying are no exception to the rule. However, more on this in the next paragraph.

What “kills” the oleophobic coating?

The main culprit in the destruction of the protective layer, of course, is considered to be mechanical impact. And the intensity of use of the device, which has an anti-grease coating, is far from a creative force. However, all the above reasons are “nothing” compared to aggressive environments, which often become “saviors” in the hands of a person thoughtlessly trying to wipe off an ink stain from the touch screen of an expensive device. Practice shows that at first glance, “innocent substances” sold under the guise of “super-duper” that effectively clean the oleophobic coating of the screen from any contamination are in fact dangerous liquids that contain alcohol or its derivatives or various solvents. Only after some time will the owner of a phone or tablet notice that fingerprints have become “with progressive strength” fixed on the touch screen of their favorite device. And yet, for those whose experience was “unsweet,” there is a way out.

Non-industrial spraying, or Fool yourself (Chinese reducing agent)

There is more than enough information on the Internet on a given topic. There are an incredible amount of substances simulating a protective layer on the market today. For your information, even an expensive spray can cannot guarantee factory quality (often promised in the product instructions), much less the durability of the layer obtained as a result of spraying, rubbing or dripping. At best, you will get a matte fog on the glass, or you will achieve grease-repellent protection with a daily validity period. Common sense should make you doubt the “miracle recipes”, and life experience should require a detailed study of the essence of the issue: oleophobic coating - what is it? Dear readers, do not be deceived, because the technology of applying a protective layer is a complex chemical production process. By the way, not every patent is made public (this refers to an improved type of deposition from Apple). Agree - this example is worthy of reflection. However, as promised, an effective method still exists.

Simple, fast, reliable and cheap

A protective film, of course, will not save your device from “signs of individuality” (fingerprints), but its use will certainly have a positive effect on the presentable state of the front part of the device. In any case, you can wipe the display without fear of damaging the oleophobic coating. A high-quality film will protect your touchscreen from scratches and abrasions, and the low price of the accessory will not be an obstacle to re-replacing the element protecting it from damage. It should be noted that many manufacturers have long mastered the technology of applying a grease-repellent composition to polymer products. So for owners who have lost the factory protective layer, and those people whose electronic devices were not initially “oleophobic,” this alternative is truly an ideal option to significantly influence the degree of security of the device, as well as increase the level of comfort when using it.

Summing up

As you understand, you can unknowingly destroy the oleophobic coating with your own hands, but now you know that there are some possibilities for restoring the protective layer. So don’t be upset if you made an operational mistake in the past tense... Alas, this is how man was created, although learning from other people’s mistakes is much more painless. Be wise and protect your device from “obesity”.

On the World Wide Web, information has appeared about the latest screen protection technology such as oleophobic coating smartphone. Apple has patented an oleophobic coating for new iPhone smartphones. After all, modern flagship smartphones are expensive and stylish, and you don’t want to have scuff marks on the screen.

Do you need a protective film?

Today, many lovers of smartphones, tablets and other digital equipment are faced with an extremely unpleasant fact - the appearance of scratches on the large screen of a new device. Protective films are considered to be effective protection for your phone screen. But, unfortunately, ordinary films do not protect the smartphone 100%, since there is no oleophobic coating, and over time the film peels off and loses its protective properties from physical damage.

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There are different types of films, for example, matte and anti-reflective. Scuffs, dust, scratches and friction in your pocket - all these nuances affect the appearance of the glass of your gadget. A solution to this problem has been found thanks to an Apple patent application. Permission to improve this patent was received in 2005.

Nanotechnology of the 21st century

Oleophobic coating is a film with a nanometer thickness that repels fats and various aqueous solutions from the touch screen.

The most important advantages of the protective coating are:

  1. Affordable price;
  2. Ease of application to the screen;
  3. Comfortable use;
  4. Provides high-quality device protection;
  5. Not scary: keys, pendants and even kitchen knives (taking into account the latest innovations of new technologies);
  6. Long term of use.

It would seem impossible to give the original factory look to a gadget at home. Due to the improvement and implementation of trendy technologies, it has become possible to give a mobile device its original screen shine and beauty.

Today, such a liquid for covering phone screens is available to everyone and is in great demand. Application, namely applying chemicals to the display at home, will only lead to difficulty with the sensor and other significant problems.

How to make an oleophobic coating yourself

“How to make an oleophobic coating yourself” - many people ask this question, but it is very difficult to recreate a similar liquid, since it is necessary to take into account all the proportions of chemicals, and the process is not easy.

You can even apply oleophobic liquid to specially designed iPhone protective films. Advice from manufacturers: “Do not wipe the surface of smartphones with cleaning agents or alcohol-containing liquids.”

Bottom line

A film on the screen of your modern phone may turn out to be an absolutely unnecessary accessory. Often the film coating even gets in the way. The main disadvantage of films is the appearance of many bubbles, which is very frustrating. Easy and convenient coating with oleophobic liquid or wasting time on applying a film for a smartphone - the choice is obvious. The only place where film can protect your cell phone from damage is the beach. A DIY oleophobic coating will add aesthetic beauty to your smartphone and provide effective protection.


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