Does not show the flash drive on a Windows 7 computer. Viruses and antiviruses

Restoring USB flash drives has its own characteristics. The good news is that these devices, unlike SD cards, are repairable. Therefore, if you cannot exchange a flash drive under warranty, why not take advantage of the 60-70% chance to have it repaired.

The article will discuss various cases, typical problems associated with flash drive failure, and options for solving them.

Recover data or repair a flash drive?

These are not the same thing, although the concepts are interrelated.

The main task that the repair solves is to restore the functionality of the flash drive so that it:

  • detected as a storage device in Disk Management,
  • was correctly defined in Explorer,
  • read and wrote data.

As a result of repairing a USB flash drive, it is easy to lose all the data on it, while it will be available for writing and reading.

File recovery is only possible on a working USB flash drive.

The main reasons for failure of a USB flash drive

How to understand that a USB flash drive needs repair:

  • When a flash drive is connected, the LED on its case does not light up;
  • The device is not recognized on another computer/laptop;
  • The flash drive is detected as an unidentified usb device.

Damaging a USB drive is as easy as shelling pears. Like any physical device, flash memory is subject to external influences (shock, thermal effects, water ingress, etc.). In addition, there are a number of software errors due to which the flash drive does not work.

The contacts of the USB connector are damaged

Often, the problem lies in a damaged contact between the controller and the USB connector.

How to check. To check the flash drive for this problem, test it on another computer. Alternatively, insert another flash drive (if available) into the USB port of the same computer.

If other flash drives can be read on a PC without problems, the problem is probably in the current storage medium.

If you are unable to read data from a flash drive only on this computer, the problem may be in the USB sockets of the motherboard of your PC or laptop.

How to fix.

  1. Here is a link to a third-party guide on how to repair a USB connector: DIY USB connector repair on a laptop.
  2. If you don’t want to fiddle with wires, it’s better to send a PC or flash drive with a broken USB port for repair. The approximate cost of USB replacement is $20–50.

Hardware/mechanical problem: controller damaged

Most often, everything depends on the flash drive controller, which is the main link in the operation of the drive. The controller contains important microcircuits, and disconnecting a contact or burning out a leg will make data recovery on a flash drive very problematic.

How to fix a flash drive.

  1. Replace the controller yourself (which is unrealistic at home).
  2. Take the USB drive to a service center - but repairing the flash memory will cost a lot of money. You will not find a controller for a USB flash drive on sale. The laboratory can find a donor flash drive and “transplant” the faulty controller.
  3. If the data stored on a flash drive is vital and you would like to recover it, the laboratory can use an expensive hardware and software system to retrieve the data bypassing the hardware controller.

You can find out the cost of services directly from specialists at a company that repairs flash drives in your city. It can start from $30 and go up to $500 - 1000.

Reflashing a damaged flash drive

The USB flash drive contains firmware - microcode with service data. If the USB firmware is damaged, the USB flash drive will inevitably stop working.

How to fix. Such a flash drive cannot be formatted using ordinary universal software like SDFormatter; it will require complete “trephination” - flashing. To do this, you will need a proprietary utility from the manufacturer.

However, you can reflash the flash drive only by finding out the name of the controller. The difficulty is that manufacturers, as a rule, use different types and models of controllers and can implement not only their own, but also other people’s developments. Therefore, it is not always possible to immediately determine the type of flash memory controller.

Fortunately, there are special programs that allow you to determine the VID&PID* type for Transcend, Silicon Power, etc. drives; We will list them with a link to the installers.

(* VID – manufacturer identifier, PID – device identifier.)

    After the warranty repair, all the photos on the smartphone and on the SD card disappeared.

    Answer. A very vague question. What was the warranty repair performed - a mobile device or a memory card? All your claims against the performers are governed by your contract.

    As for data recovery on an SD card, use specialized applications, which, in fact, are what this site is dedicated to.

    A 2GB flash card from an old Nokia phone, the phone sees the flash drive perfectly, the tablet and other phones do not see it. My equipment sees other people's flash cards.

    Answer. If other flash cards do not open on your, as you say, old Nokia, it is most likely because the phone simply does not support new technologies. Review the documentation and specifications for your device. Perhaps it's time to upgrade your hardware?

    My 32GB micro flash drive broke in half. How can I recover information on this flash drive? Please tell me where and who can help me, how to fix the flash drive?

    Answer. Alas, this flash drive cannot be repaired or at least somehow reanimated. If the firmware on your flash drive crashed, then you could give it some chance of recovery. As for physical damage, it all depends on the damage. If the flash memory chips are intact, you can read the data through a PC 3000 Flash reader, etc.

    The only possible solution (if the files are not particularly important) is to purchase a new microSD card.

    The flash drive does not open, does not appear as a removable disk, and does not appear in the device manager. Physical impact is excluded, because There are three such flash drives, different people worked with them.

    Answer. You haven't specified the type of memory you are working with. In any case, if a flash drive or SD card does not open, I would advise checking the operation of the flash card on other devices. Test it on other phones or devices that you can connect it to. If it is an SD card, try connecting it to your PC via a card reader.

    Check if the connected device is detected in Device Manager. If yes, use any disk partitioning program or standard Windows tools, or proprietary software available on the flash drive developer’s website to format the flash drive in NTFS or FAT.

    While formatting the flash drive (transcend), the flash drive was pulled out from the PC. It was clear that it would no longer work, a check confirmed this. The computer does not detect the flash drive, the indicator blinks all the time, it is not in “my computer”, it is in the device manager, it says that it works fine, it is defined as a storage device. Help me restore the transcend flash drive!

    Answer. The file table on your flash drive is probably damaged. You can still restore the operation of a flash drive if you create a partition on it and format it. You can revive a flash drive, as already mentioned, using specialized utilities like Acronis Disc Director, etc., but it is best to use the TestDisk application to partition and restore a transcend flash drive.

    The flash drive was encrypted in TrueCrypt, I reinstalled the OS, mounted the flash drive, the files were displayed, but when I tried to open them, it gave me an error - access denied. Tell me, is it possible to save information if the flash drive is not detected after encryption?

    Answer. You will need a client program to work with Truecrypt. Alas, the website is currently unavailable, and the project itself is closed. So try to find the application somewhere on the Internet. After this, when opening files, you will be required to enter a password to access your files.

    The flash drive is reset and the system requires formatting the flash drive, but I need to save very important and expensive files. Help!

    Answer. Under no circumstances agree to format your flash drive! Instead, use data recovery software and try to recover the missing partition on your storage device. You can safely copy all the saved information to your hard drive and then search among these rubble for exactly what you need.

    There is a JetFlash Transcend 8GB flash drive. No longer determined by the system. I formatted it with JetFlash Online Recovery and it deleted all data from the flash drive. Is it now possible to recover the Transcend flash drive, that is, the data on it?

    Answer. The Unformat program is suitable for restoring a Transcend flash drive. The chances of recovery depend on the depth of formatting. Anyway, use the deep scan option. Alternatively, try Recuva with a similar scanning option.

Today, many computer users are faced with the fact that their system begins to not see the USB device. This problem appears on almost all operating systems, regardless of what operating system is currently installed on it. I would like to discuss in advance, but if the fact that the flash drive is not identified is present, then you should pay attention to the following.

  • The device itself was already connected to the computer, but the system only wrote “insert disk.”
  • The usual icon appears, like a wax mark, but the disc itself does not open.
  • The system notifies the user that the flash drive needs to be formatted for further use.
  • The usual icon of a connected flash drive appears, but the drive itself does not appear in Explorer.
  • When connecting a device, an error message appears.
  • The computer often freezes when connecting a device.

The computer does not see USB

In this very instruction, I will try to describe all the problems that befall any user when connecting a USB flash drive. At the beginning, I will tell you the simplest ways to eliminate this or that error, and at the end I will touch on a more detailed exploration of this problem. Up to the point when the system writes that the disk needs to be formatted. among other things, such an error often occurs when, in the process of pressing format, another error appears, namely the disk is write-protected, and at the same time this device cannot be formatted.

If, while reading the article, some methods do not help you, then proceed to the following points (Unless, of course, there is any damage or other scratches on your USB device.) If this article does not help you, then I I highly recommend using programs such as (Kingston, Sandisk, Silicon Power and others). Which are intended for repairing certain flash drives.

First of all, you should pay attention to the simplest and safest way to resolve problems connecting to a USB flash drive. To do this, just go to the official Microsoft resource and from there download the necessary program, which was actually created to correct errors with connecting to USB drives. This utility works perfectly with all known operating systems.

When the download of the utility is completed, open the program immediately and click on the Next button to see in the future what problems are associated with it and whether they will be fixed.

During the process and correcting various errors, the most basic connection problems should be checked first.

  1. If the device cannot be recognized in any way.
  2. The USB device is not working. Such an error can be caused by many factors. Including the software itself, which conflicts with the device.

There have been cases when one or another USB device needs to be urgently removed from the equipment; for this, you can use a simple method, namely, safely removing the device. But many people who encounter such an error say that Windows cannot stop the device in any way, since the device is currently connected to other programs. In order to eliminate this error, we first shut down all open programs, those that currently use the equipment itself, and then repeat the disconnection procedure. And of course, don’t forget to update the drivers themselves for a particular drive; some errors are due to the fact that the driver is simply outdated.

If after working with the program you see some errors, you should eliminate them immediately. We remind you that you can download the program itself on the manufacturer’s website.

When the flash drive is not displayed, you should look at it in Disk Management.

First of all, to launch the program itself, click on Start - Run - and enter the name of the command diskmgmt.msc in the window - then click on Enter.

You can also find this section from the control panel; to do this, go to Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Computer Management - Disk Management.

When this “Disk Management” section is open, we look at our flash drive, connect it and check whether it is displayed.

If, while viewing the disk, you notice that the system has seen a USB drive, then this is just great, because in this case all partitions should be active. In this case, just click on the corresponding partition and select the option, make the partition active, and don’t forget to assign a letter to our drive, subsequently the USB device itself should appear as a displayed drive. If, while viewing, you notice that the partition is faulty or deleted, then try to create a simple volume, and later you will be asked to format the disk, after which all information on it will be completely erased.

If in the disk management section your flash drive is displayed as “Unknown” or “Not initialized,” then in this case you will need to try data recovery; you can find out this information from this article. Also, this error may mean that the user has previously performed some actions on this flash drive, but in this operating system such partitions are simply not supported. In this case, you will need to delete these same partitions and subsequently create new ones that your operating system will support.

Some further steps

To get started, first of all go to the device manager, and there you should notice how your device is currently designated, by which letter, usually the device itself is designated as unknown, or in rare cases it is called by its letter.

If for some reason the update did not help, then move on to the following fix methods.

First of all, try connecting your USB drive to all ports; there are often cases when one or another port is simply faulty, or, in extreme cases, not supported. If during connection you use a USB hub or extension cable, then simply disconnect it to connect directly. It is also worth disconnecting all enabled USB drives, restarting the computer and checking the functionality of your unknown device.

Windows 10 refuses to see the device after all updates or installations

Nowadays, many users are faced with another problem, namely, their drives are not displayed, most often this happens in the Windows 10 operating system, or after updating this operating system. With all this, many users who encounter this problem fix it with driver updates. But in truth, such problems are often caused by extraneous entries in the registry and other USB drives. In this case, you can resort to another option, namely the free USBOblivion utility, which is capable of deleting previously incorrect entries in the registry. But before resorting to this utility, the user should create a system restore point.

First, you need to make sure that all previously connected devices are successfully disconnected from all previously connected ports, then run the program itself, check the boxes such as: clean up and Save the cancel reg file, after all this you can safely click on the cleanup button.

After successfully cleaning the registry, you will need to restart the computer and connect the equipment itself; there is a high probability that it will be detected by the system and subsequently become accessible. If this method does not help, then try the above steps, namely: open the device manager and find your equipment, and then update the configuration as described above. You can always download the USBOblivion program itself from the official website of the developer.

But most often, Internet users complain that Windows 10 is incompatible with some drivers, namely USB 2.0 or 3.0, such incompatibility should be displayed with an exclamation mark in the device manager. In this case, you will need to visit the website of the developer of the device itself, perhaps so you can find the questions and answers that interest you. With all this, you must definitely visit the developer’s website, and not some fraudulent sites, and you should also not forget to update your BIOS configuration for the motherboard.

If the flash drive is not seen by Windows XP

Most often, current users experience such common situations when the Windows XP operating system does not see some flash drive, while it sees other flash drives just fine. This problem can be solved by updating this or that equipment, USB drive. The thing is that some organizations have not switched to the new operating system. Well, some of the relevant updates were never installed later.

If Windows XP refuses to see the flash drive

  1. If your operating system has not been updated for a long time, then you need to carry out the appropriate update.
  2. With all this, you must first install not only the most important updates, but also update all devices, regardless of what operating system is currently in use.

Here is a short list of updates for the once beloved Windows XP system:

KB925196 - many users encountered such errors when the system completely refused to see any devices.
KB968132 - when many USB devices were connected to the computer, the system stopped functioning normally.
KB817900 - when the USB port was re-inserted, the system sometimes did not detect it.
KB895962 - when the printer was turned on, the USB flash drive was disconnected.
KB314634 - the system sees only old USB flash drives, but completely ignores new ones.
KB88740 - popped up when removing and connecting the device.
KB871233 - the computer does not see the device after sleep or hibernation.
KB312370 (2007) - USB 2.0 support has been added.

I would also like to note that the Windows Vista operating system is almost never used today, but if you have this same operating system, then it’s also worth installing all the updates.

How to completely remove old drivers and install new ones:
This option is primarily suitable when the system writes “Insert device”, while the USB device itself is already inserted. To get rid of this problem, you should first remove the old drivers, and then install new ones. Also, this same error can occur when the flash drive is assigned to another disk, the system freezes or reboots itself.

The thing is that the system automatically searches for the necessary drivers for a particular device when it connects to the appropriate port. With all this, the flash drive itself is turned off, but the driver itself is installed. When the user connects a new flash drive, the system no longer updates the drivers, but applies previously installed updates to the old flash drive. Here we will try to give the necessary advice on how to remove old drivers.

  1. To do this, disconnect all flash drives and all devices that are connected to the USB connector, and then you can safely reboot the system itself.
  2. After turning on the computer, go to the official website of the DriveCleanup program and download a utility called DriveCleanup (which is currently compatible with absolutely all systems).
  3. When the download is complete, copy drivecleanup.exe to the Windows root directory, along the path C:\\Windows - System32.
  4. Well, then launch the command line and run drivecleanup.exe.
  5. After all this, you should see the process of removing all drivers on your system.
  6. After all this, when the removal is completed, you will need to reboot the system itself.

If all of the above did not help you, and the system itself still refuses to see other USB devices, then you can move on to the next method to fix the problem.

Additional solutions to the problem

  1. First, go to the device manager and enter the command devmgmt.msc there.
  2. Then open the USB Controllers section and delete all devices named Root USB Hub, USB Host Controller or Generic USB Hub.
  3. Well, then, select the action section and update the entire equipment system.

After all the above steps, you can safely check the functionality of all your USB devices.

Also, do not forget about all kinds of viruses and other negative programs that can provoke a conflict with one or another USB device.

  1. First of all, check the Windows registry, it is located at the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Software - Microsoft - Windows - CurrentVersion - Policies - Explorer
  2. By going to this section you will see a parameter named NoDrives, you can safely delete it and reboot the system.
  3. Then you can go to the section along the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - System - CurrentControlSet - Control. Find the StorageDevicePolicies parameter, you can safely delete it too.

Also, in some cases, turning off the system completely helps. First, disconnect all previously connected devices, including the same flash drives, and then feel free to reboot the system. When the computer is unplugged, press the power button and hold it for a few seconds. After the above steps, connect all devices and turn on the system. This very method has helped many users.

Recovering data from a flash drive that the computer cannot see

If, when you connect the device, it is correctly displayed in disk management, but you see that the device is not recognized, then most likely you will have to use data recovery to somehow extract the information inside it.

It is also worth considering some things that will help you recover data from a flash drive:

  • There is no need to restore files to the same media.
  • In order to restore a flash drive, you should first read the appropriate instructions.

Well, in the latter case, if all the above tips did not help you, then you should contact a company that specializes in the recovery of flash drives.

What to do if the computer does not see the flash drive?

Nowadays, modern technologies do not stand still; in the past, a computer hard drive did not exceed 40 GB and was amazing in size. But nowadays, hard drives are being replaced by flash drives, which reach several terabytes in size. But unfortunately, the cost of such a device seems fantastic to the average user. But despite this, flash cards never cease to be in demand (after all, thanks to them, you can carry any information, while flash drives are tiny in size). But as often happens, any little thing soon wears out and some kind of malfunction happens to it. We will talk about this in this article, what to do and fix it if the flash drive fails.

Why doesn't the computer see the flash drive?

Before proceeding to the problem itself, it is necessary to understand what causes such a problem and that this problem lies in the flash drive itself. There have been cases when inexperienced users, without understanding the whole situation, suddenly found out that the problem did not come from the flash drive itself, but from the laptop or computer. Of course, there are other cases that you can learn about in this very article.

How to find out that the problem is in the flash drive itself, and not on the computer. In order to find out, we connect our flash drive to another computer. If the flash drive works on the second PC, then the problem does not come from the flash drive, but from the system itself. Well, if when connected it also refuses to show signs of life, then the problem is in the flash drive itself. Of course, it’s best to buy a new flash drive; nowadays their cost varies from around 200 rubles. But if you still have any valuable information on this flash drive, then you will have to work hard, take your device to a special service center, or, as a last resort, try to fix the problem yourself.

  • First, when you connect the flash drive itself, you need to make sure that the malfunction does not come from the USB port itself. There are often cases when one or another port simply fails. First of all, if you bought a USB port, make sure that its connection to the system unit was correct. Well, in general, new system units from little-known companies are very often exposed to this situation. This problem is also known on laptops. For laptops, there is also such a criterion that there is simply not enough power to run the USB port of the connected flash drive, since other devices, mice, webcams, etc. are already connected to it. If it is almost impossible to do with a laptop, unless of course you are going to disconnect some device from the USB port, then on a personal computer this can be corrected by inserting it into another free port, of course if it is working.
  • Also, do not forget about the BIOS itself. The thing is that in some system units and laptops, some USB ports turn off on their own when the electricity surges. This problem can be resolved by going into the BIOS and connecting the ports yourself.
  • Known operating systems, regardless of the user, are capable of assigning a device an already assigned letter of another drive. For example, when your hard drive and flash drive are assigned the same letter. In order to solve this problem, first of all, click on the “Start” button and go to the control panel - “Administration” - “Computer Management” - “Storage Devices” - “Disk Management”. There you can see all the devices that are currently connected to your computer. In order to change the drive name, right-click and click on the inscription “Change drive letter or drive path...”. It is worth noting that the drive letter you must select is one that is not currently used by the system itself. After all the manipulations, you will see your disk - flash drive. If this does not happen, then simply remove it and insert it back into the same port.
  • If you have an old PC, then you need to make sure that the problem is not due to driver updates for the motherboard. In order to update the driver for your motherboard, proceed to the following steps: first, find out your motherboard model and name, and then feel free to go to the manufacturer’s website and update to the latest version there. For older motherboards, they are almost always updated and new drivers are released.
  • If the computer refuses to see the device, then perform the following steps: first go to the “Task Manager”, there we look for USB controllers. When we enter, if we see exclamation marks with the device controllers, then you have come to the right place, since these devices need to be updated for drivers. When the driver update is completed successfully, we reboot the system. But be careful, as installing drivers yourself is not a very pleasant thing if you are not yet an experienced user.
  • Also, do not forget about all kinds of viruses and other programs that may be present in the system itself. To identify the problem for the presence of virus programs, it is worth scanning your system with an antivirus program to identify and destroy viruses.
  • Well, don’t forget that there may also be a file system conflict. For example, your hard drive is FAT32, but your card is NTFS. In order to solve this problem, you need to format the device to FAT32 or vice versa.

The computer does not see the flash drive. Technology cannot work forever. There may be several reasons:

1) the front connectors on the PC are not connected to the motherboard;

2) there is not enough food;

3) system driver failure;

4) viruses;

5) file system conflict;

6) hardware failure of the drive.

Almost all problems can be “treated” with improvised means, namely computer system utilities. Let's look at each breakdown in detail.

Reason 1: Inactive sockets and lack of power

If your flash drive does not open on your computer when connected to the front connectors of the system unit, additionally check the jacks for connecting a headset (headphones).

If they are silent, it means that the manufacturers did not bother to connect the socket block to the motherboard when assembling the PC. If the computer is under warranty, feel free to complain to the seller about poor quality assembly. Alternatively, use the rear ports.

The second nuance is insufficient power supply to the connectors, which is why the flash drive “blinks”, i.e. randomly recognized/disappears. Most likely, the assemblers are to blame, who screwed up when connecting them to the motherboard, not completely recessing the cable into the corresponding groove.

In this case, you again need to visit the service center or seller. But if you have experience building a PC, try doing it yourself.

If after all the manipulations absolutely nothing happens, the problem lies elsewhere.

Reason 2: drivers

Each flash drive initially stores a driver in memory, which is automatically installed when the device is connected. But Windows can periodically crash, causing the average user to suffer. To correct the situation, the following set of manipulations will be required.

To begin, right-click on “My Computer” and go to “properties”.

A list of several tabs will be displayed, from which you need to select “Hardware” and go to “Device Manager”.

Scroll through the list until we find USB controllers. We expand the list by clicking on “+” and see the complete list of devices that are connected or have been connected once through the required connector.

Next you will have to play the so-called attentiveness test. We connect the drive and wait until the list of drivers blinks. One of the components will change its name. This is our culprit and must be eliminated.

To do this, right-click on it and select “Delete”. Confirm your intentions, and then reinsert the flash drive. The driver will be picked up automatically. In the vast majority of cases this helps.

Reason 3: viruses and trojans

Although the system requires checking devices for spyware, few people do this, and they pay for it by causing the system to malfunction. It’s very simple: the virus replaces the “native” autorun driver with a modified one, which can result in the message “Access denied” appearing.

Therefore, if the flash drive does not boot , we do the following.

Open “My Computer” and enter the device letter in the address bar (everything is as in the screenshot, preserving the characters). Your drive letter may vary.

So, you got inside. But now you need to make hidden files visible in order to get to autorun. To do this, select “Service”, and from the list that opens, select “Folder Options”.

We are interested in the “View” tab. Scroll the slider to the very bottom until you find the “Hide system files...” setting. We uncheck this item, simultaneously switching the system to the ability to show hidden files.

Have you checked? Great. Re-insert the long-suffering device and continue working.

Reason 4: Partition conflict

Other incidents also happen. For example, you inserted a drive into your computer. The system recognized him and issued the corresponding “tyn-dyn.” A characteristic icon has appeared on the taskbar at the bottom, but for some reason Windows refuses to assign a partition letter. How to deal with this?

To get started, click Start and go to Control Panel.

On the left side of the window, for ease of use, select “Switch to category view.” Although if it is already turned on, there is no need to perform any manipulations. We need to get into “Administration”.

Important: all manipulations must be done only on behalf of the administrator. Otherwise, the system will not accept the changes.

Select “Computer Management” by double-clicking and move on.

Here is the “reverse side” of the system with various settings. Do not under any circumstances engage in ad-libbing if you do not understand it. Just follow our advice.

The computer does not see the flash drive. Technology cannot work forever. There may be several reasons:

1) the front connectors on the PC are not connected to the motherboard;

2) there is not enough food;

5) file system conflict;

6) hardware failure of the drive.

Almost all problems can be “treated” with improvised means, namely computer system utilities. Let's look at each breakdown in detail.

Reason 1: Inactive sockets and lack of power

If the computer is under warranty, feel free to complain to the seller about poor quality assembly. Alternatively, use the rear ports.

The second nuance is insufficient power supply to the connectors, which is why the flash drive “blinks”, i.e. randomly recognized/disappears.

Most likely, the assemblers are to blame, who screwed up when connecting them to the motherboard, not completely recessing the cable into the corresponding groove.

In this case, you again need to visit the service center or seller. But if you have experience building a PC, try doing it yourself.

If after all the manipulations absolutely nothing happens, the problem lies elsewhere.

Reason 2: drivers

Each flash drive initially stores a driver in memory, which is automatically installed when the device is connected.

But Windows can periodically crash, causing the average user to suffer. To correct the situation, the following set of manipulations will be required.

To begin, right-click on “My Computer” and go to “properties”.

A list of several tabs will be displayed, from which you need to select “Hardware” and go to “Device Manager”.

Scroll through the list until we find USB controllers.

We expand the list by clicking on “+” and see the complete list of devices that are connected or have once been connected through the required connector.

One of the components will change its name. This is our culprit and must be eliminated.

To do this, right-click on it and select “Delete”. Confirm your intentions, and then reinsert the flash drive. The driver will be picked up automatically.

In the vast majority of cases this helps.

Reason 3: viruses and trojans

Although the system requires checking devices for spyware, few people do this, for which they pay for the system to malfunction.

It’s very simple: the virus replaces the “native” autorun driver with a modified one, which can result in the message “Access denied” appearing.

Therefore, if the flash drive does not boot , we do the following.

Open “My Computer” and enter the device letter in the address bar (everything is as in the screenshot, preserving the characters). Your drive letter may vary.

So, you got inside. But now you need to make hidden files visible in order to get to autorun.

To do this, select “Service”, and from the list that opens, select “Folder Options”.

We are interested in the “View” tab. Scroll the slider to the very bottom until you find the “Hide system files...” setting.

We uncheck this item, simultaneously switching the system to the ability to show hidden files.

The main work has been done. All you need to do is find the infected file under the name autorun.inf and mercilessly delete it.

Have you checked? Great. Re-insert the long-suffering device and continue working.

Reason 4: Partition conflict

Other incidents also happen. For example, you inserted a drive into your computer. The system recognized him and issued the corresponding “tyn-dyn.”

A characteristic icon has appeared on the taskbar at the bottom, but for some reason Windows refuses to assign a partition letter. How to deal with this?

To get started, click Start and go to Control Panel.

On the left side of the window, for ease of use, select “Switch to category view.”

Although if it is already turned on, there is no need to perform any manipulations. We need to get into “Administration”.

Important: all manipulations must be done only on behalf of the administrator. Otherwise, the system will not accept the changes.

Select “Computer Management” by double-clicking and move on.

Here is the “reverse side” of the system with various settings. Do not under any circumstances engage in ad-libbing if you do not understand it. Just follow our advice.

So, on the left there are three main categories, of which we need the second, namely “Storage devices”.

A list of all logical drives that are in the system will appear on the right. Including our nameless flash drive.

We fix this jamb by pressing the right button on the drive. Select the item “Change letter...”.

A small window will pop up, kindly asking you to change the letter. Click on “Change”.

A menu will appear with just one active element, which is what we need. Please note that not all letters are applicable to the flash drive, because:

1) A – floppy disc;

2) B – similar;

3) C – system partition of the hard drive;

4) D – logical partition.

Let it be, for example, “G”, which we will stop at. Save the changes and enjoy the result.

Reason 5: mechanical damage

Perhaps the saddest problem that exists. In this case, software tools are unlikely to save you.

Although, if you have soldering skills, or the breakdown is not so critical, you may be able to restore the patient, or at least reset the information to the PC hard drive.

Why doesn't the computer see the USB flash drive? 8 possible reasons!

The computer does not see the flash drive: what is the reason?

If your computer or laptop that perfectly recognized the flash drive suddenly stopped recognizing it, “doesn’t see it point blank” or began to recognize it as an “unknown device” - this is not yet a reason to take your computer or laptop to a service center.

Let's try to solve this error ourselves.

First of all, try inserting the flash drive into another USB port. Perhaps your USB port is the one you always use stopped working for different reasons. If you work on a Personal Computer, problems most often occur when connecting to the USB port on the front panel of the computer. Therefore, to check, use only the port on the rear panel, which are built into Motherboard.

Another reason why the Computer or Laptop does not see the flash drive may lie in a system failure of the USB drivers.

To understand the driver, you can do the following:

Open the device manager; to do this, place the cursor on My Computer and press the right mouse button.

Click on Properties.

In the appeared Device Manager find USB Controllers Red arrow and click on check mark Black arrow.

Remove all USB devices (in Device Manager and reboot, all devices will be automatically detected and installed).

If this does not help, you need to reinstall the driver for the chipset. Thus, drivers for absolutely all controllers are regulated. This can also be done through Driver Pack Download. You can see how to use this program

Another common reason is – viruses. If you connected a flash drive to someone else’s computer (Internet cafe, institute, etc.), that is, in places where you can catch a virus, open the flash drive at home using Windows Explorer . If you find unknown files on it, delete .

In order to see all files on your flash drive (There are files that are not visible because the Windows system does not show hidden files by default). Therefore, you need to do the following.

In the Folder Options window that appears, click the View tab. IN additional parameters go down and click Show hidden files, folders and others…..Click OK.

Hidden files will appear on the flash drive. If the file appears autorun.inf or another file with the same extension *.inf or *.bat, Recycle (recycle bin), feel free to delete these files through the context menu (right-click on the file -> Delete ).

Another reason why the flash drive is not visible - Perhaps the settings have gone wrongBIOS, rarely, but it happens.

Go to Settings BIOS and check the parameter:

USB Legacy Support. The value should be Enabled…….How to login BIOS look .

If in Task Manager -> Universal Serial Bus Controllers – the flash drive is recognized as Unknown device. On the menu My computer and in Taskbars

It’s not there, most likely the flash drive can be thrown away, the built-in electronics are burned out. The data is saved on it, the memory there is non-volatile, and if they are really needed, then specialists will be able to restore them using special programs, but it is expensive and you have to weigh the value of the lost information and the cost of recovery. Although you can do this yourself, which I will definitely write an article about .

Also keep in mind The service life of flash drives is not that long like hard drives and with daily use, the average lifespan is about a year. To reduce the cost of producing flash drives (have you noticed how prices for them have dropped sharply several times), developers are using various tricks, including making memory cells thinner - this reduces the number of write-rewrite cycles by 2-3 times, manufacturers they promise 5000-7000 times, but even this number can be reduced. The number of connections to a computer is also finite, usually 1000-2000 connections.

There are also such situations: when you try to write some information to a flash drive, you receive a message The USB device is not formatted, format it?.

This indicates that your flash drive has begun to “die” and storing important data on it is dangerous. Formatting in most cases helps to revive it and write files to it, but the next time you try to write, it (the flash drive) may again display such a message. This way you can format it before each attempt to transfer files.

If you receive this or a similar message, then it’s better to download a recovery utility, they are different for each brand of flash drive (Kingston, Transcend, A-Data) . Look for them on manufacturer's official website.

If the newly purchased flash drive is not immediately identified, then there are two options:

  • Old drivers;
  • Burnt out when first connected (This happens too).

In the first case, go to the website of the manufacturer of your motherboard, download new driver and install.

In the second - go back to the store, exchanged under warranty.

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