How to remove Skype from your computer and what to do if it is not removed? Completely removing Skype from your computer How to completely remove Skype from your computer.

Skype is one of the most popular communication programs - this application is installed on almost a billion computers, and the number of registered users has long exceeded seven hundred million. But many of these people don't even know how to uninstall Skype if necessary. And it’s not at all difficult to do.

First you need to decide what action needs to be performed. If a user wants to erase a program from a computer, that’s one thing. If he wants to delete the account that the application launches by default and choose another one instead, then this is completely different. And although both of these concepts are often confused by inexperienced users, it is necessary to distinguish between them, since their implementation requires completely different actions. Let's try to figure out what users mean when they ask how to delete Skype, and what actions should be taken.

Deleting an account

Many users ask, is it possible to change an account without reinstalling Skype itself? This is especially necessary for those who have the automatic connection option set in the program and the application is always loaded with the same user, but it is necessary to change it. Of course, this can be done, and it happens quite simply.

To remove yourself from Skype, just follow a few simple steps in a certain sequence:

  1. First you need to exit the program.
  2. Then press the key combination “Win” (located between the “Ctrl” and “Alt” buttons in the lower left corner of the keyboard) + “R” to launch the command line.
  3. In the window that appears, enter Applicatoin data\Skype to get into the folder with the installed program.
  4. In the window that opens, find the folder with the user name and delete it.
  5. We launch Skype and can now enter the new username and password.
  6. How to completely remove Skype from your computer?

    If the user needs to remove Skype from the computer’s memory, then to do this it is necessary to perform a number of other simple steps. This process will also take a few minutes at most. All manipulations are performed in the following order:

    1. First you will have to shut down the application. To do this, right-click on the Skype icon in the panel at the bottom of the screen (this icon should be located near the clock) and click “Exit”. If the application is not uninstalled, then most likely the program is still running, so you must close it before starting all actions.
    2. Then you need to go to the Start menu (the leftmost button in the bottom panel) and select the line called “Control Panel”. In it you will need to find “Add or Remove Programs” (in some versions of operating systems, for example, Windows 7, this item may simply be called “Uninstall a program”) and click on it.
    3. Then a list of all applications installed on this computer will appear in the window that opens. Find Skype in this list and click on it.
    4. It is also worth noting that when uninstalling, Skype may offer to save some of the program settings, including the contact list. If the user intends to use this application again in the future, then it is best not to delete such data.
    5. Now all that remains is to select all program components that need to be removed.

    After completing these steps, you can restart your computer and make sure that Skype is no longer on the system.

    Regardless of whether the computer owner wants to completely remove the program or simply wants to change the account, all of the above steps must be performed in the exact sequence. Otherwise, some components may remain from the application, or Skype may not be removed at all. If this happens, you can try to complete all the steps again, strictly following their sequence and carefully checking all the necessary boxes.

Many people have a question: how to completely delete Skype? At first glance, people think that it is very simple to do, in fact, there are many features that are worth considering in the process of removing it. Nowadays, billions of people around the world use Skype; there may be a huge number of reasons why it should be deleted. But we will look at how to do it correctly in this article.

Before you start, think about exactly how you want to get rid of it. There can be two options:

  1. Simply uninstall the entire program;
  2. Removing the program and all hidden files.

Skype itself saves certain archives on the computer. If you perform standard deletion, they will remain. And when you download it to your computer again, you can read all the messages and just view the history. If you clear all archives, you will not have this option during a new installation.

Removal instructions

To get rid of various problems when deleting Skype, it is better to follow the following instructions; by following them, you can do everything without much effort.

  1. Log into the operating system as an administrator;
  2. Open the “Task Manager”, you can open it using “Start” or the standard key combination “Ctrl+Alt+Delete” (press all keys at the same time);
  3. For the security of your system, it is recommended to make a copy of the registry. After all, if you close a specific process, it can damage your computer. This can be done using Revo Uninstaller, CCleaner and others;
  4. In the task manager you need to find all processes associated with Skype. As a rule, they bear this name. We select the process and simply terminate its work.

Such actions are necessary primarily so that in the future he can calmly leave. After all, if even one process is running, you won’t be able to do anything. When you complete all these steps, we proceed directly to complete removal.

We follow the clear step-by-step instructions below:

How to delete Skype - it's actually very simple. You just need to follow all the instructions, and then you will definitely succeed. But, it is worth noting that such removal will leave some Skype components on the computer; to remove them too, read on for instructions.

How to completely remove Skype from your computer - you can do it yourself.

To do this, you need to find the Skype folder on your computer. All archives are always saved in it, and we simply delete it. This folder can be located anywhere; you choose its location yourself during installation. When you delete all archives, all correspondence history and other information that was stored will be lost. Please note that sometimes such archives may be protected. It must be removed using known methods.

Removal using Uninstaller Pro

To make your life easier, you can use special programs that will help you remove all of Skype and all its components at once. Such programs can remove not only Skype, but also other programs. So installing it won’t hurt you in the future. One of these can be called uninstaller pro.

It's incredibly easy to remove. Just follow these steps:

As you can see, the process itself is not complicated. You just need to strictly follow all the instructions and everything will work out.

It does not cause any difficulties; uninstalling it from a computer may cause some difficulties. A number of situations arise when Skype is not removed from the computer. As a rule, the most common mistake users make is using the functionality of the traditional “uninstall programs” section of Windows OS. In order to completely remove Skype from your computer, you will need to erase all traces of it.

What to do if Skype is not deleted

For example, during the uninstallation process, the information message “Critical internal error during installation” may appear on the screen. This phenomenon occurs when it is necessary to uninstall an old version of the product. To avoid this, it is recommended to proceed with the process of uninstalling the program manually, sending all folders to the trash, and then cleaning the registry, but not always. Why is Skype not deleted in this case? A possible reason is that the firewall is running, or anti-virus software is installed that needs to be disabled.

Important: If there is a corresponding file in the corresponding Program Files folder (or in any other place on the computer) after uninstalling Skype, it means that the uninstallation was not completed completely, or the file is damaged.

Removing Skype from your computer

In order to completely remove Skype from your computer, you will need to perform several operations in sequence. First, the user needs to perform the following operations:

  • Log in to software product management with administrator rights.
  • Using the Windows Task Manager, select the option to stop the Skype program process, as well as all files associated with it.
  • Close all currently running programs and items.

Important: In case of possible damage to a number of other programs and their components, it is necessary to make an appropriate backup copy of all registry data. For these purposes, it is necessary to use various programs, such as.

By performing these operations, you can eliminate the possibility of problems with uninstalling this application.

Step-by-step guide to uninstalling Skype and its components

To carry out the process of uninstalling a program, the user must perform several operations in sequence.

  • Complete all actions in the program and exit them.
  • Click on the Skype icon located in the tray, located next to the clock.
  • After right-clicking on the icon, select “Exit” from the menu that appears.
  • Open the “Control Panel” located in the corresponding “Start” section.
  • In the “Start” menu, select the appropriate “Settings” section.
  • In the window that appears, select the “Add/Remove Programs” option.
  • After this, the user opens a set of programs currently installed on the personal computer.
  • From the proposed programs, Skype is selected from the general list of programs.
  • After selecting, you must click “Delete”.
  • As a result, a window will appear in which the user will be asked if he really wants to remove the selected product from his computer.
  • At the end of the uninstallation process, you will need to select the necessary options and complete the uninstallation of the program.

The name of the menu and tabs may change in different OS versions. These instructions are described for Windows 7, and if you are the owner of a G8, then you will already know how to remove the program.

Important: using the Programs and Features utility of the Windows operating system will not allow you to delete entries from the registry archive, as well as a set of components and files associated with it. It is for this reason that it is important to remove components manually using special programs.

To summarize, it is important to note a few key points:

  • It is necessary to delete not only the program itself, but also its traces and history.
  • During the procedure, it is best to disable your antivirus program.

Greetings to all! I'll tell you how to completely remove Skype from your computer. The task is not always easy, but we can do it. First of all, it is necessary to clarify that deleting an account and the program itself are completely different algorithms of action.

I’ll make a bold assumption - since you are trying to remove applications yourself without calling the system administrator, then you are achieving success in self-education and know how to achieve your goals. What about work or part-time work on the Internet? There are quite clear and useful courses. Some of them are here.

Deleting activity history

First, let's clear the correspondence history. To do this, launch Skype, in the “menu” we look for the item “tools” - “settings”.

On the left side of the page, click on “security” and “security settings”. We are purposefully looking for the “save history” button. As a result, a confirmation window will open.

Click on the “delete” button. Congratulations, you have cleared the dialogs. You can also make sure that the history is never saved. In the “security settings” section, look for the “save history” field and select “do not save.”

There is also a manual way to delete your activity. Exit the application and look for the folder at C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Skype\. Username – the name of your user (account). We send the contents to the trash (don't forget to empty it). It happens that this folder is hidden, but who would dare to sneak away from us?

  • We use the combination on the keyboard “win” (the Windows brand icon located between “Ctrl” and “Alt”) and “R” (letter). A service window will open.
  • In the input field you need to enter “%AppData%” (without quotes).
  • Find the folder called “Skype” and open it.
  • Delete the folder with your username.

Please note that it is better to delete history using the standard functionality. Among other things, if you manually delete it, your usernames and passwords for the program will be reset on the computer, you will have to enter it again, and the dialogs may be saved.

What to do with my account?

For better or worse, completely deleting Skype is not so easy in practice. However, not everything is as fatal as it might seem at first glance.

  • If you don’t log into the program for several weeks, your account will most likely simply disappear from the general search.
  • Some simply change or delete contact information (last name, age, address). You will find all this in your official account. You just need to look at the “personal data” and “edit personal data” items.

To access your personal account and perform the necessary actions, we log in to the official Skype website and start working.

Couldn't get into your personal account? Then we launch the program on the computer and click on the “can’t log into Skype?” button. Next, enter your email. A letter will be sent to him. Open and follow the instructions.

Already logged into your account on the website? Then select the “help” and “other questions” section.

Have you moved on? Actually, this page contains detailed information about possible communication options. Only technical support has sufficient authority to perform certain actions. In addition, you can always get up-to-date information from specialists.

After scrolling through a dozen sites, forums and blogs, I realized that the procedure for completely deleting Skype and personal data can take about 2-4 weeks. It is better to check the details in the official help or technical support.

Getting rid of the program itself

Now let's talk about erasing the software itself. First of all, let's make sure that Skype is not running. We close it in the traditional way.

It happens that the standard functionality does not work, so you need to make sure everything is correct. To do this, press the trio of buttons “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “Delete”. Select “start task manager”. Find “Skype.exe” and click “end process”.

Windows may ask you twice, but don't worry about it. He just cares about you. Now we can proceed to uninstallation. Launch the “Start” window, find “Control Panel”, then “Programs and Features” and look for Skype. Then select “delete”.

You may be prompted to save some program components. If you are going to use it in the future, then it is better to save this data. To complete the entire algorithm of actions, you need to have administrator rights in OS Windows.

Out of the phone

Removing Skype from mobile is much simpler. We do the following:

  • open the settings section on your phone;
  • then the item “applications” or “programs”;
  • Find Skype and select “delete”.

This is where I will conclude the publication. I hope this was helpful and you were able to completely remove your Skype from your computer or mobile device. In subsequent articles we will also look at how to install or. Subscribe to free updates, a lot of interesting things await you.

If problems arise with the functioning of the software, in particular the Skype program, the question of removing it may arise. However, you should immediately figure out exactly what procedure needs to be performed.

When a user wants to erase an application from a computer, this is one process. And when he wants to delete the account that is launched by the default messenger, and create another one in its place, this is a completely different process.

Step-by-step removal instructions

When Skype is deleted, it saves some archives on the desktop. When deleted according to the standard scheme, they remain. And when a new application is downloaded to a PC, the user will be able to read all SMS and view the history. If you clear the archives, there is no such option when installing again.

Preparatory actions

To avoid all sorts of problems when deleting Skype, you must follow some rules. Namely:

  • log into the OS as administrator;
  • open the “Task Manager” (using the “Start” key or the Ctrl+Alt+Delete key combination on the keyboard);
  • duplicate the registry using the Revo Uninstaller or CCleaner utilities, etc.;
  • find and end all processes associated with Skype in the “Task Manager”. FIG 1

Such steps are necessary to ensure the process of correct deletion of the messenger. After all, if at least one of the processes is running, nothing will come of it.

Deleting a messenger

If all of the above steps have been completed, you can proceed with the immediate complete removal of the program through the control panel. For this:

  • go to the control panel by clicking on the “My Computer” icon or the “Start” button; FIGURE 2
  • in the “Programs” line, select “Add and remove programs” (in older versions of the OS, for example Windows 7, this line is written as Uninstall programs”;
  • double-click on the Skype line and confirm the action in the pop-up window; FIGURE 3
  • then confirm all your steps and check the “Delete completely” box in the appropriate columns.

Cleaning the registry

This question provides two ways: regular and “for business”. To do this you should:

  • go to the registry by clicking on the “Run” line in Start or call up this field by clicking on the Windows and R option at the same time;
  • enter the text regedit;
  • tap “Enter” or “Ok”;
  • in the pop-up field, tap on the “Edit” line;
  • select the “Find” option or press the “Ctrl”, “F” button combination;
  • In the field that opens, enter Skype in the search bar and tap “Find next”; FIGURE 4
  • when the necessary information is displayed on the right in the window, delete everything that is found;
  • duplicate the process as much as necessary to delete Skype.


To do this manually, you need to search for the Skype folder on your PC. This is where all the archives are stored. Then delete it.

The location of this folder can be anywhere; it is chosen by the user during installation. When deleting archives, the entire history of dialog correspondence is destroyed, as well as other information stored there.

If protection is installed on archives, it should be deactivated.

Using the utility

To simplify the procedure, you can resort to the help of uninstallation utilities that can eliminate the messenger and its components. One such utility is uninstaller pro. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • open the application and find Skype;
  • double tap on it and select “Delete”; FIGURE 5
  • Confirm the action in the installation window that opens; FIG 6
  • the utility will automatically load a field where it will ask the question “Remove all components”, which must be confirmed;
  • in the next pop-up field, select “Advanced scanning mode”; FIG 7
  • the search procedure for all files and components will begin, after which they will be displayed on the display;
  • The utility almost always finds only associated files, but it’s a good idea to check for extra documents; FIG 8
  • if you are sure that files and folders are unnecessary, tap on “Delete”; FIG 9

At the last stage, all you have to do is confirm your steps again and the application will be completely removed.

Removing from other devices

To completely remove the messenger from a laptop or phone, tablet and other operating systems, you need to take a slightly different path.

So, to delete Skype on your phone (it doesn’t matter whether it’s Android or iOS, etc.), you need to:

  • tap on the logo icon and hold your finger without removing it;
  • as soon as the shortcut begins to “shake”, you should tap on the “Delete” option or the cross icon in the drop-down menu;
  • confirm the action.

If the device on which the messenger is loaded is a laptop (especially Linux OS), the removal procedure will require the following steps.


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