How to update java to 64 bit. Installing java on windows

This section concerns:
  • Platforms: 64-bit windows, windows 10, windows 7, windows 8, windows Vista, windows XP
  • Browsers: Firefox, Internet Explorer
  • Java versions: 7.0, 8.0

The information on this page is intended for users of the 64-bit Windows operating system. Before downloading 64-bit Java for windows, you can check the bitness of your current windows system using the following link.

» How to determine if your computer has 64-bit Windows OS (Microsoft)

64-bit Windows operating systems (such as Windows 7, Vista, or XP) come with a 32-bit version of Internet Explorer (IE) as the default web browser. These operating systems also include a 64-bit version of Internet Explorer, but it is optional and must be explicitly selected to view web pages. Please note that a 64-bit browser may not display some types of web content correctly. Therefore, it is recommended that you use a standard 32-bit browser and download the 32-bit version of Java.

Follow these instructions to determine whether your system has a 32-bit or 64-bit version of the browser.

Click the item below that corresponds to the settings you are using:

  1. Launch Internet Explorer browser.
  2. From the menu bar at the top of the window, select Help.
  3. Select "About Internet Explorer" and an information window will open. If you see "64-bit version" in the IE browser information dialog box, it means you have a 64-bit version of IE installed on your computer. The absence of this inscription means that a 32-bit version of the browser is used.
To check if the 64-bit version of Firefox is running, use one of the following methods.
  • Open the About Mozilla Firefox panel
  • Enter the following address in your browser's address bar: about:support

If you are using a 64-bit version of Firefox, it is labeled accordingly (for example, Win64). If you don't see this symbol, you have a 32-bit version of Firefox installed on your computer.

The 64-bit version of Java is automatically offered for download to users of 64-bit Internet Explorer and 64-bit Firefox. Switch to a 64-bit browser to receive a download link for the 64-bit version of Java.

Users using 32-bit browsers on a 64-bit windows system should download the 32-bit version of the Java software. How to download and install 32-bit Java

  1. Go to
  2. Click the Free Java Download button and start the installation process.

Users using 64-bit browsers should download the 64-bit version of the Java software. Using a 64-bit browser, download the 64-bit version of Java from the manual download page.

Starting with Java 8 Update 20, you can use the Update tab of the Java Control Panel to automatically update 64-bit JREs (in addition to 32-bit versions) installed on your system.

  1. Choose to download the 64-bit version offline for windows. A file upload dialog box will appear.
  2. Select folder location. (Save the file to a specific location on your computer, such as your desktop), then click the "Save" button.
  3. Close all applications (including the browser).
  4. To start the installation process, double-click on the saved file.

For more information, see Frequently asked questions about 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Microsoft windows

Additional resources:

  • How to disable Java in the browser?

Java 8.144 free download 64 bit or 32 bit for windows

Java is a free technology used to write applications designed to surf the Internet and play games.

You can download Java 32 bit or 64 bit to your computer for free for Windows 7, 8 and 10 from the official website of the developer using the link below. And it is necessary for those users who have encountered errors on sites that require a Java plugin (program) or for “gamers”, for example for Minecraft.

After installation, you can play, download media content, chat online and more. If any application or site requires its presence on the computer, then you just need to launch the software and continue executing the script.

Java Features for Windows

Java is used in remote banking, training, virtual interactive cards, games. For example, there are banks that require a digital signature and this cannot be done without Java. Features of the utility:

  • constant updating to the latest version automatically;
  • fast and simple installation and operation mechanism;
  • by default does not require special knowledge from the user;
  • has enhanced security and encryption protocols;

Installing Java for Windows

Download and install Java is offered for 64 or 32 bit OS Windows 10, 8, 7. It is important to remember that the installation should be strictly carried out with closed programs for correct operation. Afterwards it is important to restart the computer. Only this order will allow you to use the program as correctly as possible. Fans of the Minecraft game also need to download the latest version of Java from the official link below.

Download for smartphone/tablet

Download Java 8 free 4.16/5 (19)

Go to download Go to discussion Java Installation Successful completion of installation

The world-famous Java program is designed, first of all, for the full launch and operation of various online applications and games on Windows. You can download Java 8 from the link below, at the end of the program description.

It is on this platform that all the most exciting activities of the virtual world take place. Among other things, Java is still the base program for all laptops, desktop computers and mobile phones running Windows OS (for example, modern Nokia models).

  • The program is constantly updated, supplemented by small changes and improvements in speed and quality of work, and in addition, new versions appear periodically, containing new components for some demanding programs and games (for example, for the game Minecraft).
  • Java does not take up much space and, unlike an antivirus that constantly interacts with the user, is practically invisible to the average person, automatically updating and sending the necessary data to the developer via the Internet. If automatic updating is not installed by the user, it is worth installing it, since in the age of insane speeds, even current versions of Java today will be outdated tomorrow, which means they will not ensure the operation of related applications at the highest level.

Java (32 bit and 64 bit) for windows

When installing a new version of Java, it is recommended to first uninstall the old one to avoid “overlapping” programs with one another. In some software this overlap will not be critical, but in Java it can lead to unexpected crashes in applications and games. In addition, after updating Java to a new version, the user will be strongly prompted to update the browser that is installed on the computer and is the main one. Without such synchronization with the latest version, it is impossible to achieve ideal coordinated operation of the entire system.

Despite the fact that many developers are trying to create alternative programs, few succeed. First of all, because the main operating system for a huge number of computers around the world remains the same Windows, and not Linux or OS X, which runs exclusively on Macbooks-computers of the American company Apple.

You can download Java for free, since it is an integral part of the Windows system and ensures the operation of the OS in an area that is important for modern people. Java works both on older versions of Windows XP (if there are any left, after the Windows company announced the mandatory transition of all users to Windows 7 or 8), and with the latest Windows 10.

For the Java platform to work correctly, the user does not need to have a continuous connection to the Internet, since the program is autonomous and does not need constant communication “with the center”. During installation, it is advisable to close all other programs and disable the antivirus, since very often the running security program interferes with the correct installation of applications, which can lead to failures and the need to reinstall the software.

With timely Java updates, this program will be a reliable assistant and guide to the world of virtual reality and will provide the opportunity to communicate with people around the world, watching video, audio and discovering new opportunities every day.

Download for free

Download: Java 8 Download Java 8 (32 bit and 64 bit) free for windows Downloaded: 7254, size: 720.0 KB, date: 22.Dec.2016 Download: Java 8 (32-bit) Downloaded: 13443, size: 52.6 MB , date: 12.Oct.2016 Download: Java 8 (64-bit) Downloaded: 15895, size: 59.1 MB, date: 12.Oct.2016

You can download another package from this developer on the next page - Java SE.

Additional Information

Installing Java

How can I download and install Java offline for a windows computer?

Note. To install Java, you must have Windows administrator rights on your computer.

In this case, you need to download the executable file with all the files necessary for a complete installation. With this download option, you do not need an Internet connection during the entire installation process. You can also copy the file to a computer that is not connected to the Internet.

Detection of outdated versions (8u20 and later). Starting with Java 8 Update 20 (8u20), on Windows systems the Java Uninstall Tool is integrated with the installer. This allows you to remove outdated versions of Java from the system. This change applies to 32-bit and 64-bit windows platforms.

The installer notifies the user if Java content is disabled in web browsers and provides instructions on how to enable it. If the user has previously suppressed the appearance of some security prompts for applets and Java Web Start applications, the installer provides an option to restore those prompts. The installer may prompt you to restart your computer if the user has previously rejected the request to restart your Internet browser.

Verifying the installation

To verify that the Java package is installed on your computer and is working correctly, run this test applet.

NOTE. You may need to restart (close and reopen) your browser to allow Java to install in your browser.


Java is an object-oriented programming language and an application software platform created on its basis. Java is an environment for running websites, online stores, forums, remote banking, virtual navigation maps, educational programs, questionnaires and online games, as well as other specialized web applications. Often it is simply impossible to do without this software platform, but there is always the opportunity to download Java for free on a computer with Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, etc. 64-bit and 32-bit, without leaving the site http://programmywindows. com/ right now. The main difference between the Java project was that it allowed the creation of software that did not need to be compiled for each processor architecture and operating system. Permanent link:

A Brief History of Java Technology Development and Current Status

Java was developed by Sun Microsystems in 1991-1995, and the technology was later acquired by Oracle. The release of the new version of Java was developed in collaboration between Oracle programmers and representatives of the World-Java eco-system, Open JDK and JavaCommunityProcess. Today you can download Java 64-bit or 32-bit for free for windows 10, 8, 8.1 (for desktop PCs), 7 SP1, Vista SP2, Server 2008 R2 SP1 64-bit, Server 2012 and 2012 R2 64-bit to work with browsers Internet Explorer 9 and higher versions, as well as Mozilla Firefox. The Java software package consists of four software components: the JRE, which is responsible for executing applets, the Java virtual machine, which interprets the bytecode, base classes and auxiliary libraries. Today, the Java Runtime Environment can deploy server-side Java applications and establish a connection between the browser and the Java platform. It is also worth paying attention to free programs with similar functionality: Microsoft .NET Framework, Microsoft Silverlight plugin, Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Shockwave Player in the Platforms and Environments section.

Java compared to popular programming languages

The main advantage of Java is platform independence. The developers promise speed, durability, security and recommend downloading the latest version of Java for free without registration from the official website. However, according to reviews and comments from IT specialists, applications in Java take up more memory, have lower performance and responsiveness, as opposed to their counterparts in C or C++. But Java has a number of advantages in the field of security and reliability compared to languages ​​such as C, C++, Python, Fortran, Ruby, PHP, JavaScript and others.

The developers claim that any Java applet runs perfectly on various devices running various operating systems. On almost any smart device it is possible to download Java for free and install it successfully, regardless of what operating system the device is running. This option is called not just cross-platform, but platform-independent implementation. The advantage of this way of operating programs is the complete independence of the program code from the OS and hardware. This feature allows Java applets to run on any virtual machine-compatible device.

The advantages of Java include:

Reliable and secure applications and games, - work in multi-threaded mode, - ideal functionality for network computing, - powerful tools for running network programs, - reliable protection and encryption of information, - direct access to web services, - work with Java applets in Internet, - productive interaction with OpenGL and DirectX via Swing, - GifWriter for working with animated GIF files,

Full Unicode support.

Java Security Organization and Updates

Java's impenetrable security system is due to the fact that application execution is completely controlled by the JVM. Excess of authority, such as unauthorized use of data or sending of information, is immediately stopped. The JRE's high level of security is maintained by maintaining a blacklist of certificates and JAR files. By default, only verified applications with a digital signature can be launched. Users of previous versions are recommended to remove all outdated software, download Java for free for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, as well as outdated Vista and server Windows 2008 and 2012, and install the latest version on the computer. Outdated Java may have vulnerabilities that are unsafe. To maintain a high level of security, you should install updates regularly. Minor changes do not change the indexing, but use the word Update (letter u), but they are no less important. It will not be surprising if you need to download the latest version of Java for Minecraft, Prince of Persia, Solitaire, Need for Speed, GTA, Zona programs, TequilaCat Book Reader, E-666 nutritional supplement database, remote banking or other latest software. Moreover, downloading Java for free for Minecraft and other Java games is simply necessary for high-quality video, the ability to access all settings and normal network gameplay.

Java is one of the most popular WORA (write once, run anywhere) programming languages. Thanks to the latter, running programs and applications in this language is much easier, mainly due to its portability, since all its developments can be run on any platform using the appropriate virtual machine.

Essential Java Virtual Machine

We are talking about Java 64 bits, a version of the virtual machine that Oracle Corporation (though formerly developed by Sun Microsystems) designed to allow Windows computers with 64-bit architecture to run applications written in that programming language, regardless of whether the software engineer is using a Mac , Linux or other platforms. Thanks to this Jave Runtime Environment or JRE for friends, the user can access all the required components and libraries.

The JRE also has a 32-bit version, which, just like this 64-bit version, includes everything we need to run applications, as well as all the software development tools, both desktop and web. They are offered in a JDK or Java Development Kit (Java JDK), a development environment that comes with a virtual machine and associated APIs that come in three different versions depending on the user's needs:

  • SE (Standard Edition): for running programs and developing applications.
  • ME (Micro Edition): Offers the APIs needed to develop applications for smartphones and tablets.
  • EE (Enterprise Edition): Comes with the development tools needed for business environments.

Why should I download the JRE?

Mainly because, as we mentioned above, it is one of the most used in the world and therefore it has become almost a standard. There are many applications and programs that require its installation to work on your computer. For example, many online games are programmed in Java and we need a virtual machine to play. Have you ever played Minecraft without Java?

So Java and JavaScript are two different things?

Yes, they are completely different, although some people confuse them. JS is an object-oriented client-side programming language. It is implemented in web browsers or desktop applications that need to interact with web pages. Nothing to do with Java...

If you needed the information from this article, it is very possible that for some reason you still do not have Java installed on your device. And without this application, our beloved Minecraft, alas, will not work. Before I tell you howdownload Java for Minecraft, a little about what it is and why on earth we need it. You may find this information unnecessary. Well, your right, but... 15 seconds of your attention, and you are a little more erudite than you were before. But of course, you can immediately move down and download Java for Minecraft (for free, of course).

What is Java

Java (sometimes called Java or Java, less often - Zhava) is a regular participant in the hit parade of programming languages. Its latest version at the moment is version 7. Java is also called a technology that ensures faster, more reliable and efficient operation of numerous programs installed on many devices. With the help of Java, users can upload photos, play a variety of games, travel to virtual museums... If the Java environment is not installed on your device for some reason, then, like Minecraft, many sites and applications simply will not work.

Deciding on the version

Now let's move on to the question that prompted you to find this page. Of course, you are already in a hurry to download the coveted distribution. Wait a moment. You may need different Java, and which one depends on the bitness of the operating system. If your Windows is 32-bit, then you will have to download Java x32. If Windows is 64 bit, then you need Java x64.

How to determine the bit depth of an operating system? Do the following in sequence:

  1. Click on the "My Computer" icon
  2. Select Properties
  3. Next – item “System”
  4. Column "System type". There you will see the version you are looking for

However, your device may already have Java 32 bit installed. At the same time, Windows is 64 bit. This can cause Minecraft to run out of memory. To end this problem, first uninstall 32-bit Java. Only then install Java x64. This procedure can be performed through the control panel. Manually set the amount of memory required for the application to function properly. It is better to make the minimum value 1024, and the maximum value 4096. These are the parameters that were determined by the developers as the most optimal. After this, the file must be saved.

All settings in Minecraft will remain unchanged. Therefore, there is no point in thinking about a plan to build a new game world. In case of any glitches, you need to review the file settings again. But in certain cases, a complete reinstallation of Minecraft may be necessary. This will help radically solve all the problems due to which “memory suffers.”

Java (“Java” or “Java”) is a programming language that can run on almost any device architecture - computers (x86, x64), mobile devices (ARM) and many others, thanks to the Java virtual machine.

What is Java used for?

  • Games and Apps – Many programs are written in Java and require a virtual machine to run on your device. For example, Java is required for Minecraft, OpenOffice and many other applications.
  • Android – Every smartphone or device running the Android operating system uses Java. The applications and the entire system are written using this language.
  • Web applications can also use the Java Virtual Machine to run games or applications in your browser window.
  • Development tools, financial and scientific applications and many other applications.

Where to download and how to install Java on your computer

You can download java for free and in Russian, on the developer’s website, or from us using the same links. As for version 7, it can no longer be downloaded from the official website, so the files are found on our server. Version 8 is available via links taken from the official website (list below).

To install the component on your computer, you first need to download the Java version you need:

Download Java 7 32 bit(Update 21) Outdated version, which is necessary for games and applications released several years ago to work, standalone

Download Java 7 64 bit(Update 21) Outdated version, only for 64 bit systems, standalone

Download Java 8 32 bit

Download Java 8 64 bit(Update 221) Latest version, standalone

Download Java 8 32 and 64 bit(Update 221) The latest version, released after 45. Interactive (files will be downloaded from the Internet).

If you do not have problems with the Internet, and you do not need to transfer the installation file anywhere, then we recommend installing the interactive version. If for some reason it does not install, install the standalone version (full package, with all files)

System Requirement:

  • Java 8 for Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, Windows Server 32/64 bit
  • Java 7 for Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, Windows Server 32/64 bit

After downloading, you need to run the file, click on the Install button and wait for the process to complete.

This completes the installation! Indeed, everything is easy and simple. Don’t be alarmed that the interface is not in Russian; during installation you need to click intuitively, and everything will install itself.

We will be glad to hear your feedback, we will also help you install components and correct errors. Write everything in the comments below

Java is an object-oriented programming language and an application software platform created on its basis. Java is an environment for running websites, online stores, forums, remote banking, virtual navigation maps, educational programs, questionnaires and online games, as well as other specialized web applications. Often it is simply impossible to do without this software platform, but there is always the opportunity to download Java for free on a computer with Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, etc. The main difference between the Java project was that it made it possible to create software that does not require compiled for each processor architecture and operating system. Permanent link: website/ru/platform/java

A Brief History of Java Technology Development and Current Status

Java was developed by Sun Microsystems in 1991-1995, and the technology was later acquired by Oracle. The release of the new version of Java was developed in collaboration between Oracle programmers and representatives of the World-Java eco-system, Open JDK and JavaCommunityProcess. Today you can download Java 64-bit or 32-bit for free for Windows 10, 8, 8.1 (for desktop PCs), 7 SP1, Vista SP2, Server 2008 R2 SP1 64-bit, Server 2012 and 2012 R2 64-bit to work with browsers Internet Explorer 9 and higher versions, as well as Mozilla Firefox. The Java software package consists of four software components: the JRE, which is responsible for executing applets, the Java virtual machine, which interprets the bytecode, base classes and auxiliary libraries. Today, the Java Runtime Environment can deploy server-side Java applications and establish a connection between the browser and the Java platform. It is also worth paying attention to free programs with similar functionality: Microsoft .NET Framework, Microsoft Silverlight plugin, Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Shockwave Player in the Platforms and Environments section.

Java compared to popular programming languages

The main advantage of Java is platform independence. The developers promise speed, durability, security and recommend downloading the latest version of Java for free without registration from the official website. However, according to reviews and comments from IT specialists, applications in Java take up more memory, have lower performance and responsiveness, as opposed to their counterparts in C or C++. But Java has a number of advantages in the field of security and reliability compared to languages ​​such as C, C++, Python, Fortran, Ruby, PHP, JavaScript and others.

Advantages of platform-independent Java implementation

The developers claim that any Java applet runs perfectly on various devices running various operating systems. On almost any smart device it is possible to download Java for free and install it successfully, regardless of what operating system the device is running. This option is called not just cross-platform, but platform-independent implementation. The advantage of this way of operating programs is the complete independence of the program code from the OS and hardware. This feature allows Java applets to run on any virtual machine-compatible device.

The advantages of Java include:

Reliable and secure applications and games,
- work in multi-threaded mode,
- ideal functionality for network computing,
- powerful tools for launching network programs,
- reliable protection and encryption of information,
- direct access to web services,
- working with Java applets on the Internet,
- productive interaction with OpenGL and DirectX via Swing,
- GifWriter for working with animated GIF files,
- full Unicode support.

Java Security Organization and Updates

Java's impenetrable security system is due to the fact that application execution is completely controlled by the JVM. Excess of authority, such as unauthorized use of data or sending of information, is immediately stopped. The JRE's high level of security is maintained by maintaining a blacklist of certificates and JAR files. By default, only verified applications with a digital signature can be launched. Users of previous versions are recommended to remove all outdated software, download Java for free for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, as well as outdated Vista and server Windows 2008 and 2012, and install the latest version on the computer. Outdated Java may have vulnerabilities that are unsafe. To maintain a high level of security, you should install updates regularly. Minor changes do not change the indexing, but use the word Update (letter u), but they are no less important. It will not be surprising if you need to download the latest version of Java for Minecraft, Prince of Persia, Solitaire, Need for Speed, GTA, Zona programs, TequilaCat Book Reader, E-666 nutritional supplement database, remote banking or other latest software. Moreover, downloading Java for free for Minecraft and other Java games is simply necessary for high-quality video, the ability to access all settings and normal network gameplay.

How to properly install Java on your computer

To properly install Java on a PC, you first need to uninstall everything. To remove outdated software, use the standard option: Start - Control Panel - Uninstall a program. Next, you need to download Java for Windows for free from, a 32- or 64-bit installation file, respectively, observing the bit capacity of the main browser, close all browsers and running programs. When everything is ready, you can start the installation, and when the installation is complete, restart your computer. If both 32-bit and 64-bit browsers are used on the computer, then both versions of Java (32-bit and 64-bit) must be installed for compatibility of Java modules with all browsers.


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