Cs 1.6 all config. Config from Sahara

For those who follow the professional cs 1.6 scene, this set of configs will be simply golden, because for you we have collected configs about cs 1.6 players who show themselves most beautifully and effectively in tournaments. Why don't we post these cfg separately? It’s easier to immediately download cfg for cs 1.6 from professionals in the amount of 10 pieces and test them consistently in order to settle on one, than to forever search, download and install them one by one.

This build includes the following configs of professional players:

  • Markeloff, aka the world's top AWP from Ukraine. This configuration is preferable to all snipers and those seeking better sniper shooting. Markelov, like no one else, can shoot beautifully from an elephant.
  • Edward And Starix- Markelov’s party members and also one of the best “riflers”, that is, those who are excellent with machine guns. Here you will be pleased with the cool setting for burst shooting and improved bullet spread.
  • GeT_RiGhT And forest– different in style, but equal in role in the pro team. Their main task is to play alone on the edge of the map. Therefore, their configs are tailored for powerful strafes combined with good close-range shooting.
  • Spawn, Delpan, NEO And CYX– excellent players with balanced skills from each path. We recommend that you test these configs, as they are the most optimal.
  • 400kg– a Counter-Strike legend, rightfully the best AWP, which has phenomenal reactions and speed.

Installing the config

  1. Unpack the archive to any location
  2. Move .cfg files to folder cstrike (most often: config.cfg / userconfig.cfg)
  3. Ready. You can join the server!
  4. If the config is not activated automatically, write in the console: exec config.cfg

Set up config for cs 1.6

Dear friends, in this long article I will tell you how to create and configure a config for cs 1.6. You will not need to think and look for where to download the config for cs 1.6, in which you can catch viruses. You can easily set up the config for yourself, because for each different server you will need to properly configure the cfg for an accurate hit to the head, for less recoil, for accurate shooting. You need to approach the config competently and technically, and then your game with the new cfg will be smooth, clean, and fast.

First, let's look at what config(cfg) is. in Russian - config? This is a file with the extension (.cfg), located in the cstrike folder or if you have steam, then in the cstrike_russian folder, by default, when you start cs, a file is created there config.cfg it contains the settings necessary for the game.
Autoexec.cfg - this config is loaded when the game starts, and only after it the file is loaded config.cfg
Cofigs with a different name will have to be loaded with the exec command in the game console, for example, exec nick.cfg
exec- this means that the file needs to be launched
nick- name of the config
.cfg- this is a permission that must be specified

How to create a config for CS 1.6

You can edit configs with any text editor, for example, the standard Windows program - Notepad.

You can create your config in one of 3 ways:
1. Manually create a cfg file or copy the standard config.cfg and name the copy, for example, my.cfg - fill it with your values.

2. Set the necessary settings through the game menu and save them to a file by entering the following command into the console:
writecfg my

After this command, a my.cfg file with the settings you have installed will appear in the folder and you can later edit it via Notepad.

3. Using special programs.

In all 3 methods, a new cfg file with the specified name is created, and you can load such a file and apply your settings in the game by entering a simple command into the console:
exec my.cfg

You don't have to create a new config, just work with the standard cfg and customize it.

The most important config settings that should be changed in the config:

  • hud_fastswitch - set the value to "1" so that switching weapons is instantaneous.
  • cl_weather - set to "0" to disable the weather, which on some maps lowers your FPS.
  • _cl_autowepswitch - set to your liking: “1” - the selected weapon immediately appears in your hands, “0” - it falls into the inventory and can be selected later.
  • setinfo "_vgui_menus" - again, set it to your liking: "1" - when purchasing, a menu with pictures of weapons and ammunition will be displayed, with the ability to select with the mouse. If the value is “0”, we disable the graphical menu and in this case the purchasing and team selection menu will be displayed in the form of text, navigation through the menu is carried out by pressing the numbers on the keyboard (this type of menu is convenient for professionals who care about the speed of purchasing, and not the pictures in the menu ).
  • _cl_minmodels - to increase FPS, it is recommended to set the value to "1", disabling detailed rendering of all player models.
  • cl_dynamiccrosshair - It is recommended to immediately get used to the dynamic sight in order to control your shooting. Set the value to "1" and then when squatting and jumping your sight will expand, making it clear that the spread when shooting will be much greater.
  • fps_max - set "101" as the maximum possible FPS value.
  • cl_cmdrate is the rate at which packets per second are sent from your client to the server. The setting can take a value from 10 to 101. With a good Internet connection, it is recommended to set the maximum value to “101”.
  • cl_updaterate - this is at what speed per second the server will request packets from the client. Accepted values ​​are from 10 to 102, so feel free to set “102”.
  • cl_cmdbackup - if packet loss occurs (unstable connection to the server), then we need to resend commands from the client and it is this setting that is responsible for the number of commands that it constantly stores. For a smoother and more comfortable game, it is recommended to set the value to "4".
  • cl_rate - the number of bytes per second that the client transmits to the server (value from 1000 to 20000). It is recommended to set the value to "20000". In view of the fact that when starting a new map this value is constantly lost, it will be useful to bind the command to some button and do not forget to press it when starting the map: bind "j" "cl_rate 20000"
  • cl_lc - if the server has a setting sv_unlag "1", then she allows clients lag compensation. Set the value to "1" to enable lag compensation on your game client.
  • cl_lw - the setting is responsible for calculating all kinds of effects, from animation to bullet holes. It is better to enable it by setting the value to "1". If you disable this setting, then lag compensation cl_lc can also be turned off.
  • ex_interp is the number of seconds between each update between the client and server. The setting is responsible for the position of players during updates. The setting can take values ​​from 0.009 to 0.1, but it is recommended to set the value to "0" so that the game automatically sets the optimal value, which is 1 / cl_updaterate. Although you can strictly set the minimum value to “0.009”.

Console commands for saving the config to a file and loading settings from it have already been mentioned above:

  • Saving the config writecfg my
  • exec my.cfg

// Counter-Strike 1.6
unbindall // remove all key values
clear // console is cleared when running the config
bind "TAB" "+showscores" // show the score (number of players, ping, frags...)
bind "ENTER" "screenshot" // take a screenshot and save it in the CS directory
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" // escape - cancel and call the game menu
bind "SPACE" "+duck" // sit down
bind "+" "sizeup" // increase screen size
bind "," "buyammo1" // buy ONE clip for the main weapon (machine gun, rifle, etc.)
bind "-" "sizedown" // reduce screen size
bind "." "buyammo2" // buy ONE pistol clip
bind "0" "slot10" // slot 0
bind "1" "slot1" // slot 1
bind "2" "slot2" // slot 2
bind "3" "slot3" // slot 3
bind "4" "slot4" // slot 4
bind "5" "slot5" // slot 5
bind "6" "slot6" // slot 6
bind "7" "slot7" // slot 7
bind "8" "slot8" // slot 8
bind "9" "slot9" // slot 9
bind "=" "sizeup" // increase screen size
bind "[" "say_team bomba Ha A"// message to the team - Bomb on A
bind "]" "say_team bomba Ha B"// message to the team - Bomb on B
bind "`" "toggleconsole" // show console
bind "a" "+moveleft" // move left
bind "b" "buy" // show the purchase menu
bind "c" "lastinv" // pick up the last used weapon
bind "d" "+moveright" // move right
bind "e" "slot1" // pick up the main weapon
bind "f" "slot2" // pick up a pistol
bind "g" "impulse 100" // turn on/off the flashlight
bind "h" "+commandmenu" // show CS auxiliary menu
bind "i" "showbriefing" // show targets
bind "j" "cheer" // smile (H.Z. what)
bind "k" "kill" // suicide (funny thing:^)
bind "l" "adjust_crosshair" // change the crosshair color (cyclically)
bind "m" "chooseteam" // change command
bind "n" "buyequip" // menu for purchasing equipment
bind "o" "nightvision" // on/off night vision device (need to buy:^)
bind "p" "say LoL" // LoL
bind "q" "slot3" // pick up a knife
bind "r" "+reload" // reloading the current weapon
bind "s" "+back" // move back
bind "t" "impulse 201" // draw logo
bind "u" "messagemode2" // type a message to the command
bind "v" "+voicerecord" // record a voice message
bind "w" "+forward" // move forward
bind "x" "drop" // drop the current weapon
bind "y" "messagemode" // send a message to everyone
bind "z" "weapon_smokegrenade"// pick up a smoke grenade
bind "~" "toggleconsole" // show console
bind "UPARROW" "say_team [ / / / ATAKyEM / / / ]"// tell the team - "Let's attack"
bind "DOWNARROW" "say_team [ / / / OTCTy/7AEM / / / ]"// tell the team - "Retreat"
bind "LEFTARROW" "say_team [<<< HAJIEBO <<< ]" // tell the command - "Left"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "say_team [ >>> HA/7PABO >>> ]"// tell the command - "Right"
bind "ALT" "say)" // smile
bind "CAPSLOCK" "slot5" // pick up a bomb
bind "CTRL" "+use" // use (clearing bombs, opening doors, dealing with hostages, etc.)
bind "SHIFT" "+speed" // walk slowly, sneak
bind "F1" "autobuy" // auto purchase
bind "F2" "hegren;flash;flash;sgren"// buy ALL grenades
bind "F3" "vesthelm;primammo;secammo"// buy ALL ammo, + helmet and armor
bind "F4" "deagle;buyammo2;buyammo2;buyammo2;buyammo2;buyammo2"// buy Desert Eagle and ammo for it
bind "F5" "awp;buyammo1;buyammo1;buyammo1"// buy AWP and ammunition for it
bind "F6" "radio1" // radio commands of the first type
bind "F7" "radio2" // radio commands of the second type
bind "F8" "radio3" // radio commands of the third type
bind "F9" "sv_restartround 5" // restart server statistics
bind "F10" "restart" // restart the card
bind "F11" "disconnect" // disconnect from the server (exit to the main menu)
_cl_autowepswitch "0" // do not pick up the weapon you just picked up
_snd_mixahead "0.1" // sound advance
ati_npatch "1.0" // ATI video card settings
ati_subdiv "2.0" // ATI video card settings
bgmvolume "1.000000" // on/off CD audio
bottomcolor "6" // color of the bottom of the player model
brightness "1.000000" // brightness
cl_allowdownload "1" // enable downloading of various files from the server (logos, maps, etc.)
cl_allowupload "1" // enable uploading my files to the server (logos, maps, etc.)
cl_backspeed "400" // backward speed
cl_cmdbackup "2" // h.z.
cl_cmdrate "101" // frequency of updates sent to the server
cl_corpsestay "600.000000" // time for displaying corpses in the game
cl_crosshair_color "250 250 50"// sight color
cl_crosshair_size "small" // crosshair size "minimum"
cl_crosshair_translucent "1" // crosshair transparency is off
cl_dlmax "128" // h.z.
cl_download_ingame "1" // download models and decals during gameplay
cl_dynamiccrosshair "1" // dynamic (expanding and decreasing crosshair)
cl_forwardspeed "400" //forward speed
cl_himodels "1" // enable high quality model rendering mode
cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" // h.z.
cl_lc "1" // enable lag compensator (reduces lag)
cl_logocolor "#Valve_Blue" // logo color
cl_logofile "lambda" // logo file
cl_lw "1" // enable playing sound and animation from my PC and not from the server
cl_minmodels "0" // all skins are displayed
cl_righthand "1" // weapon in the right hand
cl_showfps "0" // do not show FPS
cl_timeout "300" // time of player inactivity after which the server kicks him out
cl_updaterate "101" // frequency of updates received from the server
cl_vsmoothing "0.05" // h.z.
cl_weather "1" // weather on
con_color "255 180 30" // console color
console "1.000000" // console on
crosshair "1.000000" // crosshair on
developer "0" developer "0" // displays the latest messages from the console in the upper left corner of the screen
decalfrequency "60" // sets after how many seconds the player will be able to draw his logo again (spray logo)
fastsprites "0" // realism of smoke sprites (0 coolest)
fps_max "100.0" // FPS limit
fps_modem "0.0" // FPS limit for modem connection
gamma "2.500000" // gamma
gl_dither "1" // anti-aliasing mode on
gl_flipmatrix "0" // off sight debugging
gl_monolights "0" // uniform lighting (no shadows) off
gl_overbright "0" // maximum brightness mode
gl_polyoffset "0.1" // texture polygon offset
drawradar // show the radar
hisound "1" // high-quality sound (22kHz) on
hostname "game" // server name " game"
hpk_maxsize "0" // maximum size of the .hpk file
hud_capturemouse "1" // h.z.
hud_centerid "1" // enable the mode of displaying the player ID (name) in the center of the screen
hud_draw "1" // show everything on the screen
hud_fastswitch "1" // quickly switch weapons (no need to press fire to confirm)
hud_saytext_internal "1" // message display time
hud_takesshots "0" // auto screenshots off
joystick "0" // use joystick off
looksspring "0.000000" // automatic sight centering off
lookstrafe "0.000000" // mouse strafe is off
m_filter "0" // mouse filtering is off
m_forward "1" // speed of moving the mouse forward
m_pitch "0.022" //sets the sensitivity of the mouse up/down speed
m_side "0.8" // mouse strafe speed
m_yaw "0.022" // mouse rotation speed
model "gordon" // model (not needed in CS)
MP3Volume "0.800000" // MP3 volume
mp_autoteambalance "0" // disable auto-balance of commands (you can set different numbers of commands)
mp_buytime "0.25" // time to buy weapons and equipment
mp_c4timer "35" // time until the installed bomb explodes
mp_decals "300.000000" // show traces of bullets and blood
mp_fadetoblack "0" // black screen after player's death is turned off
mp_flashlight "1" // turn on flashlights
mp_forcecamera "2" // allow watching your own people in first person in spectator mode
mp_forcechasecam "2" // allow watching your own people in first person in spectator mode
mp_freezetime "7" // time to purchase weapons before the start of the round
mp_friendlyfire "1" // enable friendly fire
mp_limitteams "0" // numerical difference between teams off
mp_maxrounds "0" // time between changing maps (in rounds)
mp_roundtime "2" // round time (in minutes)
mp_startmoney "800" // starting capital
mp_timelimit "0" // time between changing cards (in minutes)
mp_tkpunish "0" // do not kill team killers in the next round
mp_winlimit "0" // number of wins to change map
name "Player" // nickname -
net_graph "0" // shows various connection details
net_graphpos "1" // where to display NetGraph (012 - left right center)
net_scale "5" // NetGraph scale
pausable "1" // pause in the game is allowed
r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" // h.z.
r_decals "300" // maximum displayed logos, bullet marks, blood, etc.
s_a3d "0" // disable A3D support
s_automax_distance "30.0" // maximum sound volume distance
s_automin_distance "2.0" // minimum sound volume distance
s_bloat "2.0" // bloat factor for polygons, only for A3D 2.0
s_distance "60" // sets the sound settings for object positioning (the higher this value, the closer the objects appear, in sound value)
s_doppler "0.0" // adjusts the doppler effect, a very sensitive setting, which is why it is disabled by default
s_eax "0" // disable EAX support
s_leafnum "0" // x.z.
s_max_distance "1000.0" // maximum sound distance to the listener
s_min_distance "8.0" // minimum sound distance to the listener
s_numpolys "200" // maximum number of drawn sub-lygons, depends on s_geometry
s_polykeep "1000000000" // audio settings
s_polysize "10000000" // audio settings
s_refdelay "4" // delay between the initial and final reflection, only for A3D 2.0
s_refgain "0.4" // adjusts the gain in each reflection, only for A3D 2.0
s_rolloff "1.0" // changes the rolloff factor, as the value increases the distance effect increases, high frequencies are filtered and the volume is reduced, values ​​from 0 to 10
s_verbwet "0.25" // adjusts wet-dry mixing, only for A3D 2.0
sensitivity "2.000000" // mouse sensitivity "2"
skin "" // player skin
spec_autodirector_internal "1"// spectator settings
spec_drawcone_internal "1" // spectator settings
spec_drawnames_internal "1" // spectator settings
spec_drawstatus_internal "1" // spectator settings
spec_mode_internal "1" // spectator settings
spec_pip "0" // spectator settings
suitvolume "0.250000" // volume of the protective suit (HEV) in Half-Life
sv_aim "0" // auto aim off
sv_cheats "0" // use of prohibited commands off
sv_gravity "800" // gravity
sv_voiceenable "1" // enable sound
team "game" // team name game
topcolor "30" // color of the player's bottom model
viewsize "110" // sets the visible size
voice_enable "1" // enable voice communication
voice_forcemicrecord "1" // enable voice recording
voice_modenable "1" // x.z.
voice_scale "0.750000" // sets the volume of everyone's voice, including yours
volume "0.800000" // in-game sound volume
zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.2" // mouse sensitivity when the optical sight is on
setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0" // the menu view is enabled as a radio command menu (without photos and descriptions)
setinfo "_ah" "0" // disable automatic hints during the game
+mlook // use mouse to look

All commands for CONSOLE

+forward Move forward
+back Move backwards
+moveleft Step to the left
+moveright Step to the right
+movedown Moves the player down
+moveup Move the player up
+left Turn left
+right Turn right
+duck Sit down
+use Use an item or weapon (note: "use weapon_hegrenade")
+attack Attack (shoot, cut with a knife, throw grenades)
+attack2 Alternative shooting / additional weapon function
+reload Reload weapon
+klook Enable keyboard for browsing
+lookdown Look down
+lookup Look up
+speed Forces the player to walk if "always run" is enabled or forces the player to run if "always run" is disabled.
+showscores Show player scores and ping
+strafe Using the rotation keys you can move in “these” directions.
bind Assigns a key to a command or alias
unbind Unbind a key
unbindall Remove assignments from all keys
alias To perform multiple tasks at the click of a button
slot1-10 Selects weapons from group 1-10
cancelselect Cancel
changeteam Displays the player's change team menu
centerview Centers the view of the player image
changeclass Displays the player class change menu
messagemode Speak to all players
messagemode2 Speak to players on your team
radio1-3 First-third group of radio commands
toggleconsole Open/close console
chooseteam Select the team you want to play for
+showscores Show statistics
drop Drop your current weapon
nightvision Turn on/off night vision goggles
impulse 201 Draw logo
impulse 100 Turn on/off the flashlight
invprev Switch to previous weapon
invnext Switch to next weapon
invlast Switch to last weapon
kill Die
buy Enable buy menu
buyammo1 Buy cartridges for main weapons
buyammo2 Buy pistol cartridges
buyequip Buy additional equipment
+voicerecord Use voice communication
+commandmenu Show built-in VGUI menu
showbriefing Show briefing to the map
snapshot Take a screenshot
screenshot Takes the current screen image and saves it to the game directory
cl_anglespeedkey Sets the speed at which the view angle changes when rotating
cl_backspeed Sets the speed at which the player moves backwards - the number cannot be greater than what is allowed on a specific server
cl_forwardspeed Sets the forward speed of the player
cl_sidespeed Sets the player's sideways speed
cl_movespeedkey Sets the movement speed
l_upspeed Player's ascent speed (stairs, etc.)
cl_yawspeed Sets the rotation speed (cannot be higher than what is allowed on the server)
messagemode Shows a message to all other players on the server
messagemode2 Shows the message only to players on your team
say Send a message to all other players on the server
say_team Send only to your team players
setinfo ah In hint mode, the player is given messages during the game (for example, what to do to save the hostage)
setinfo dm Display brief information on the map after it is loaded
setinfo ghosts Show ghosts in observer mode
setinfo _pw Enter the password for admin rights under AMX
setinfo gui_menus Visual menu when purchasing
setinfo _vgui_menu See above
con_color Text color (console)
sv_aim Enable/disable auto-aiming of optical sights (1/0)
cl_timeout Time after which an inactive client will be kicked from the server
cl_dynamiccrosshair On/off dynamic crosshair (when running and any movement) (1/0)
cl_lw All effects and actions related to weapons are calculated on the client side (2)
cl_lc Server-side lag compensation (1)
rate Sets the client's flow rate
cl_cmdrate Number of packets per second from client to server
cl_updaterate Number of packets per second you will receive from the server
ex_interp Interpolation of a figure per second of time (lan - 0.01 / inet - 0.1)


hisound Enables sound quality mode: 1=22kHz, 0=11kHz
nosound Turns sound off (1) or on (0)
s_2dvolume Maximum volume of 2d sound (0-1)
s_a3d A3D support
s_automax_distance Sets the distance for maximum volume
s_automin_distance Sets the distance for the minimum volume
s_buffersize Sets the buffer size in bytes
s_disable_a3d Disables a3d
s_distance In general, the higher the value, the closer everything is heard
s_eax EAX support
s_enable_a3d Enables a3d
s_geometry Geometric partition

In CS 1.6, as in other games, all settings are stored in a configuration file (config). With the help of this article you will know almost everything about the player’s configs, their correct settings in the CS:

Types of configs

The config is a regular text file, but it is customary to use the ".cfg" extension for it.

First of all, let's answer a simple question: " Where is the game config or where should I put the created config? ". Config files in Counter-Strike 1.6 are located in the folder:

  • For Steam (English version): \game_folder\Steam\steamapps\account_name\counter-strike\cstrike
  • For Steam (Russian version): \game_folder\Steam\steamapps\account_name\counter-strike\cstrike_russian
  • For NoSteam: \game_folder\cstrike

In the screenshot on the right you can see the standard list of config files that are present in the game folder. We are only interested in 3 files highlighted in the red frame on the screen, and these are:

All other config files in the folder (joystick.cfg, listenserver.cfg, server.cfg, listip.cfg, etc.) either do not need editing or are responsible for setting up the creation of your own server, which is not the topic of this article.

How to create a config

You can edit configs with any text editor, for example, the standard Windows program - Notepad.

You can create your config in one of 3 ways:

  1. Manually create a cfg file or copy the standard config.cfg and name the copy, for example, my.cfg - fill it with your values.
  2. Set the necessary settings through the game menu and save them to a file by entering the following command into the console:
    writecfg my
    After this command, a my.cfg file with the settings you have installed will appear in the folder and you can later edit it through Notepad.
  3. Using special programs.

In all 3 methods, a new cfg file with the specified name is created, and you can load such a file and apply your settings in the game by entering a simple command into the console:

Exec my.cfg

Fine-tuning the config

Attention! All config settings are applicable for any version of CS 1.6 - be it Steam or NoSteam.

Below are all the settings that can be used in the game config. The settings are well commented in Russian, so you can copy them completely into your config so that when editing a file you always know what each option does.

General description of the config.cfg settings

// This file is overwritten every time you change your in-game settings. // Add your settings to the "userconfig.cfg" file. // clear all previously specified button settings unbindall // show the game score table (list of players with frags and ping) bind "TAB" "+showscores" // attack (shooting a weapon, hitting with a knife, throwing grenades) bind "ENTER" " +attack" // cancel selection (also brings up the game menu) bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" // jump bind "SPACE" "+jump" // lean up bind """ "+moveup" // increase the resolution in the game ( increasing the screen size, but with a decrease in FPS) bind "+" "sizeup" // purchasing 1 clip for the main weapon (machine gun, shotgun or rifle) bind "," "buyammo1" // purchasing 1 clip for the pistol bind "." buyammo2" // bend down bind "/" "+movedown" // switch to SLOT 0 bind "0" "slot10" // switch to SLOT 1 bind "1" "slot1" // switch to SLOT 2 bind "2" "slot2" // switch to SLOT 3 bind "3" "slot3" // switch to SLOT 4 bind "4" "slot4" // switch to SLOT 5 bind "5" "slot5" // switch to SLOT 6 bind " 6" "slot6" // switch to SLOT 7 bind "7" "slot7" // switch to SLOT 8 bind "8" "slot8" // switch to SLOT 9 bind "9" "slot9" // up view control/ down with the mouse bind ";" "+mlook" // increase the resolution in the game (increase the screen size, but with a decrease in FPS) bind "=" "sizeup" // switch to the previous weapon bind "[" "invprev" // switch to the next weapon bind "]" "invnext" // show the game console bind "`" "toggleconsole" // move left bind "a" "+moveleft" // show the weapon purchase menu bind "b" "buy" // show menu of type 3 radio commands bind "c" "radio3" // move to the right bind "d" "+moveright" // action/use button // used to open doors, defuse bombs, press buttons, etc. bind "e" "+use" // turn the flashlight on/off bind "f" "impulse 100" // throw the current weapon to the ground bind "g" "drop" // show the player's command menu bind "h" "+commandmenu" // show the "brief" of the map - a description of the map from the developers bind "i" "showbriefing" // applause // applicable only for Half Life bind "j" "cheer" // give a voice command to other players (don't forget to turn on the microphone) bind "k" "+voicerecord" // show the "brief" of the map - a description of the map from the developers bind "l" "showbriefing" // show the menu for changing the command bind "m" "chooseteam" // turn on/off the night vision device bind " n" "nightvision" // show the menu for purchasing equipment (helmet, armor, shield, night vision device, etc. ) bind "o" "buyequip" // pick up the last used weapon bind "q" "lastinv" // reload a weapon (change the clip) bind "r" "+reload" // move backward bind "s" "+back " // draw a logo (you need to approach the wall or aim the sight at the ground) bind "t" "impulse 201" // team chat (we write only to the players of our team) bind "u" "messagemode2" // moving forward bind "w" "+forward" // show the menu of radio commands of the 2nd type bind "x" "radio2" // general chat (we write to all players on the server) bind "y" "messagemode" // show the menu of radio commands of the 1st type bind "z " "radio1" // show the game console bind "~" "toggleconsole" // move forward bind "UPARROW" "+forward" // move backward bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" // move left bind "LEFTARROW" "+ left" // movement to the right bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" // strafe or displacement // used, as a rule, on kreedz servers to speed up movement when jumping bind "ALT" "+strafe" // crouching bind "CTRL" "+duck" // switch from running to walking // with the shift held down, movement will be silent, but also slow bind "SHIFT" "+speed" // auto-purchase at the beginning of the round - whatever there is enough money for, that will be bought // a rifle M4A1 (for CT) or AK-47 (for T), all cartridge clips, armor bind "F1" "autobuy" // repeat purchase that was made in the previous round of the game bind "F2" "rebuy" // purchase of 1 clip for a pistol bind "F3" "buyammo2" // take a SCREENSHOT (screenshot) and save it to the game folder bind "F5" "snapshot" // quick save // ​​only applicable for Half Life bind "F6" "save quick" // fast loading // applicable only for Half Life bind "F7" "load quick" // activate the keyboard to view the screen (do not use the mouse) bind "INS" "+klook" // look down bind "PGDN" "+lookdown " // look up bind "PGUP" "+lookup" // center the player screen view bind "END" "centerview" // switch to the next weapon bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext" // switch to the previous weapon bind "MWHEELUP" " invprev" // attack (shooting a weapon, stabbing, throwing grenades) bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" // alternative attack // put on/remove a silencer, show the scope of a sniper rifle, etc. bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" // pause the game // only applicable for Half Life bind "PAUSE" "pause" // what to do with the weapon you just picked up // 1 - pick up, 0 - don't pick up _cl_autowepswitch "1" // setting the sound advance coefficient // necessary to eliminate sound delay _snd_mixahead "0. 1" // setting for the ATI video card responsible for mouse sensitivity // set "0" if you have an NVIDEA video card ati_npatch "1.0" // setting for the ATI video card responsible for mouse sensitivity // set "0" if you have an NVIDEA video card ati_subdiv "2.0" // setting the background sound volume // set "0" if you need to disable bgmvolume "1.000000" // setting the color of the bottom of the player model bottomcolor "6" // setting the screen brightness brightness "3" // downloading files from server (maps, models, etc.) while downloading the map // "1" - allow, "0" - disable cl_allowdownload "1" // downloading files to the server (maps, logo, etc.) during map loading // "1" - allow, "0" - prohibit cl_allowupload "1" // setting the speed of the player moving backwards cl_backspeed "400" // the number of backup packets sent by the client to the server // packets are sent in case of an unstable connection to the server cl_cmdbackup "2" // speed of sending packets per second from the client to the server cl_cmdrate "101" // time in seconds after which corpses in the game will disappear cl_corpsestay "600" // sight color cl_crosshair_color "50 250 50" // sight size cl_crosshair_size " medium" // crosshair transparency // "1" - enable, "0" - disable cl_crosshair_translucent "1" // speed of the crosshair returning to the standard position after recoil from the weapon cl_dlmax "1024" // download/upload the necessary files during the game / / "1" - enable, "0" - disable cl_download_ingame "1" // dynamic crosshair // with this setting enabled, the crosshair will expand when crouching or jumping // "1" - enable, "0" - disable cl_dynamiccrosshair "1" / / setting the forward speed of the player cl_forwardspeed "400" // drawing high-quality player models (lowers FPS) // "1" - enable, "0" - disable cl_himodels "0" // setting the scatter scale when shooting cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" // compensation (reduction) of lags in the game cl_lc "1" // logo color cl_logocolor "#Valve_Orange" // logo type or file cl_logofile "lambda" // calculation of animation, sounds and other effects on the client side, not on the server // " 1" - enable, "0" - disable cl_lw "1" // display player model skins // "1" - hide, "0" - display // with the value "1" the same skins of all players will be displayed cl_minmodels "0" // radar transparency // "1" - enable, "0" - disable cl_radartype "0" // location of the weapon in the hands // "1" - in the right hand, "0" - in the left hand cl_righthand "1" // display of shadows from players // "1" - enable, "0" - disable cl_shadows "1" // time in seconds after which the server will disconnect inactive players cl_timeout "300" // speed of update requests from the server to the client per second cl_updaterate "102" // setting interpolation (smoothing) when moving // with a value of "0" disables interpolation and increases FPS cl_vsmoothing "0. 05" // displaying weather conditions on the map (rain, snow, etc.) // "1" - enable, "0" - disable cl_weather "0" // setting the console color in RGB (Red-Green-Blue) con_color "255 180 30" // use of the console // "1" - allow, "0" - disable console "1" // use of the sight // "1" - allow, "0" - disable crosshair "1" // quality of smoke from grenades (the higher the value, the worse the rendering) fastsprites "0" // maximum allowable FPS value fps_max "101" // maximum allowable FPS value with a modem connection fps_modem "0" // setting the gamma of map textures // the higher value, the lighter the texture gamma "3" // setting map rendering // 0 - the best indicator, 1 - will increase FPS gl_dither "1" // drawing details in the sight // "1" - enable, "0" - disable gl_flipmatrix " 0" // drawing smoke from weapons when firing // "1" - enable, "0" - disable gl_fog "1" // uniform lighting on the map // "1" - enable, "0" - disable gl_monolights "0" // maximum brightness // "1" - enable, "0" - disable gl_overbright "0" // setting polymorphic texture offset // "0.1" - if you have an NVIDEA video card, "4" - if you have an ATI video card gl_polyoffset " 0.1" // activation of high-quality sound // "1" - enable, "0" - disable hisound "1" // maximum size of the hpk file that contains temporary textures and map sprites hpk_maxsize "4" // activation of the mouse cursor in the menu ( does not work in CS 1.6) // "1" - enable, "0" - disable hud_capturemouse "1" // centering the player's nickname // "1" - nickname in the center, "0" - nickname in the bottom left hud_centerid "1" / / show various inscriptions on the screen // "1" - enable, "0" - disable hud_draw "1" // setting up quick switching of weapons // "0" - confirmation is required after selecting a slot // "1" - confirmation is not required, the weapon immediately appears in the hands hud_fastswitch "1" // show game chat // "1" - enable, "0" - disable hud_saytext_internal "1" // automatic screenshot at the end of the map // "1" - do, "0" - do not do hud_takesshots "0" // use of joystick // "1" - enable, "0" - disable joystick "0" // automatic screen centering if mouse viewing is disabled "-mlook" // "1" - enable, " 0" - disable lookspring "0" // "1" - when moving the mouse left/right, strafe will work instead of rotating the screen // "0" - disable the lookstrafe setting "0" // smoothing mode when moving the mouse // "1" - enable, "0" - disable // makes sense only on ball mice m_filter "0" // mouse sensitivity coefficient when moving up/down // with a negative value, inversion will apply m_forward "1" // mouse sensitivity coefficient when turning up /down // with a negative value, the inversion of m_pitch "0. 022" // mouse strafe speed // only with lookstrafe "1" and "+mlook" m_side "0.8" // mouse sensitivity coefficient when turning left/right // with a negative value, inversion will apply m_yaw "0.022" // model type player // applicable only for Half Life model "arctic" // time in seconds after which the mp3 melody will disappear using the command "cd fadeout" MP3FadeTime "2.0" // setting the volume level of mp3 music in the MP3Volume menu "0.800000" // quantity decals displayed simultaneously on the map // blood stains, bullet marks, etc. mp_decals "300.000000" // nickname of your player name "cs.Player" // graph with information about your connection to the server // "0" - graph disabled // "1", "2" and "3" - the type of graph and its expanded detail net_graph "0" // location of the graph if net_graph > 0 // "0" - on the right, "1" - in the center, " 2" - left net_graphpos "1" // graph scale if net_graph > 0 net_scale "5" // texture detail // "1" - enable, "0" - disable r_detailtextures "0" // A3D mode if sound card supports it // "1" - enable, "0" - disable s_a3d "0" // setting the distance for maximum volume s_automax_distance "30" // setting the distance for minimum volume s_automin_distance "2" // sound card coefficient for A3D mode s_bloat "2.0" // sound setting for object positioning // the higher the value, the closer objects will appear s_distance "60" // setting the coefficient for the Doppler effect // fine tuning, which is disabled by default s_doppler "0.0" // EAX mode, if the sound card supports it // "1" - enable, "0" - disable s_eax "0" // sound settings s_leafnum "0" // setting the maximum distance at which the player hears sounds s_max_distance "1000" // setting the minimum distance , at which the player hears sounds s_min_distance "5" // number of polygons processed in A3D mode s_numpolys "200" // sound settings s_polykeep "1000000000" // sound settings s_polysize "10000000" // delay settings between the source and the nearest sound reflector s_refdelay "4" // coefficient of increase for each reflection of sound s_refgain "0.4" // coefficient of sound decay (from 0 to 10) // the higher the value, the greater the effect of the distance s_rolloff "1.0" // coefficient of sound "humidity" // the higher the value, the more "wet" the sound s_verbwet "0.25" // mouse sensitivity (from 0 to 20) sensitivity "1.8" // player skin, default skin "" // setting the spectator mode spec_autodirector_internal "1" // setting the spectator mode spec_drawcone_internal "1" // setting the spectator mode spec_drawnames_internal "1" // setting the spectator mode spec_drawstatus_internal "1" // setting the spectator mode spec_mode_internal "1" // setting the spectator mode spec_pip "0" // setting the protective suit // Only applicable for Half Life suitvolume "0. 250000" // auto-aim on the server // "1" - enable, "0" - disable sv_aim "0" // sound on the server // "1" - enable, "0" - disable sv_voiceenable "1" // team name player team "" // color of the top of the player model // applicable only for Half Life topcolor "30" // screen size in SOFTWARE mode viewsize "120" // audio communication // "1" - allow, "0" - disable voice_enable "1" // voice recording // "1" - enable, "0" - disable voice_forcemicrecord "1" // microphone sound settings voice_modenable "1" // voice volume level voice_scale "0.750000" // game sound volume level volume "0.1" // automatic in-game hints // applicable only for Half Life // "1" - enable, "0" - disable setinfo "_ah" "0" // menu view // "1" - graphic with images weapons, etc. // "0" - standard text only setinfo "_vgui_menus" "1" // enable mouse for review // "-mlook" - disable +mlook // enable joystick for review // "-jlook" - disable +jlook // connect an additional file with settings exec userconfig.cfg

The most important config settings:

  • hud_fastswitch - set the value to "1" so that switching weapons is instantaneous.
  • cl_weather - set to "0" to disable the weather, which on some maps lowers your FPS.
  • _cl_autowepswitch - set to your liking: “1” - the selected weapon immediately appears in your hands, “0” - it falls into the inventory and can be selected later.
  • setinfo "_vgui_menus" - again, set it to your liking: "1" - when purchasing, a menu with pictures of weapons and ammunition will be displayed, with the ability to select with the mouse. If the value is “0”, we disable the graphical menu and in this case the purchasing and team selection menu will be displayed in the form of text, navigation through the menu is carried out by pressing the numbers on the keyboard (this type of menu is convenient for professionals who care about the speed of purchasing, and not the pictures in the menu ).
  • _cl_minmodels - to increase FPS, it is recommended to set the value to "1", disabling detailed rendering of all player models.
  • cl_dynamiccrosshair - It is recommended to immediately get used to the dynamic sight in order to control your shooting. Set the value to "1" and then when squatting and jumping your sight will expand, making it clear that the spread when shooting will be much greater.
  • fps_max - set "101" as the maximum possible FPS value.
  • cl_cmdrate is the rate at which packets per second are sent from your client to the server. The setting can take a value from 10 to 101. With a good Internet connection, it is recommended to set the maximum value to “101”.
  • cl_updaterate - this is at what speed per second the server will request packets from the client. Accepted values ​​are from 10 to 102, so feel free to set “102”.
  • cl_cmdbackup - if packet loss occurs (unstable connection to the server), then we need to resend commands from the client and it is this setting that is responsible for the number of commands that it constantly stores. For a smoother and more comfortable game, it is recommended to set the value to "4".
  • cl_rate - the number of bytes per second that the client transmits to the server (value from 1000 to 20000). It is recommended to set the value to "20000". In view of the fact that when starting a new map this value is constantly lost, it will be useful to bind the command to some button and when starting the map do not forget to press it: bind "j" "cl_rate 20000"
  • cl_lc - if the server has a setting sv_unlag "1", then she allows clients lag compensation. Set the value to "1" to enable lag compensation on your game client.
  • cl_lw - the setting is responsible for calculating all kinds of effects, from animation to bullet holes. It is better to enable it by setting the value to "1". If you disable this setting, then lag compensation cl_lc can also be turned off.
  • ex_interp is the number of seconds between each update between the client and server. The setting is responsible for the position of players during updates. The setting can take values ​​from 0.009 to 0.1, but it is recommended to set the value to "0" so that the game automatically sets the optimal value, which is 1 / cl_updaterate. Although you can strictly set the minimum value to “0.009”.

We are glad to welcome you to the most exclusive section of our website, where you will find a whole range of proven, and most importantly working configs for cs 1.6. A config is the usual (standard) client settings, but they can contain a number of other nice additions. Each of them performs a different function.

However, our favorite game does not stand still and every day new configurations are released for the client, which significantly gives an advantage over other players. Why you ask? It’s so simple, because in the original (by default) our game has a standard .cfg installed, without any additions. However, if your enemy downloads config for cs 1.6 for accurate headshots, he certainly gains a lot of advantage over you. Because the configuration settings are assembled in such a way that bullets fly straight to the head.

We are sure that you have heard more than once about the configs of PRO players or YouTubers, who are very popular and for good reason. After all, they spend enough time setting it up, and then make it publicly available. In this section we have collected a whole range of configs that will suit absolutely every style of play. And a whole list of configs will help you make sure of the usefulness of third-party configs. We wish you a pleasant and eventful game.

Our website also contains a whole range of best configs 2018. We carefully selected each file in order to immerse you as much as possible in the atmosphere of working configs, which can be downloaded completely free of charge, and most importantly, without viruses!

Before we talk about such a function as configs for cs 1.6, it is necessary to clarify what this term generally means and what it is used for.

Config - in the language of gamers - a set of settings for each specific player. Configs are created for specific nicknames, so each participant in the game has their own configs.

Download configs for cs 1.6 you can from various sites, of which there are a great many on the Internet. What are configs needed for? Advanced gamers know that if there are a large number of individual settings, you will have to enter them long and hard every time you enter the game. Configs will greatly simplify this procedure.

Correctly configured configs can improve shooting, reduce ping and generally improve the gameplay.

In general, configs are a very useful thing, but there are prohibited configs. For example, when shooting at an enemy, nothing happens and the sight remains untouched.

Some people create configs themselves, you can also download configs for cs 1.6. They will help make the game better and more interesting.

There are different configs. You can create a config that improves shooting, making shots more accurate and clear. There is also a config for changing hands. The famous "Jump" config allows you to move much faster with certain skills. Another useful config - throw all grenades - allows you to perform this action by pressing one key. The demining config is in demand, with which you can silently defuse a bomb.

Simply put, configs are designed to make the process of playing and fighting on the playing field easier. You should be aware that configs are not permitted methods of warfare. Therefore, some of them are quickly attacked by anti-cheats.

If you decide to use configs, then first of all you need to download at least one of them. Next, newbies have a lot of questions: what to do with this file, where is the best place to save it, and how to activate the config in general?

So, the first thing to do is unpack the archive. Next you will find a file with the extension .cfg. Copy it to the cstrike folder. After this, launch the game, but do not forget to write the following set of words in the console: exec config name.cfg. After this, when you log into the server, you will immediately notice that the settings have changed. That's all.

If you want this config to be activated every time you enter the game, follow this algorithm of actions: right-click on the cs 1.6 shortcut, select properties, in the line called “Object” type the following text: +exec config name.cfg.

In the same way, you can install all other types of configs.


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