Html5 from youtube how to configure. Flash Player in Yandex Browser: enable, disable and auto-update

The main advantage of videos in HTML-5 format is the ability to play them in a browser, even without the Adobe Flash Player plugin. A wonderful tool for converting video files to this format is the Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter utility. You can fill your website with multimedia content, useful videos and not be afraid of incompatibility with visitors’ browsers. To do this, you just need to download the new version of Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter for free and install it on your computer.


  • high-quality video conversion;
  • turning off the computer after completing file conversion;
  • batch conversion of video recordings;
  • selecting a directory to save records;
  • built-in preset editor for more precise adjustment of the quality of video files;
  • setting the output file name;
  • playback of finished files in the built-in player

Principle of operation:

Now let's take a closer look at this program. First of all, it should be noted that there is a Russian-language menu, which will greatly facilitate the use of Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter. Its main function is to convert video files into HTML-5 format for correct playback on websites and blogs. You can select the desired video resolution, customize presets in detail, and save finished recordings to the directory you need.
You can install Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter for Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8.


  • support for many video formats;
  • the converted video is compatible with all modern browsers;
  • the ability to download Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter to your computer for free;
  • menu in Russian;
  • simple interface.


  • converting only to an optimized format for Internet sites.

The presented program is ideal for website and blog owners. Thanks to video optimization, your Internet projects will be displayed correctly even in the absence of Adobe Flash Player in visitors’ browsers. To do this, we recommend that you download the latest version of Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter for free. However, if you are not a webmaster, this program may be of little use to you. In any case, the program is worth downloading and trying on your work system.

Any audio or video file offered for viewing requires a special player that converts digital information into something accessible to the user. One such available tool is the html5 player. We will find out below what is good about it and what its shortcomings are.

html5 player development and functions

Players belong to a new generation of virtual players, thanks to which high-quality support for all video and audio files existing today is provided. The developers of this project tested it on YouTube, and even invited users to compare the quality of video presentation with an html5 player with an outdated flash player. The introduction of a new video player meant solving such problems as:

  • no freezing or vulnerabilities;
  • instant opening of videos;
  • support for 64-bit video;
  • playback of video of new formats (H.264, HTMLVideoElement, etc.).

The new video player was assigned as the main one by default at the beginning of 2017. Users planning to watch a video came across such a picture, which could be retrieved by hovering the cursor over the video.

But as you can see, you don’t need to specifically download the player: when you visit YouTube again, they will offer it to you and install it for free.

But here's the problem: the current use of the new video player has identified a number of problems that the developers are in no hurry to fix. Standard complaints from YouTube visitors boil down to:

  • constant freezing of video footage;
  • the appearance of foreign elements (artifacts) in the video;
  • incorrect image or lack thereof on many popular browsers.

In many cases, the failed use of the html5 system is associated with outdated hardware, which users are in no hurry to update due to its reliability and comparative serviceability. Sometimes the cause is outdated software that does not support drivers for the new video player format. Any of these reasons can spoil the impression of watching a fresh video. If you are one of those unlucky ones, we suggest you solve this problem quite simply by disabling the default html5 and installing an outdated, but simple and reliable flash player. So, how to disable html5 in popular browsers?

Disable html5 on firefox

To disable html5 on this browser, you can use two methods: manually and using special programs.

The software method is “cleaner” and removes the problem completely. To do this, you can use the Disable Youtube HTML5 Player plugin, which will hide the new player from our eyes and set the flash player by default. You can also change the video player settings manually. To do this: enter the command in the Firefox search bar about:config, a warning window immediately pops up.

It is not known what exactly the guarantee is for the free browser, but oh well. Go ahead.

These are all the current settings of our browser. We are only interested in a few. In order not to search for them, breaking your eyes, enter the following settings into the search line:

  • ogg.enabled;
  • wave.enabled;
  • webm.enabled;
  • windows-media-foundation.enabled.

Enter it into the search bar and turn it off. To turn it off, just hover over the setting and double-click. If everything is done correctly, the setting state will change - instead of true it will appear false.

After this, you should restart the browser and when you open any video, we will be able to play it from the old flash player.

Adobe Flash Player is in its last years. This platform is obsolete, and developers will stop supporting it by 2020. Many companies, programmers and enthusiasts have already begun to abandon the proven format in favor of progressive, but still “raw” technologies. One of these innovations is the “HTML5” video player, which could potentially replace the good old Flash Player.

Not all users can boast of powerful and modern personal computers with all operating system updates (drivers, codecs). Not everyone has it installed (the higher the version, the fewer errors during operation). But everyone is interested in the life that is boiling on the global Internet. Thousands of films and TV series, tens of thousands of clips, hundreds of thousands of funny amateur videos can be found and watched through the World Wide Web anywhere on planet Earth.

If graphic distortions occur when watching a video on a computer, the user should not be upset and look for an alternative to watch. The first thing you need to do is check the functionality of your PC, whether all updates, drivers and codecs are available and in working order. The second nuance is checking the video player built into the Mozilla Internet browser itself. Developers from Mozilla Corporation are trying to please all their fans and simply users of the search engine. Therefore, everyone has the opportunity to view video images through various players: Flash Player or HTML5. To check which player is enabled in the Firefox browser, just right-click on the screen with the video.

How to disable HTML5 in Firefox

If the user's personal computer is inferior in technical characteristics to its modern counterparts, you can try changing the player from HTML5 to Adobe Flash Player. To do this, you need to go to the hidden browser settings by typing “ about:config" The developers kindly warn about the risks associated with changes in “fine” settings. We take responsibility.

In the “Search:” window, for ease of finding to change parameters, you need to type the English word “media”.

Four parameters that can be enabled by default must be changed from “true” to “false”. That is, turn them off by double-clicking the left mouse button.

  • media.ogg.enabled
  • media.wave.enabled
  • media.webm.enabled

After restarting the Mozilla Firefox browser, the settings will take effect and the new HTML5 player will change to Adobe Flash Player.

How to enable HTML5 in Firefox

If it is necessary to carry out the reverse manipulation and change the old Adobe player to a progressive analogue, the user needs to carry out the same manipulations with the above parameters from “false” to “true”. By restarting the Internet browser, the video should show without interference or glitches.

If you compare the YouTube that exists today with the one that existed 5-7 years ago, then these are completely two different concepts......

Hundreds of terabytes of exclusive content, an ever-growing audience and – a lot has changed, but first things first………………….

→ On the eve of 2017, YouTube management announced a new HTML5 player.

Interestingly, at first users had the right to choose, but now everyone has been forced to force a new browser.

Not surprisingly, the new feature has both supporters and opponents, so below we will talk about html5 technology on YouTube, as well as how to disable it ↓↓↓

What kind of Player is this???

At the end of 2016, many YouTube users began to observe problems with the service!!!

As it turned out, the reason lay in another new product - the html5 video player.

Example of a problem ↓↓↓

Why the new feature turned out to be a burden for many and how to disable it - further details

→ The html5 player is a new standard for video playback, which replaced the already obsolete flash player.

→ At the end of 2016, everyone could test the function by activating the corresponding button ().

The developers promised many interesting goodies, including:

  • lack of vulnerabilities and inhibition;
  • quick opening of rollers;
  • 64-bit video support;
  • reproduction of new standards (H.264, HTMLVideoElement, etc.).

In reality, everything turned out to be much worse, because instead of the promised “innovations”, users received many problems:

  • constant freezing;
  • appearance of artifacts in the video;
  • incorrect display in many browsers.

As it turned out, the main reasons are related to:

  1. outdated hardware
  2. software mismatch
  3. drivers
  4. browser and much more.

Now at the address () you can see the inscription “The HTML5 player is now used whenever possible,” therefore, most viewers no longer have a choice.


To check which player is currently in use, hover your mouse over the video and right-click.

If at the bottom there is an item “About html5 player”, then the corresponding player is used

Here ↓

That is why we have prepared the best ways to disable the html5 player on YouTube in various browsers.

This is quite realistic and will not take much time, so read carefully. ⇓⇓⇓

We remove this player fromFirefox

On Firefox, the problem can be solved in at least two ways:

1) Through special add-ons (Disable Youtube HTML5 Player)

2) Or manually.

In the first case, you just need to install the appropriate extension to disable the html5 player in YouTube.

But we will look at the simplest method below: ↓↓↓

  • Enter “about:config” into the search bar, which will open the developer panel.
  • Copy these components into a separate document: "media.ogg.enabled", "media.wave.enabled", "media.webm.enabled", "".
  • We copy each of them into the corresponding search line, find it in the list and disable it. To do this, you can double-click on the entry.
  • This action must be done with each component given above.
  • Now restart your browser.

You may notice that videos are now played through a flash player !!!

In general, nothing complicated and in just 5 minutes you will be able to enjoy your favorite videos.

Now let's find out how to do this in other browsers ⇓⇓⇓

Let's remove this playerVChromeAndOpera

Now we will look at another method of how to disable this player using a special application - Disable Youtube HTML5 Player ↵

This method is suitable for Opera and Chrome browsers.

Below we will describe how to install this extension using the Google Chrome browser as an example:

  • follow the link we provided above;
  • click on the “Install” button and wait for the process to complete;
  • restart your browser.

In the “Settings” - “Additional tools” - “Extensions” section, you can see that the utility is installed.

P.S.— Make sure the “Enable” checkbox is activated.

Open any video and right-click and notice that the Flash player is already running.

If necessary, you can disable disable YouTube html5 player in the extensions and then the Flash player will not work again. In the Opera browser, the procedure is similar, so there is no point in describing it in detail.

Experience shows that this method helps get rid of constant slowdown of videos, as well as other problems with playback.

Thus, we can conclude that YouTube management presented a rather crude product, however, fortunately, you can always disable such improvements yourself.

If suddenly the videos on Youtube began to display incorrectly: slow down, freeze, distorted by artifacts - check which player is playing this video. If it turns out that this is HTML5, then in this article we will tell you how to disable it and return the usual Flash Player for the Mozilla Firefox browser.

The reason lies in the fact that recently the YouTube development team began to transfer the default video display program from the obsolete Flash Player to the new HTML5 video player. In addition to its advantages, it still has a number of disadvantages: it is more “heavy” (on aging computers the image will be “glitchy”), has problems with full-screen mode (buttons disappear), compatibility problems with some video card drivers, codecs, etc.

Checking the player version is very simple - you need to right-click on the video and read the information about the player in the drop-down menu:

To disable it and return Adobe Flash Player:

1. Type in the address bar of your browser about:config

2. Promise that you will be careful:

3. Here you will see different browser settings values. To make it easier for you to find what you need, type the word in the “Search:” field media. Find and change the values ​​of named fields media.ogg.enabled, media.wave.enabled, media.webm.enabled, from "true" to "false" for each of them. To do this, double-click on each line found:

After changing these settings, Firefox will no longer play online videos in the new HTML5 player, and, accordingly, will open it using the Adobe Flash plugin, as it did before.

4. Restart your browser, or clear its cache and try opening any video again. Check the player version with the right mouse button:

If you want to return HTML5 video player support to your browser, simply change the changed values ​​back to “true”.

PS. If possible, try updating your video card drivers first. Perhaps after this the image quality will stabilize and you will not need to change your online video player.


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