What is kate mobile for a computer. What is kate mobile for computer Kate mobile for computer online

Kate Mobile for your computer will allow you to use the main functions of VKontakte, such as chat, viewing photos and video files, and writing comments. This is one of the most popular clients for the social network Vk (Vkontakte).

Difference from the regular Vkontakte application?

There are qualitative differences:

  • Saving notifications about important dates directly to the smartphone calendar;
  • Voice messages and comments on the wall: both on your own and on another user;
  • You will be online on a social network, but you will not have to turn on your computer browser (invisible mode).

The client is regularly updated, and you can also customize it to your liking.

How to download Kate Mobile?

Initially, the Kate Mobile client was created for Android devices. To install the client on your computer, you need to download and install an emulator program called BlueStacks. This utility allows any application or game created on the Android system to run on a regular personal computer. The emulator works on both Windows and Mac OS.

Download Bluestacks

  1. Download the BlueStacks client.
  2. We go through all the installation steps, agree to the terms and offers.
  3. Find KateMobile (either find the client shortcut, or use the search icon at the top of the application screen).
  4. To launch Kate Mobile or any other application we are interested in, click on the shortcut with this program - now it is available for launch in the emulator.

Errors may occur

  • Failed to install Blue Stacks. If such an error occurs, then we completely remove the program from our computer, and then install it again. It is important that the folder that the installer selects actually exists and is not hidden, you should check this.
  • Blue Stacks Frontend has stopped working. The error occurs on the Windows 7 operating system. The solution is to install SP 1.
  • Blue Stacks the application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). You must install the latest version of the emulator program.
  • The application requires at least 2 gb of physical memory. The error indicates that there is not enough RAM on the computer. For the application you need to have at least 2 GB of RAM.

Kate Mobile is a high-quality and popular VKontakte client, which is much more profitable and convenient than the official application.

If you are looking for the popular and useful Kate Mobile application, and are also interested in how to use Kate Mobile and where to download it, then below on the page there is all the information about it.

It is one of the most downloaded of the series of assistants on the VKontakte social network. In this article you will learn why this is so. Read on to learn how to use Kate Mobile on your PC.
What online platforms are currently the most popular for communication? Where do all kinds of people spend the most time? Women, men. Children, adults, elderly... People with little income and wealthy? If they go online, they most often use social networks. If we take the Russian segment of the global web, then VKontakte occupies a leading position here. What VK is, those who are at least somewhat familiar with the RuNet do not need to decipher it. But in order to make using the Vkontakte network even more convenient, we developed the Kate Mobile application.

Mobile - what is this application and why is it needed?

Kate Mobile is a popular client of the VKontakte social network. It fully supports the functionality of the browser version of the site, and significantly expands it with additional settings. Adaptive design combined with a large number of features make the program a leader in its segment.

By downloading Kate Mobile to Android or computer, you will receive several additional features that set it apart from other clients:

  • Invisible mode;
  • Possibility of completely changing the interface;
  • Ready-made themes for design;
  • Support for voice comments that can be attached to friends' posts.

Especially for those who are tired of the standard blue VKontakte interface, Kate Mobile developers have implemented the ability to change the color scheme and design. Particularly popular Night mode, in which the background becomes dark and does not hurt the eyes.

Stealth mode- the most popular function among users, for which in most cases the client is installed. After you download Kate Mobile for Android, you will be able to read messages without opening them, listen to music, watch videos, leave comments and use all other features of the social network, while remaining offline. This function has always been missing in the browser version of VKontakte, so the Kate Mobile developers implemented it in their client.

So, if you want to visit Vkontakte through the famous Android platform, then use Kate Mobile: the application was developed for this very purpose. For knowledgeable people, it will be interesting to know that the BlueStacks program is used as a link that allows you to download and install Katya Mobile on your computer. This program is an Android OS emulator and has a direct connection to the Google Play application service.

Perhaps you wanted to easily and quickly change the design of VK? Thanks to the application described, this can be done by simply going to get-styles.ru. There are more than 1000 original themes for you to choose from.
Let's try to characterize the meaning of Kate Mobile. Who will need this application? For those who value reliable and constant connections with other people. If you are familiar with the Spaces.ru network, then it will be easier for you to understand what we are talking about. The functionality of Kate Mobile is similar to this platform. And the developers guarantee reliability and convenience.

Download Kate Mobile for Android

After you download and install Kate Mobile on Android, you can immediately choose one of the 3 main color options for VK design (dark, pink, blue). You can adjust the font to your liking. The news page that the user will see immediately after launching the application does not differ from the standard VKontakte variation. A familiar section where online friends and applications from those wishing to be added to this list are noted. If you use the free version of this application, you will have to accept that there will be an advertising line. But it is very small, invisible and located at the bottom of the screen.

An interesting feature of the application is the function “ Voice comments" You can record your voice and attach it to your friend’s wall. Thanks to Kate Mobile, you can simultaneously be in several VK accounts. To fully use the application from your PC, you must also install the BlueStacks program. This emulator will allow you to log into Katya Mobile via a computer.

Kate Mobile/Kate Mobile on computer

To install Kate Mobile on your computer you need to use a special emulator. It allows you to run a full version of the Android operating system with the ability to download most programs that were previously only available on smartphones or tablets. For those who have not yet used BlueStacks, it will be useful to know that this program makes it possible to run Android applications on a PC.

Thus, BlueStacks will allow you to use Kate Mobile on a computer with Windows installed. Here's what you need to do to use the Kate Mobile Android app on a regular PC (you'll see that there's nothing complicated about it at all).

How to install Kate Mobile on your computer

If you already have BlueStacks installed, just click on the emulator icon a couple of times. It will start. And then you can download Katya Mobile from Google Play and install it on your computer.

If not, then let's look at the process of installing Katya Mobile on a computer using the BlueStacks Android emulator:

  • First, download the BlueStacks emulator from the link from the official website and install it on your computer. After opening the application, you will need to log in to yours (or create a new one) and log in to it. If the language entered from the application keyboard does not match, you can change the language (below) or paste it, copying it from, for example, notepad or browser.
  • The procedure for entering data from your email is required, since without synchronization with your Google mailbox, you cannot use the Google Play Market, accessible through the emulator.

  • After this, we install the language we need from English to Russian or vice versa (if the default is not the same). To do this, go to “ Settings" and further to the section " Language and input". Here we install the Russian keyboard layout.

  • Now you can use the Play Market service by going to the “ Search«.

  • And install Kate Mobile on your computer directly from the Play Market.

  • Next, open and log into Kate Mobile via your computer - enter your Contact details in the authorization window. You can make sure that the application is installed by going to the standard menu “ Desktop", or it will be displayed in the folder " MyApps" If you want the emulator’s working window to look like on a smartphone, you can adjust this parameter by going to the “ Change App Size».
  • Now you can use Kate Mobile by logging in through your computer.

You can find a large number of emulators with different designs and functionality on the Internet. The procedure and features of installing Kate Mobile on a computer are not much different in each of them.

So, after you have launched and are using the KateMobile application through the BlueStacks emulator, you have access to the most popular social network in the CIS, Vkontakte, through the Android platform. Here a completely expected question arises: why all these, albeit simple, machinations, if you can log into VK using any browser? The answer is simple. In addition to fine-tuning the appearance of this social network, you can be present there incognito, while enjoying all the privileges of a registered user.

Among millions of users, the most widespread network is VKontakte; every time more and more people use this application. Many people try to use this service from their phones, only a small part uses VK on a PC. Although using the application via a computer is much more convenient and allows you to use many additional functions that are not available via a phone. Recently, listening to music from a computer has become much easier than through a phone. In addition to this social network, there are a number of applications that have simplified functionality. One of the most popular such applications is Kate Mobile for the computer.

Application Description:

Kate Mobile is a kind of addition to the VKontakte application, where the user can communicate with friends, view photos, and also join various groups. The main profile consists of several subsections. Let's look at some of them:

  • Friends. This section will show how many friends are online at the moment, and will also help you consider incoming and outgoing requests. If you go to possible friends, you can select a person you know and add him to your list.
  • Wall. Using this section, you can immediately go to the main wall of your profile, add or delete photos, and see who commented or rated the photo.
  • Groups. Here the user can enter any group, add a new one, and also visit old ones.
    Photo. This section stores your photos and also allows you to create new albums.

Functional features:

Kate Mobile for Windows includes a number of unique features that cannot be found in other applications. One of the main features is loading your own photos into the application’s memory; it will allow you to view photos without access to the Internet and leave them in the cache for a long time.
This application also has the ability to store messages with friends. You can scroll through them at any free time, even without connecting to the Internet, and also find correspondence by date. But the main advantage is that you are offline in Kate Mobile, and will help you be invisible on VKontakte at any time. This mode will also allow you to view any messages in unread mode.

Advantages and disadvantages:

The following positive aspects can be highlighted in the Kate Mobile application on your computer:

  • The presence of an invisibility mode, which will allow you to be online while offline.
  • Ability to search for messages by date added.
  • The opportunity to search for friends and find new acquaintances.
  • Adding photos that can be stored in a cache and viewed at any convenient time without access to the Internet.

One of the disadvantages is that there is no way to open and listen to audio recordings.

How to run Kate Mobile on PC?

Since the application itself was originally created for phones, it was not possible to use it on a computer. This is now available using the BlueStacks emulator to enjoy games and apps on your PC. To do this you need:

  1. Download and install the emulator on your computer;
  2. Then go through the registration process through the Google Play system;
  3. Find the desired program (this can be done through the search bar);
  4. The last step is to install Kate Mobile on PC via an emulator.

This will not take much time and will allow you to download the desired application within 10 minutes.

Similar applications:

Among the analogues are the following:

  • In contact with. It is a social network in which people can communicate with each other, find new acquaintances, post photos, as well as listen to music and watch various videos.
  • VKontakte Amberfog. It is an addition to the official version with a more advanced interface and many innovations. The main changes include the display of the main news.
  • VK Chat. This application is designed only for communication and will allow you to enjoy correspondence without additional functions. It is suitable for everyone who does not like to understand new social networks, as well as for those who use
    This page is for correspondence only.
  • Polyglot VKontakte. One of the most common versions of Vkontakte in which a simplified interface and many unique features have been introduced.


Kate Mobile for computer is an improved version of VKontakte, which will allow you to enjoy a pleasant interface and take advantage of new features. The developers have created all the conditions for a pleasant pastime in this application, which pleases millions of users.
One of the main features of this version is the presence of an invisibility function, which will allow you to be online in offline mode, as well as read messages in a hidden format. In the application itself, you can view the stories of other users, visit interest groups, and also add many photos and various posts to the wall. This program is suitable for all lovers of communication, and will also allow you to find many new acquaintances.

Kate Mobile - Android is a program for working in undoubtedly the most popular social network in the CIS and far beyond its borders - VKontakte with simply phenomenal functionality. This is a very reliable, low-resource and simple client. Stay in touch with your friends from VK.

List of Kate Mobile features:

  • several different design themes;
  • changing text size;
  • several parallel running accounts;
  • Possibility of installation on a flash drive;
  • graffiti;
  • stealth mode;
  • menu news feed;
  • working with a list of friends;
  • correspondence;
  • working with photographs;
  • downloadable music;
  • working with video;
  • convenient search;
  • notification system;
  • widgets;
  • group menu;
  • auto synchronization of contacts;
  • work with subscriptions;
  • creating surveys;
  • changing your avatar;
  • disabling images.

Installing Kate Mobile on your computer

Surely, each of you sometimes wants to be invisible to your opponents on VKontakte. But at the same time, do not leave the social network. This is quite possible if you download an application - an invisible device for your computer. Below we will talk about how to do this.

BlueStacks 4 and its installation

To run any Android application or game on Windows, you will need an emulator. The best of which is undoubtedly BlueStacks 4. You can download the installation distribution here.

The emulator works on the following OS:

  • Windows 7;
  • Windows 8.1;
  • Windows 10

After the file is downloaded, run it. A small window will show information about the files being unpacked.

Select the path along which the installation will be carried out.

And we allow the program access to the Play Market and the network as a whole.

The installation appears like this.

Time to finish. Click on “Done”.

Initial emulator setup

Select the application language.

We select the Google services that we need and move on to the next step.

This same step will be the last one in setting up the program. Enter information about the owner of the system.

Installing Kate Mobile on PC

All that remains is to install the VK client. To do this, we visit the well-known Google Play.

And click on the familiar “Install” button.

The next step is to satisfy the program's requests. Press the “Accept” button.

The automatic installation of Kate Mobile will begin.

After this, the application can be launched directly from the store by clicking the “Open” button.

Forward to anonymity! Now only you will know about your stay on the most popular social network!

An excellent application for lovers of simple communication through the VKontakte social network. You can download it to your computer and continue communication without restrictions. Kate Mobile is a great alternative and is much faster at sending text messages. In addition to the basic standard options, you can take advantage of excellent innovations. Active users of the site will love the newest additions. The application creates comfortable conditions and convenience when viewing your favorite pages.

The main window of the widget provides access to three main tabs: “Profile”, “News”, “Dialog”. The first profile tab is necessary for quickly viewing personal information, which is divided into subsections such as “Friends”, “Wall” and much more. All data about the user is available in one of the “Full profile” menu items, within which everything is still organized into subsections. In addition, all quantitative data about groups, friends or photographs in the feed are placed in a separate window.

The “news” tab still provides access to view information shared by friends or groups.

There is nothing unusual in the third tab, just open dialogues.

You can use swipe to switch between tabs.

To expand the functionality, there are additional icons above each window that have personal capabilities. The most common is the search button, with which you can find information of interest in certain categories.

There is also a corresponding icon for creating a new event in the feed, complete with emoticons, graphics, timer, and audio tracks. With an additional button you can specify the confidentiality of the posted information “Only for friends”. For convenience, the application is equipped with buttons for exporting to Facebook or Twitter.

Video review

Application features on PC

The capabilities of the application are much more extensive compared to the web version. Any of the three main tabs provides access to additional functionality. For example, using a blacklist you can ignore or block any annoying user. Or you can personalize it in the settings menu, create your own list of favorite games, scroll through the history of your own publications and delete outdated data.

The news tab allows you to filter events according to specified parameters. The conversation tab is necessary for creating a conversation or viewing important messages.

Comfortable work in the widget is ensured by a pleasant addition for logging in under two different accounts at once. There is no need to constantly enter new data to visit different profiles; the new “Accounts” functional button does an excellent job of this.

Provides a pleasant experience with multimedia content. Three basic “Photos on my wall”, “Saved photos”, “Photos from my page” are added to all created photo albums.

A preview of a photo in the gallery of any album shows all the data about the number of likes or comments.

It became much more pleasant to visit the “Audio” item, where, in addition to the playlist, a player is presented. Access to created sections is available, as well as to recommended or popular compositions. The application allows you to move music tracks from cloud services or directly from the device memory. For audio files, it is possible to view the lyrics of the song, if provided by the extension. All music recordings can be cloned to your mobile device to access them without an active Internet connection. In addition, for those who prefer to save their traffic, you should download a download manager, transferring all data to a tablet, smartphone or computer.

True, Kate Mobile does not have its own video player, so you will have to use YuoTube.

Advantages and disadvantages


Over a long period of using the program, obvious advantages have been identified that simplify the work of VKontakte:

  • Minimum occupied space on the device.
  • Availability of stable updates.
  • Administrator rights allow you to edit entries.
  • Complete removal of spam.
  • Recording a publication in a group.
  • Access to a detailed list of marks or publications.
  • Stealth mode.
  • Stable work with graphic data.
  • Supports full functionality from the browser original VK.


Where there are advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • When loading the full profile, you automatically exit the invisible mode.
  • Rapidly changing basic functionality.
  • Denial of direct access to Kate Mobile for some versions of Windows OS.
  • Inconvenient termination of work and exit from the user profile.

How to install Puffin Web Browser on your computer

Method 1: Play Market

For the most convenient use of the Kate Mobile application, it is possible to launch it on a PC. Thanks to you you get full access to all functionality on a large monitor screen. And the search engine will allow you to find the application in the database without any hassle and use it to the same extent as on a mobile device.

The emulator will allow you to minimize the amount of resources spent on installation thanks to the created image of the Android device. After downloading the mobile version and completing the installation process, you will be able to permanently access it from the Play Market menu.

Method 2: .apk file

For those who already have saved data on their computer, you should use the archive, which will provide access to the .apk file, emulator and instructions. This kit will completely solve the problem with downloading and installation.


It becomes obvious that the application has a fairly large number of useful functional innovations that expand the user's capabilities. You can appreciate the full range of features of Kate Mobile if you download the widget and run it on your computer. You can be in the system incognito and observe the actions of friends who will not even know about it. True, it’s a little uncomfortable due to the large amount of advertising in the free version of the product. Otherwise, significant traffic savings and the possibility of customization hide all existing shortcomings.


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