Digitizers purpose. State and immediate prospects for the development of the computer market

?The principle of operation of a digitizer (electronic tablets)
A digitizer or tablet, as it is also called, consists of two main elements: a base (tablet) and a cursor (electronic pen) moving along its surface. This is a device originally designed for digitizing images. When you press the cursor button, its location on the tablet surface is fixed, and its coordinates are transferred to the computer. Nowadays, the digitizer is also often associated with managing commands in AutoCAD and similar systems using overlay menus. The menu commands are located at different places on the surface of the digitizer. When the cursor selects one of the commands, a special software driver interprets the coordinates of the specified location, sending the corresponding command for execution. Not least important is the use of tablets for creating drawings and sketches on a computer. The artist creates an image on the screen, but his hand moves the pen across the tablet. Finally, the digitizer can be used simply as an analogue of a mouse. A special case is pressure-sensitive digitizers.
Pointing devices
As a pointing device, there is a cursor and a pen (or stylus). Cursors are more popular among CAD users. Pens are available with one, two and three buttons. In addition, there are simple nibs and pressure-sensitive nibs. The latter are especially interesting for artists and animators.
Cursors come in four-, eight-, twelve- and sixteen-button types. Wanting to stand out, some companies try to be the exception to the rule. So, Oce Graphics adds a seventeenth “most important button” on the large cursor. For many AutoCAD users, “the more the merrier,” because additional buttons can be assigned one-step functions in the AutoCAD MNU file. The shape of the cursor, the ease of pressing and the location of the buttons on it are the subject of distinction and valor of the manufacturers. All over the world, four-button cursors from CalComp are recognized as one of the best. They are most often photographed and published in magazines. On them, the second and third buttons are located next to each other, and the first and fourth L-shaped ones frame the middle ones at the edges. The diamond-shaped arrangement of buttons is considered traditional, which other well-known manufacturers continue to follow. However, for twelve- and sixteen-button cursors there is only one canon - a “tabular” arrangement of buttons, like on a telephone. In a cursor, the quality of the visor is important.
When choosing a cursor, you need to take into account, in addition to the ease of use, the number of keys on it. Those who have worked in AutoCAD for DOS know that the more keys it has, the better. For AutoCAD for Windows this is not entirely true. The fact is that the use of additional, more than three, keys when working in “mole” mode is not an easy task. To avoid problems, it is better to use special digitizer control programs, which are often included with it, but it is easier to abandon a cursor with a large number of buttons in favor of a four-button one, and use only its three buttons.
Pens are available with one, two and three buttons. In addition, there are simple nibs and pressure-sensitive nibs. The latter are especially interesting for artists and animators. The pen can have up to 256 levels of pressure. The degree of pressure is correlated with either the thickness of the line, or the color in the palette, or the shade of the color. As a result, you can emulate on a computer the process of painting with oil paints, tempera or watercolors on a specially selected “texture”. To implement these capabilities, you must have special software. Among such programs for PC we can mention the following: Adobe PhotoShop, Aldus PhotoStyler, Fauve Matisse, Fractal Design Painter, Autodesk Animator Pro, CorelDraw latest versions. Pressure-sensitive pens can also be useful to AutoCAD users for subsequent three-dimensional visualization of designed objects. This type of pointing devices can only be used with EM digitizers. The ease of use of a pen is a purely subjective characteristic, as when choosing a personal fountain pen. Some people like Wacom's lightweight nibs, while many prefer the weightier, well-balanced Kurta nibs.
Both cursors and pens come with or without a wire. A wireless pointer is more convenient, but it must have a battery, which, accordingly, will require additional maintenance. The exception is Wacom's passive non-radiative pens, which, however, have half the pressure gradations. Recently, offers of modifiable cursors have appeared on the digitizer market that can work with both a wire and a battery. Time will tell how successful this invention is.
Electrical power for the digitizer is supplied using a built-in or remote transformer, and for some models - via a serial port.
Structurally, tablets are rigid and flexible. Flexible digitizers appeared on our market in the spring of 1994. They have a lower price, low weight (7 kg per package), and compactness during transportation, which distinguishes them from traditional rigid ones.
The principle of operation of the digitizer is based on fixing the location of the cursor using a grid built into the tablet. The mesh consists of wire or printed conductors with a fairly large distance between adjacent conductors (from 3 to 6 mm). The registration mechanism makes it possible to obtain an information reading step much smaller than the grid pitch (up to 100 lines per mm). The step of reading the information is called digitizer resolution. Based on manufacturing technology, digitizers are divided into two types: electrostatic (ES) and electromagnetic (EM). In the first type, a local change in the electrical potential of the grid under the cursor is recorded.
In the second type, the cursor emits electromagnetic waves, and the grid serves as a receiver. Wacom has created technology based on electromagnetic resonance, when the grid emits and the cursor reflects a signal. But in both cases the receiver is the grid. It should be noted that the operation of EM tablets may be subject to interference from emitting devices, in particular monitors. Regardless of the registration principle, there is an error in determining the cursor coordinates, called digitizer accuracy. This value depends on the type of digitizer and the design of its components. It is affected by the imperfection of the tablet’s recording grid, the ability to reproduce the coordinates of a stationary cursor (repeatability), resistance to different temperature conditions (stability), cursor quality, noise immunity, etc. The accuracy of existing tablets ranges from 0.005 inches to 0.03 inches. On average, the accuracy of electromagnetic digitizers is higher than that of electrostatic digitizers.
The acquisition grid readout step is the physical limit of the digitizer's resolution. We talk about the resolution limit because we should distinguish between resolution as a characteristic of the device and software-defined resolution, which is a variable in the digitizer settings.
The product specification always indicates both characteristics - both the resolution limit and the accuracy.
The result of the work is also influenced by the accuracy of the operator’s actions. On average, a good operator will introduce an error of no more than 0.004 inches. The requirements for the natural qualities of such a person are very high.
Pressure-sensitive digitizers
Pressure-sensitive digitizers are used by artists when they want to produce an image that looks exactly as if it were painted in oil, tempera, or watercolor on canvas or paper, rather than electronically using software. You can even use special effects, such as a wet brush, to smear or blur the image or certain colors. Pressure-sensitive digitizers combine the precision of coordinate input when working in AutoCAD with the ability to transmit data about the pressure on the “brush” when you retouch a picture. The artist's brush is replaced with a ballpoint-like cursor, or, as it is more often called, a stylus with a tip that is sensitive to the force with which it is pressed against the surface of the digitizer.
Digitizer selection criteria
The area of ​​application influences the shape of the digitizers. The size of the tablet's working area ranges from 6 by 8 inches to 44 by 62 inches.
Manufacturers of flexible digitizers using new technology claim that they can “cut” a digitizer into any format. Users often name the format by analogy with paper sheets, but the size of 305x305 mm is difficult to correlate with any conventional format.
The required accuracy of the device also depends on the type of tasks being solved.
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the parameters of digitizers and the results of comparing some of them.
Surface Sizes
Working size
Sets the dimensions of the sensitive part of the digitizer surface
Indicates the digitizer reading step (a physical characteristic, it is much better than the actually achievable accuracy of reading the coordinates of a pointing device)
Indicates the error in taking coordinates
Output Rate
Baud rate
Indicates the actual speed of coordinate transfer by the digitizer
Describes the physical principle of obtaining coordinates
Availability and number of digitizer parameter settings saved with the possibility of later recall
Output Formats
Typically the number of different data formats that the digitizer interface can be configured for is specified.
Surface Menu
Number and type of hardware-implemented menus on the digitizer surface
The presence or absence of indicators indicating the status of the digitizer
Support Software
A variety of software included in the standard delivery of the digitizer. Usually its diversity does not mean anything. It is important to make it easy to use the installation program and configure settings, as well as the availability of high-quality drivers for the programs you are going to work with.
Dual Orientation
Ability to switch the direction of the digitizer axes
Standard warranty period
Characteristics of a PERO type pointing device. Characteristics include the number of buttons, the type of pen tip sensitivity (non-sensitive, pressure sensitive switch, etc.), the presence or absence of a wire.
Characteristics of a CURSOR-type pointing device: number of buttons, presence or absence of wire
Availability of additional coating of the digitizer surface

Comparison of digitizers
Flexible Digitizer Comparison Chart
CalComp DrawingFlex 33364I
CalComp DrawingFlex 33484I
GTCO Roll-up 2024R
GTCO Roll-up 3036R
GTCO Roll-up 3648R
Working surface
762x914 mm
914x1220 mm
508x610 mm
762x914 mm
914x1220 mm
100 lines/mm
100 lines/mm
40 lines/mm
40 lines/mm
40 lines/mm
+-0.254 mm
+-0.381 mm
+-0.254 mm
+-0.254 mm
+-0.254 mm
Baud rate
150 points/sec
150 points/sec
not reported
not reported
not reported

2 button, tip, cordless

1 push-button, tip, wired
1 push-button, tip, wired

4 button and 16 button, wireless

4 button and 16 button, wired
4 button and 16 button, wired
Chinese settings
Number of data formats
new menu

Macro, User settings, Setting parameters
Setting parameters
Setting parameters
Setting parameters

Drivers, Installation and configuration programs
Dual Orientation

Comparison table for A3 tablet digitizers
http://ad.cctpu.edu.ru/SAPR/ SAPR_02/digit/Dig_c_a3.htm
Comparison table for large format tablet digitizers
http://ad.cctpu.edu.ru/SAPR/ SAPR_02/digit/Dig_c_a0.htm

The impact of drivers and other software used with a digitizer on its success or failure in the market can be summed up as fundamental: good software can "make" a digitizer, while bad software can "fail" it. An awkward, unergonomic cursor will significantly impact the performance of the digitizer, while the lack of the necessary driver will render the digitizer completely useless.
When working with AutoCAD for Windows, digitizer drivers can work in three ways: firstly, emulating a mouse, that is, working in relative coordinate setting mode, secondly, as a standard tablet driver, regardless of which device is the system one, thirdly, as the WinTab driver.
It is known that Windows comes standard with drivers for various mice, but not for digitizers. Therefore, at a minimum, the digitizer kit requires a Windows driver and a configuration utility. If, in addition, you periodically work with AutoCAD for DOS and with programs that require a mouse, but in DOS, then you should include the ADI 4.2 driver and a mouse emulator for DOS in the list of required software. The ultimate dream, of course, is a unified driver that automatically switches from mode to mode when you switch from one program to another.
Just like in an office supply store, where different people choose different pens, considering them the most convenient for themselves, digitizer cursors of different designs will also find their buyers. Some people will prefer the small, almost weightless stylus from the Wacom digitizer, while others will prefer the larger, noticeably heavier, but much better balanced stylus from the Kurta digitizer. Since this digitizer part will be in your hands most of the working time, you need to approach the choice seriously, you should be comfortable. That's the minimum. If you plan to use not only a stylus, but also a multi-button cursor, then you should choose it as carefully as possible. The 16-button CalComp cursors, outstanding in their design, are designed for long-term use, while the 4-button Wacom cursors are very poorly designed in terms of ergonomics.
The thoughtful, ergonomic design of the cursor serves two purposes at once: for short-term use, it makes working with the digitizer convenient and comfortable, and for long-term use, it helps to avoid serious problems with motor skills that arise due to improper distribution of the load on the hands.
The thoughtful design also extends to the design of the digitizer tablet itself. For example, the design of the Kurta XGT digitizer tablet is such that its leading edge has a special rounding that provides a comfortable place for resting the elbow part of the worker’s hand. Wacom and CalComp digitizers also have similar curves, but they are not as convenient as Kurta digitizers.
Digitizers, AutoCAD and Windows
One of the main problems that AutoCAD for Windows users face is how to configure their digitizer to work with it most easily. There are two mutually exclusive ways:
1. Use a digitizer instead of a mouse as the system pointing device in all Windows applications.
2. Let AutoCAD for Windows control the digitizer as a digitizer.
The first method is good for everything except working with AutoCAD - you will not be able to use the tablet menu and trace the drawing, in addition, it will be difficult (or impossible) for you to use additional buttons on your cursor to enter commands. The second method does not have such restrictions, but it causes even greater inconvenience: you will be able to use the digitizer only inside the graphic area of ​​the drawing and in the on-screen menu; working with drop-down menus, AutoCAD dialog boxes, not to mention other Windows applications will become impossible for you.
To get around these issues, Autodesk changed the ADI specification to include what it calls "mole" mode. It allows AutoCAD to switch digitizer operating modes on the fly, that is, the digitizer works as a Windows system pointing device or as a digitizer exactly when such modes are needed. In other words, there are two states that AutoCAD can switch between: "digitizer as Windows system pointing device" and "digitizer as digitizer". How does AutoCAD know when it's time to change from one state to another? Alas, it is not smart enough to understand without a hint. You must tell it about this. You have three possible methods:
1. You can assign a button to switch between modes;
2. Determine the area on the tablet inside which the digitizer works as a Windows system device, and outside as a digitizer;
3. Define a small area on the tablet, when the cursor hits it, the state of the digitizer will switch.
Such not-so-obvious things, which are also very vaguely described in the documentation for AutoCAD for Windows r.12, can scare off many. In version 13, the concept of working with digitizers has been changed. Not to say that the change in concept made working with the digitizer more transparent, since the essence has not changed, but a number of deliberate complications have become a thing of the past. From the user's perspective, the digitizer can now identify Areas in which the digitizer behaves differently (this corresponds to option 2). The change affected the operation of the digitizer when directly specifying coordinates. Since in this case the entire surface of the digitizer is used for digitizing, you cannot select an area on it in which the digitizer could work as a Windows system pointing device. I want it, don’t I? If you can’t, but really want to, then you can! Autodesk introduces something called a floating region, which suddenly appears or disappears when you press the F12 key. When enabled, specifying coordinates within this area will be interpreted as input from the Windows system pointing device. "Is that strange? Well, of course..."
It’s sad, but using WinTab, although it helps to avoid all this headache associated with switching between digitizer operating modes (WinTab drivers are smarter, they know when to switch from state to state), but it imposes restrictions on the digitizer’s capabilities. Simplicity is worse than theft.
An alternative to WinTab drivers is an extension to Microsoft Windows called Pen Windows. Most often, this extension is used for handwriting input systems and for applications that use pressure-sensitive pens (usually Adobe PhotoShop). One downside is that you can't use the Write editor with the Pen Windows extension.
Digitizer Technology Company offers a Virtual Tablet Interface. This Windows digitizer setup program allows you to quickly configure your tablet for different applications using an easy-to-use window interface. The generated drivers correspond to the WinTab description and may be compatible with Windows Pen. The program supports 150 digitizer models, including pressure-sensitive models.
DrawingFlex Flexible Digitizer
Introducing DrawingFlex - a flexible graphics tablet. DrawingFlex has the same capabilities as a regular digitizer, but it is also much lighter and has a working area made of flexible material similar to a rectangular piece of linoleum. You can easily roll it into a tube, which is very convenient for carrying, moving and other transportation, as well as for storage. If you need to accurately enter graphic information not only at your workplace, then a flexible digitizer is the only acceptable solution. It is also invaluable when the work of entering graphical information is not a permanent activity, and there is not enough space in the office. Finally, a flexible digitizer provides the same accuracy as a regular digitizer at a lower cost.
Benefits of DrawingFlex
The TABLET is available in two sizes: 762x914 mm working area and 914x1219 mm working area. A unique feature of DrawingFlex is the ability to use it in two orientations: with the controller bar on the right or left - whichever is more convenient for the user (for example, if he is left-handed, or in order to place the controller bar in the designated place for it, since it is somewhat thicker and heavier than the entire digitizer tablet). To do this, the built-in menu bar, located at the top right above the work area, is duplicated at the bottom left. That is, by walking around the digitizer (or turning it 180 degrees) you will again get a built-in menu on the top right. To switch the digitizer to a new orientation, simply point to this menu's "Active Menu" button. Other amenities include a slot for storing custom overlay menus and a special recess for a pointing device (cursor or pen) when not in use.
WIRELESS POINTING DEVICES. For flexible digitizers, the most convenient wireless pointing devices such as a cursor and a pen are used. The cursor can have four or sixteen buttons. The pen's tip responds to pressure (works like a button), plus there are two buttons on the side of the pen. As an additional equipment, you can order a pen with AFT (Advanced Function Technology) - a pen with dynamic sensitivity, including sensitivity to tilt, distance to the digitizer surface and pressure force.
EASY TO INSTALL. DrawingFlex is easy to connect to your computer. Almost the entire installation process involves connecting the digitizer cable to the computer. When turned on for the first time, the digitizer is set to emulate the GTCO data transmission format. There are two other pre-configured configurations. You can call any of them using the RESTORE buttons. Any installed digitizer configuration can also be remembered for later use by assigning it to the RESTORE buttons
SOFTWARE. As it should be, the flexible digitizer uses flexible software that runs under both DOS and WINDOWS. It allows you to select from a variety of digitizer operating modes through an easy-to-use setup program. The widest range of drivers for application programs provides flexibility in its configuration and successful use in any application. You can use it in the digitizing mode for specifying coordinates and in the “mouse” emulation mode. It is possible to apply overlay menus and record macro commands for later execution by pointing at a dedicated button on the digitizer menu button bar. To achieve this, there are 18 additional buttons in the menu and up to 16 buttons on the pointing device.

Implementation example - Intuos3 A3 Wide USB Tablet, DTP
Intuos3 A3 Wide in wide format, designed for professionals in the field of digital imaging, digital photography, graphic and industrial design and video processing.
The Intuos3 A3 Wide is ideal for use with widescreen displays, HDTV monitors or multi-display systems.
In the modern world, wide-format displays are becoming increasingly popular, which are equipped not only with many desktop workstations, but also with laptops. In this regard, some engineers and designers experienced certain difficulties when working on such displays with tablets, which have traditional proportions. This “disadvantage” is what the Intuos3 A3 Wide is designed to eliminate.
Responding to user demand and the rapidly growing market for LCD monitors and widescreen laptops, unlike its predecessor, the Intuos3 A3 Wide is better suited for use on widescreen monitors with an aspect ratio of 16:10. For example, with Apple's Cinema Displays 23 or 30 inches. The Intuos3 A3 Wide has a usable area measuring 12x19 inches and an aspect ratio of 16:10, most closely matching the sizes of widescreen displays on the market today, including Apple Cinema displays. A tablet with a wide working surface will especially attract users working with multiple monitors at the same time or with large widescreen monitors.
Especially recommended:
- Digital photographers, designers, 3D developers, HDTV video editors and professionals working with large format digital equipment or multiple monitors - CAD/CAE professionals who require high positional accuracy to work faster and more efficiently in leading CAD applications - When using the Intuos3 tablet in CAD applications, the use of Intuos3 Lens Cursor is recommended
Scope of application of a widescreen tablet
To ensure that the working surface of the tablet does not disappear when working with wide-format monitors, it is recommended to use tablets with the Wide prefix with such monitors. The aspect ratio of the monitor should match the aspect ratio of the tablet
In particular, the benefit for digital imaging, graphic design, and video editing is that it is now easier to work on two or more monitors, or on a widescreen monitor using a widescreen tablet. The reason is that using conventional tablets with a widescreen display or multi-display system often resulted in distorted objects, since the proportions of the tablets did not match the proportions of the screen.
A wide-format tablet ideally matches the proportions of widescreen monitors - thus, there is no need to enable the function of maintaining proportions in the tablet driver, which would lead to a programmatic reduction in the working surface of the tablet. A circle drawn on the tablet will look like a circle on the monitor. (For example, if the monitor is widescreen with an aspect ratio of 16:10, and the tablet has normal proportions, such as Intuos 3 A4, then the circle on the monitor will look like an oval; this will not happen with a widescreen tablet)
The Intuos3 A3 Wide offers a precision workflow with 5,080 dpi resolution and 1,024 levels of pressure sensitivity for both pen and eraser in the Intuos3 Pen and Airbrush. Each tablet can recognize the angle of the Grip Pen and Airbrush up to 60 degrees and offers a Tool ID utility that automatically recognizes the required tool and its individual settings the moment the pen touches the tablet. The Intuos3 Art Marker is the first of its kind and includes not only high pressure and tilt sensitivity, but also rotation sensing technology. With its pointed shape, Intuos3 Art Marker is a versatile tool that allows digital professionals to create the effect of literally any type of brush or marker stroke, as well as simulate calligraphy pens. Additional input devices are also available, including Intuos3 Art Marker, Intuos3 Airbrush, Intuos3 Classic Pen, Intuos3 Ink Pen and Intuos3 Mouse.
New models do not come with a mouse. The study found that the average Intuos3 user - if they still use a mouse instead of a pen - simply does not use the Intuos3 mouse, but prefers it to a regular high-quality Logitech or Microsoft wireless and/or optical mouse.
Since most users do start using the pen all the time after getting used to the tablet a bit, we believe that the tablet user should take the opportunity and concentrate on using only the pen on the new tablets.
CAD modification comes with Lens Cursor only (without Grip Pen!)
Features and Benefits
Sensitivity to 1,024 pressure levels
Natural-looking strokes and brushstrokes
Sensitivity to angle of inclination. Tilt your input device in any direction and create natural-looking strokes and strokes
Tool ID
Using the Tool ID, each Intuos3 input device can be individually programmed and configured for each application. ? these features are automatically activated when you launch the application.
ExpressKeys are a set of buttons located on both sides of the tablet. Assign these buttons your favorite shortcuts and macros and forget about the keyboard.
Touch Strips
Touch Strips let you use your finger directly on your tablet - just like the touchpad on laptops. Zoom in with just a swipe of your finger, and if you're more of a pen user, you can also use it on the Touch Strip.
Absolute positioning
No longer will the edge of your mouse pad stop you - Wacom tablets allow absolute positioning, where the active area represents the entire monitor screen.
Get rid of mistakes with the stroke of a pen.
No wires or batteries
No input device requires a wire or battery - the tablet itself supplies them with power.
Plug and Play
Your Intuos3 pen tablet system installs quickly and easily and is compatible with all your software.
Wacom's patented wireless and battery-free pen technology, called Penabled, gives you a highly reliable product with minimal maintenance requirements. Penabled technology guarantees high quality from the global market leader in pen input devices.
The Intuos3 A3 Wide graphics tablet comes in 2 variants
PTZ-1231W-D Intuos3 A3 Wide, DTP version for designers
PTZ-1231W-C Intuos3 A3 Wide, CAD version for designers
PTZ-1231W-D Intuos3 A3 Wide, DTP-Version
The new Intuos 3 A3 is a high-performance wide-format tablet with an extra-large active area of ​​623 x 429 mm (12" x 19"), designed for the professional who needs to draw or edit images at a larger scale or create illustrations for tabloids or full-length magazines. Designed for use with high-end workstations, the Intuos 3 A3 wide is the ultimate large-scale, high-performance graphics tablet.
Contents of delivery
Intuos3 Grip Pen
Stroke Pen Nib
Felt Pen Nib
Pen stand

Technical Specifications
Physical dimensions (WxDxH): 62.3 x 42.9 x 3.6 cm

Resolution: 5,080 lpi
Pen precision: +/- 0.25mm
Tilt angle: +/- 60 degrees

Interface: USB
Cable length: 2.5 m
Weight: 3,000 grams

PTZ-1231W-C Intuos3 A3 Wide, CAD-Version
The new Intuos 3 A3 is a high-performance wide-format tablet with an extra-large active area of ​​623 x 429 mm (12" x 19"), designed for the professional who needs to draw or edit images at a larger scale or create illustrations for tabloids or full-length magazines. Designed for use with high-end workstations, the Intuos 3 A3 wide is the ultimate large-scale, high-performance graphics tablet.
Contents of delivery
Intuos3 A3 Wide Pen Tablet
Intuos 3 Lens Cursor Mouse
CD-ROM (driver, user manual)
CD-ROM with Corel Painter Essentials 2
Quick Installation Guide
Technical Specifications
Physical dimensions (WxLxH): 62.3 x 42.9 x 3.6 cm cm
Active area (WxL): 48.8 x 30.5 cm
Pressure sensitivity: 1,024 levels
Resolution: 5,080 lpi
Pen precision: +/- 0.25mm
Tilt angle: +/- 60 degrees
Maximum working height of the pen above the surface: 6 mm
Maximum response speed: 200 points per second
Interface: USB
Cable length: 2.5 m
Weight: 3,000 grams
Status indicator colors: blue/green

Example implementation of a 3D digitizer
http://www.largeformat.ru/prod uct_info.php?products_id=81
MicroScribe ® products allow you to quickly create detailed computer models of real objects. Using MicroScribe stylus, you can trace the contours of a physical object to build complex 3D data sets in minutes. MicroScribe is compatible with the leading 3D industry software products. The 3D digitizing process is fast, accurate and simple.
Accuracy: 0.43 mm.
Working space size: 1.67 m.
Key Features:
Standard Drivers - Allow MicroScribe G2 to function within popular graphics packages

Graphic tablets (digitizers)

Graphics tablet - a device for inputting vector graphic information into a computer. A “tablet” device (digitizer, digitizer or digitizer) consists of the tablet itself (a section of a flat surface) and a drawing device (cursor, stylus, pen, “pointer” - puck). When you press the cursor button, its location on the tablet surface is fixed, and the coordinates are transferred to the computer.

The digitizer is an absolute device. To set a certain position on the screen, you need to use the digitizer pointer to select the corresponding point on the tablet (Table 4.4).

Each button of both the pointer and the pen can be assigned certain actions (copy, save etc.) The flexibility of performing such an assignment depends on the programmability of the device driver.

The digitizer is often associated with controlling commands in AutoCAD and similar systems using overlay menus. Menu commands are located in different places on the surface of the digitizer. When the cursor selects one of them, a special software driver interprets the coordinates of the specified location, sending the corresponding command for execution.

For handwritten information input devices, the same operating scheme is typical, however, the entered letter images are additionally converted into codes using a recognition program, and the size of the input area is smaller. Pen input devices are often used in pocket computers that do not have a full keyboard.

Table 4.4. Types of Digitizers

Principle of operation


Device examples


The first devices in which the position of a pen equipped with a sound source (micro-spark gap) is determined by comparing the delay of sound signals perceived by microphones located on the tablet. Susceptible to acoustic interference

Common name: spark tablet


A wire mesh placed under the surface of the tablet produces weak electromagnetic radiation, which is received by the pen and determines its coordinates

RAND Tablet, known as Grafacon (Graphic Converter), 1964

Passive cursor

The principle of electromagnetic induction is used. The wire mesh forms a collection of “antennas” that transmit and receive signals (the RAND Tablet transmits only). There are samples that sense pressure on the pen (a change in the capacity built into the tip of the pen). Non-contact acquisition of coordinates is possible. The pen may not require power

Wacom technologies

Active cursor

The pen contains a signal generator that is sensed by the tablet, so it requires power rather than the tablet itself. This also gives a clearer electrical signal than in the case of electromagnetic induction

FinePoint Innovations

Resistive touch screen technology

(see Fig. 5.28)

The intersecting coordinate wires are separated by a thin layer of insulator, the conductivity of which changes under pressure from the pen. Does not require pen power, senses both coordinates and pen pressure


  • computer graphics applications (especially two-dimensional). Many graphics packages (e.g. Corel Painter, Inkscape, Photoshop, Pixel image editor, Studio Artist, The GIMP) are able to interpret pen pressure (in some cases tilt), changing features such as brush size, transparency and coloring of the image based on the data, received from a graphics tablet;
  • In East Asia, digitizers, or pen tablets as they are called there, are used in conjunction with software like IMES (Input Method Editor Software) to input handwritten Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters (CJK). The technology is popular and inexpensive, and companies like Twinbridge Software provide users with programs that cost less than $100;
  • technical drawings and computer-aided design systems - CAD (Computer Aided Design - CAD);
  • Finally, it is a winning alternative to such a popular pointing device as the computer mouse.

Operating principles

The operation of the digitizer is based on fixing the location of the cursor, usually using a grid built into the tablet, consisting of wire or printed conductors with a fairly large distance between them (from 3 to 6 mm). However, the mechanism for registering the cursor position makes it possible to obtain information reading accuracy that is much smaller than the grid pitch (up to 100 lines per mm). The step of reading information is called resolution digitizer.

According to physical principles, digitizers are divided into three types:

  • electrostatic (ES);
  • electromagnetic (EM);
  • piezoelectric (PE).

In the first case, a local change in the electrical potential of the grid under the cursor is recorded. In the second, the cursor emits electromagnetic waves, and the grid serves as a receiver. It should be noted that when operating EM tablets, interference from emitting devices, in particular monitors, is possible. When you press with a pen within the working surface of the PE tablet, under which a grid of the finest conductors is laid, a potential difference arises on the piezoelectric plate, which allows you to determine the coordinates of the point. Such tablets may not require a special pen at all and allow you to draw on the working surface of the tablet as on a regular drawing board.

Regardless of the registration principle, there is an error in determining the cursor coordinates, called digitizer accuracy. This value depends on the type of digitizer and the design of its components. It is affected by the instability of the geometry of the recording grid of the tablet, the ability to reproduce the coordinates of a stationary cursor (repeatability), resistance to different temperature conditions (stability), cursor quality, noise immunity and other factors. The accuracy of existing tablets ranges from 0.005 to 0.03 inches. On average, the accuracy of electromagnetic digitizers is higher than that of electrostatic digitizers.

The acquisition grid readout step is the physical limit of the digitizer's resolution. We talk about the resolution limit because we need to distinguish between resolution as a characteristic of the device and as a software-defined resolution, which is a variable in the digitizer setup. The product specification always indicates both characteristics - resolution limit and accuracy (Table 4.5).

Table 4.5. Characteristics of digitizers


Russian term

A comment

Work surface size

Sets the dimensions of the sensitive part of the digitizer surface

Degrees of freedom

Number of degrees of freedom

Describes the number of characteristics of the relative position of the tablet and pen. The minimum number of degrees of freedom is 2 (X and U position of the projection of the sensitive center of the pen), additional degrees of freedom may include pressure, tilt of the pen relative to the plane of the tablet, etc.


Indicates the digitizer reading step (a physical characteristic, it is much better than the actually achievable accuracy of reading the coordinates of a pointing device)


Indicates the error in taking coordinates

Baud rate

Indicates the actual speed of coordinate transfer by the digitizer


Describes the physical principle of obtaining coordinates

End of table. 4.5


Russian term

A comment



Availability and number of digitizer parameter settings saved with the possibility of later recall

Data formats

Typically the number of different data formats that the digitizer interface can be configured for is specified.

Hardware menu

Number and type of hardware-implemented menus on the digitizer surface


The presence or absence of indicators indicating the status of the digitizer



A variety of software included in the standard delivery of the digitizer. Usually its diversity does not mean anything. It is important to make it easy to work with the installation program and configure settings, as well as the availability of high-quality drivers for the programs you are going to work with


Ability to switch the direction of the digitizer axes


Standard warranty period

feather. Characteristics include the number of buttons, the type of pen tip sensitivity (non-sensitive, pressure sensitive switch, etc.), the presence or absence of a wire

Characteristics of type pointing device cursor: number of buttons, presence or absence of wire


Availability of additional coating of the digitizer surface

The result of the work is also influenced by the accuracy of the operator’s actions. On average, a good operator will introduce an error of no more than 0.004 inches. The requirements for it are quite high.

Pointing device

Until now, when we mentioned a pointing device, we called it a cursor, although there is also a stylus (or stylus). Pen-shaped pens are equipped with one, two or three buttons. In addition, there are simple nibs and pressure-sensitive nibs.

Cursor. Cursors come in four-, eight-, twelve- and sixteen-button types. The products of some manufacturers are an exception to the rule, for example, Ose Graphics adds a seventeenth, “most important” button on a large cursor. One of the most popular are four-button cursors from CalComp - they are most often photographed and placed in magazines. Here, the second and third buttons are located side by side, and the first and fourth L-shaped ones frame the middle ones. The diamond-shaped button arrangement is considered traditional, which other well-known manufacturers continue to follow. However, for twelve- and sixteen-button cursors, the standard is a “tabular” arrangement of buttons (like on a telephone set).

Feather. Pens are available with one, two and three buttons. There are pressure-sensitive pens that are especially attractive to computer artists and animators. The degree of pressure corresponds to the thickness of the line, the color in the palette or its shade. As a result, you can simulate on a computer the process of painting with oil paints, tempera or watercolors on a specially selected texture. To implement these capabilities, you must have special software.

The comfort of a pen is a purely subjective characteristic, just like when choosing a fountain pen. Some people like the lightweight Wacom nibs, while others prefer the heavier but well-balanced Kurta nibs. Both cursors and pens come with or without a wire. A wireless pointer is more convenient, but it must have a battery, which makes it heavier and requires additional maintenance.

The exception is Wacom's passive non-radiative pens; however, they perceive half as many pressure levels. Models have appeared with modifiable cursors that can work with both external and built-in power.

Mouse. As accessories for some tablets, there are special mice, when used, the tablet acts as a mouse pad. Since the resolution of a tablet is usually higher than that of a regular computer mouse, using a mouse-tablet combination allows you to achieve higher accuracy when typing.

Most wireless tablet pointing devices function like a traditional mouse and have two or three buttons (usually programmable) and a scroll wheel that can be spring-loaded, have a limited rotation angle, and can be customized by software.

Snapping to tablet coordinates is a property inherent in all tablet mice without exception. Unlike conventional manipulators of the same kind, in which “up” and “down” are arbitrary and depend on the rotation of the hand, tablet mice are strictly tied to spatial references. They can be rotated around an axis as you like, but the “top” for them is always the top of the tablet, and not their own.

In table Table 4.6 shows the characteristics of some digitizer samples.

Table 4.6. Some digitizer models


General view of the product

Genius G-Pen 340

Interface and power: USB. OS: MS Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP. Tablet: working area 3" x 4"; resolution 2000 lines/inch. Pen: number of buttons - 2, pressure sensitivity -1024 levels, wireless. Has a programmable “Hot-KEY” zone. The pen buttons can function like buttons on a regular mouse, and can also be programmed to correspond to the right and left mouse buttons

Genius G-Pen 560

Interface - USB. OS - XP/2000, MacOS 10.2.5. Tablet: working area 4.5" x 6"; resolution 2000 Ipi. Pen: two programmable buttons, pressure sensitivity -1024 levels, replaceable tips, power supply - AAA battery

Genius G-Note 5000 A5, 32 Mb

Interface: USB. OS: XP/2000. Tablet: working surface A5 (8" x 6"), power supply - 4 AAA batteries, 32 MB of built-in memory allows you to save more than 500 written pages. Pen: replaceable tips

Continuation of the table. 4.6


General view of the product

Wacom Graphire4, A6.128 x 93 mm

Interface: USB. OS: Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP, Apple MacOS X 10.2.8. Tablet: work area A6 (128 x 93 mm work area), resolution 2032 lines/inch.

Pen: number of buttons - 2, pressure sensitivity - 512 levels, wireless

Hitachi T-15XL EM Panel, A4+, 304 x 228 mm, TFT, 15", VGA, USB, audio

To tablet (work area A4,

304 x 228 mm) built-in monitor - 15" LCD TFT. Pitch size - 0.297 mm, maximum resolution - 1024 x 768, color palette - 18-bit (262,144 colors), brightness - 250 cd/m 2, contrast - 400: 1, left/right viewing angle - 60760°; bottom/top viewing angle - 60740°. Interfaces - VGA, HD-15F, USB Type B. Audio input - mini 3.5 mm stereo, audio output - mini 3.5 mm. stereo. Power adapter - 220 V (AC), 50/60 Hz, 30 W

Hitachi StarBoard VT-1

Interface: USB, Bluetooth. OS: Windows XP. Tablet: working area 4.5" x 6", resolution 500 dpi. Pen: number of buttons - 1

Wacom Graphire4 Classic

Interface: USB. OS: Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP, Apple MacOS 9.0, Apple MacOS X 10.1.5. Tablet: work area A6 (128 x 93 mm), resolution 2000 dpi. Pen: number of buttons - 2, pressure sensitivity - 512 levels, wireless. Maximum working distance 5 mm. Mouse: Wacom EC-140, optical, wireless, 2 buttons, button/scroll wheel

End of table. 4.6

Control questions

  • 1. What is the working principle of thermal inkjet printer?
  • 2. What is the operating principle of a piezo drive inkjet printer?
  • 3. What are the types of printer paper feeders?
  • 4. Describe the internals of a laser printer.
  • 5. What is the operating principle of thermal printers?
  • 6. Describe the design and principles of operation of scanners.
  • 7. What parameters characterize scanners?
  • 8. What types of scanners do you know?
  • 9. What is the operating principle of pen plotters?
  • 10. What parameters characterize plotters?
  • 11. What is the operating principle of laser plotters?
  • 12. What is the operating principle of electrostatic digitizers?
  • 13. What is the operating principle of electromagnetic digitizers?
  • 14. What parameters characterize digitizers?

Making a request


Rice. Graphics tablet

The device includes a special pointer with a sensor called a pen. Its own controller sends impulses along an orthogonal grid of conductors located under the plane of the tablet. Having received two such signals, the controller converts them into coordinates transmitted to the PC. The computer translates this information into coordinates of a point on the monitor screen corresponding to the position of the pointer on the tablet. Using a pen, you draw on a tablet, while graphic editors can perceive it as a brush, pencil, crayon, etc. By turning the pen over, you can erase the image. Digitizers, as the name suggests, are tools for digitizing three-dimensional objects. There are many different programs available for further processing and editing of scan results.

3D digitizer

Rice. 3D digitizer

One example of a full-featured solution for digitizing objects of any shape is the inexpensive digitizer from the MicroScribe-3D range manufactured by Immersion Corporation. Attached to an asymmetrical base is a three-jointed lever ending in a sensor pen. Low-friction hinges provide virtually absolute freedom of movement for the steel blade. The MicroScribe digitizer can digitize objects within a radius of up to 840 mm. The lever of the devices is rigid, the presence of hinges allows you to draw an arc with a maximum angle of 330°. The tip of the “hand” can have a different shape: in the form of a ball or a sharp needle - to take more accurate readings. The scanner also comes with foot pedals that act as right and left mouse buttons.

Rice. MicroScribe-3D digitizer.

The digitizer must be calibrated before each digitization. The user selects three reference points (front right, front left and rear right) and enters their coordinates into the computer using foot pedals. After this, you can proceed directly to digitization. Mechanical digitizers have a fairly high accuracy - up to 0.2 mm. Models from the MicroScribe-3D series can take coordinates at a speed of 1000 points per second and transmit information at a speed of 38 Kbps. Before scanning, many designers outline the object and draw lines along which the pen will pass.

Rice. Preparing an object for digitization

Digitization can be done in semi-automatic and manual modes. A contact probe mounted on a folding armature with articulated joints reads information about where the head is located and translates this information into X, Y and Z coordinates in three-dimensional space. The digitized data is further processed using special application programs (AutoCad, Autodesk, Maya, Rhinoceros, etc.).

It can take several hours to prepare for scanning and digitize a complex object itself, but with the accumulation of experience working with a digitizer, this time is significantly reduced. In the process of scanning an object, as the coordinates of the points enter the computer, a spatial model appears on the monitor. To build 3D images, you can use programs from Immersion Corporation (Digitizing Software Application), which allow you to represent scanned objects in various ways, for example, as points, lines, wireframe, splines, NURBS (non-uniform rational B-splines), and also edit and save 3D images in dxf, IGES, obj, txt, 3ds files for subsequent import into other applications.

To digitize TV-quality models, custom model specialists use more expensive digitizers to digitize their objects. For example, they use mobile coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) FaroArm manufactured by FARO Technologies (USA). FARO CMM consists of a base plate that is attached to any suitable place and several elbows connected to each other by hinges. The design is very similar to the structure of the human hand. FARO CMM also has unique wrist, elbow and shoulder joints. Each joint has an angular movement control sensor, which monitors the angle of rotation of the knee in real time, as a result of which the software calculates the coordinates of a calibrated probe - a kind of finger. Depending on the number of elbows, there are machines with 6 or 7 degrees of freedom.
Essentially, it is a touch probe that, using several potentiometers mounted on a folding armature with articulated joints, reads information about where the head is located and converts this information into X, Y and Z coordinates in three-dimensional space. It is enough to take the required number of measurements, and the grid is ready. The scanner uses a counterweight system; it automatically takes into account temperature changes and compensates for the corresponding expansion and contraction of materials. This portable device can handle objects that fit into a sphere up to 3.65 m in diameter and has an accuracy of up to 0.3 mm

Rice. Mobile coordinate measuring machines Faro Arm

Three-dimensional digitizers are used as three-dimensional body scanning systems (3D body scan, i.e. “three-dimensional scanning of the human body”). The development of these systems was associated with the requirements of quickly measuring large numbers of people (army), obtaining accurate computer images (film industry) and individual tailoring. Three-dimensional body scanning is also used in medicine, animation and in the creation of virtual reality systems (VRML).

Examples of body scanning systems:

Cyberware Whole Body Color 3D Scanner (manufacturer: Cyberwear). Now there are two models of full-scale body scanners: WB4 and WBX (WB=Whole Body, i.e. “whole body”). Symcad (French company TELMAT Industrie)

In geoinformatics, computer graphics, computer-aided design (CAD), cartography and scientific processing of measurement results, a digitizer is used as a device for manually digitizing graphic and cartographic information in the form of a set or sequence of points, the position of which is described by rectangular Cartesian coordinates of the digitizer plane.

Main types of digitizers based on operating principle:

Ultrasonic Of all the systems for digitizing 3D objects, ultrasonic (or sonar) are the least accurate and reliable, but at the same time the most sensitive to changes in the surrounding space. Ultrasonic digitizers are a system of transmitters rigidly mounted on walls and ceilings. They look very unaesthetic. Transmitters emit sound waves, based on information about the reflection of which the coordinates of points on the surface of a 3D model are calculated. Since the speed of sound depends on atmospheric pressure, temperature and other conditions (for example, humidity), the results of digitizing the same object are a function of the state of the air. In addition, these systems are very susceptible to noise produced by various equipment (computers, air conditioners), even the hum of fluorescent lamps affects digitization. In addition, ultrasonic systems produce strange “clicking” sounds that irritate the operator and everyone in the room. Under ideal conditions, the absolute error of the results obtained is 1.4 mm. Such scanners are used mainly in medicine and in the digitization of sculptures.

Electromagnetic The operating principle of electromagnetic 3D digitizers is the same as that of ultrasonic systems (the principle of radar), only electromagnetic waves are used instead of sound waves to build a spatial model. The results of these scanners do not depend on weather conditions, but nearby metal objects or magnetic field sources reduce the accuracy of the measurements. Naturally, such systems cannot digitize metal objects. Even in special rooms that do not contain anything metallic, the error of magnetic systems is at least 0.7 mm.

Laser First of all, it should be noted that the price of these so-called contactless (the operator does not circle the object with the probe) systems is very high and there are often cases when it is expressed as a number with five zeros (in US dollars). Laser digitizers have the highest accuracy, but their scope of application also has significant limitations. Great difficulties arise when scanning objects with mirror, transparent and translucent surfaces, as well as large objects or those with depressions or protrusions that prevent the direct passage of the laser beam. Laser digitizers are fully automated systems. The inability of the artist to participate in the digitization process does not allow emphases to be placed, for example, to display a certain part of the object in more detail, or, conversely, leads to detailed models that take up too much space and require significant processing power. The digitization itself occurs quite quickly, but the subsequent process of translating automatically obtained data into the final image can take a lot of time (this is especially true for systems with point projection).

Mechanical These devices are the golden mean among all classes of digitizers. High accuracy and relatively low cost have made these devices the most popular. The principle of their operation is as follows: the contours of the digitized object are traced with a precision probe, the position of which is measured by mechanical sensors. Then, using an array of three-dimensional coordinates, a special program builds a wireframe model of the object. The big advantage of mechanical scanners is that the results obtained with their help do not depend on weather conditions, noise levels, or the presence of electromagnetic fields. The type of surface also does not matter. Because mechanical digitizers are hand-held devices, their use requires careful coordination and attention.

(digitaizer) is a graphics tablet designed for digitizing images.

It consists of two parts (Fig. 8.6): a base (tablet) and a target designation device (pen or cursor) moved along the surface of the base. When you press the button, the position of the cursor on the tablet surface is fixed, and the coordinates are transferred to the computer. A digitizer can be used to input a design created by the user into a computer. The tablet has a built-in grid of conductors with a pitch of 3–6 mm; the registration mechanism allows you to obtain a logical step for reading information less than the grid pitch (up to 100 lines per 1 mm), which determines the resolution of the digitizer.

Digitizers are divided into electrostatic and electromagnetic. In the first type of device, a local change in the electrostatic potential of the grid under the cursor is recorded, in the second, the cursor emits an electromagnetic signal perceived by the grid. The digitizing accuracy of the digitizer ranges from 0.005 to 0.03". The surface sizes of the digitizer are determined by the size of the active surface of the digitizer. The output rate of the digitizer with the computer depends on the operator, but is usually limited by the technical capabilities of the device at 100 –200 points/s.

Rice. 8.6.


Plotter(plotter), or plotter,– a device for outputting graphic information (drawings, diagrams, pictures, diagrams, etc.) from a computer onto paper or another type of media.

Based on the principle of image formation, plotters can be divided into vector(the writing unit moves relative to the paper along two coordinates, the image is created by drawing the necessary straight lines and curves in any direction) and raster(the writing unit moves relative to the paper in only one direction, the image is created line by line from sequentially applied dots). Based on the principle of operation, plotters are divided into: pen, inkjet, electrostatic, thermographic and laser.

Pen plotters(pen plotter) use pens, fiber and plastic rods (felt pens), disposable and reusable ballpoints, pencil leads and crayons. They can be rolled (AO formats and smaller) and flatbed (A3 formats and smaller). If ink is used, both solid and color images will be of high quality, but the drawing speed will be slow. When using pencil leads, the quality is worse, but the drawing speed is higher. Felt-tip pen and ballpoint pen plotters occupy an intermediate position in their characteristics.

Inkjet plotters(inkjet plotter) when forming an image, they spray droplets of ink onto the paper in a directional manner using the smallest nozzles of the print head ("bubble" inkjet printing technology). The quality of drawings produced by inkjet plotters is very high. Inkjet plotters can be monochrome, color, with the ability to print color.

Electrostatic plotters(electrostatic plotter) are based on the technology of creating a hidden potential relief on the surface of special electrostatic paper using recording heads and depositing dye onto this relief. The image quality and drawing speed of these plotters are high.

Thermographic plotters(direct imaging plotter) use special thermosetting paper that darkens when exposed to heat. The drawing is only monochrome, the resolution and speed of drawing are very high; thermal paper is not too expensive, and the devices themselves are simple and do not require regular maintenance.

Laser plotters(laser plotter) have an intermediate carrier - a rotating drum coated with a layer of semiconductor. The areas of the semiconductor charged by the laser beam attract dry toner, which is then transferred to the paper passing under the drum and through the heater. Heat bakes the toner and bonds it to the paper (electrographic technology). Laser plotters provide high image quality on plain paper, high performance, and the ability to print in color, but they are quite expensive devices.

When choosing a plotter, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

■ a set of functionality by which you can evaluate the applicability of the plotter for solving specific problems (sizes of media and images, volumes of work performed, etc.);

■ the ability to form a color image;

■ image quality (resolution);

■ productivity (drawing speed);

■ reliability and ease of operation, level of service;

■ possibility and duration of autonomous operation (without operator intervention);

■ operating costs, including the cost of media, consumables, device maintenance, and electricity consumption;

Do you want to draw on your computer like a pro? Buy yourself a graphics tablet and familiarize yourself with the basic techniques of working with it.

Today, a computer is needed not only by people in technical or economic professions. It has long become an excellent assistant even for those who are engaged in any kind of creativity that initially did not involve any computerization. And one of these types of arts is drawing and painting.

A modern computer provides an artist with a wide range of programs for creating high-quality images: from simple graphics editors built into the operating system (like Paint) to full-fledged software packages for creating 3D animation.

However, not only PC software helps everyone who wants to join the fine arts. Various input devices have been developed for artists to simulate the actual drawing process as closely as possible. And one of the devices that have gained the most popularity are graphics tablets or digitizers.

Main characteristics of graphics tablets

A graphics tablet is usually a composite device in the form touchpad connected to a PC via USB cable or Bluetooth, and special pen, broadcasting its movements on the surface of the tablet to the computer. The pen, as a rule, is a self-contained active (with its own power source) structural element. However, depending on the type of digitizer base, it can also be a passive device that changes the electrical potential similar to modern touch screens.

Digitizers can transfer data to a computer using various technologies, however, this usually does not play a special role for the user. A more important characteristic is the general operating principle. There are two main directions here: with or without visualization. Tablets with visualization are essentially large touch screens on which the contents of the working canvas of a graphics editor are displayed.

Such digitizers simplify the drawing process as much as possible, but are quite expensive and are used mainly by professional artists.

Graphics tablets without visualization are much more common. They can be very compact devices (from A6 format). Instead of a touch screen, they contain a grid of conductors under the working plane that generate a weak electric field, which reacts when an electronic pen approaches it:

Actually, the main characteristics of such tablets that you should pay attention to when purchasing are precisely the size of the working field and its resolution. Even small A6 digitizers (105x148 mm or 1/4 A4) today usually have a resolution of up to 2000 lpi (“lines per inch”). This is already enough to comfortably draw on small displays (up to about 19 inches). However, if your budget allows, it is better to buy a semi-professional level tablet in A5 or A4 format and with a resolution of at least 4000 lpi (they cost about 3-10 times more).

Additional characteristics worth paying attention to are:

  • pressure level sensitivity (1024 levels are now considered the norm);
  • the presence and number of programmable buttons on the base and on the pen;
  • the presence of an eraser function on the pen;
  • aspect ratio of the working surface (by analogy with monitors, there are 4:3 or 16:9);
  • The kit includes a special mouse that can work in pen mode.

Today, there are several popular companies that produce graphics tablets. The cheapest models are available from Genius (from about $25). However, experienced users of such devices advise choosing digitizers from the company Wacom. They have a minimum cost of about twice as much, but they usually do not have the driver and stylus issues that users of budget Genius tablets often complain about.

Features of the Genius EasyPen i405X digitizer

You might be interested in why I decided to write an article about graphics tablets in the first place. But the thing is that the other day I begged this device from a friend to try to work with it. Alas, I got into my hands not the best digitizer, the company Genius, reviled by many users on the Internet, EasyPen i405X:

This editor, when tested, turned out to be unable to “understand” the commands of the pen and the digitizer base. Moreover, on Windows 7 and older, only older versions of the program (3rd line) “understand” pressure levels. In the new ones (the current 4th series), the pen on my tablet worked no better than the mouse... In general, Paint.Net, despite the manufacturer’s recommendations, turned out to be not the best choice for working with the Genius tablet.

It correctly recognizes the degree of pressure on all operating systems, but, alas, does not “understand” pen commands and most commands of the tablet’s programmable keys. By the way, if you decide to draw in GIMP, you may need to enable tablet support (only the mouse works by default). To do this, go to the menu "Edit" - "Options" - "Input Devices", open the dialog with the button "Configure additional input devices" and in the window that opens for your tablet in the list, set Screen mode:

However, not only GIMP can help you with drawing on a graphics tablet. There are also a number of free graphics editors that support the electronic pen. These include programs Krita, MediBang Paint or Artweaver.

However, I would like to dwell in more detail on a small graphic editor, which, in my opinion, is “tailored” specifically for drawing on a tablet - SmoothDraw:

At first glance, the editor is nothing special. The English-language interface, the unusual placement of controls and the peculiar-looking canvas are a little annoying at first. However, of all the free editors I tested, only SmoothDraw more or less supported working with the programmable buttons of the Genius EasyPen i405X graphics tablet, and also has a lot of ready-made tools that allow you to draw in various styles!

Now a little about eliminating the editor's shortcomings. For version 4.0.5, which is supported by all systems (starting with Windows XP), I made Russification. You just need to download the archive with the crack and unpack the ru-RU folder from it into the directory in which SmoothDraw is located.

To enable eraser support, go to the menu "Options" and check the box next to the item "Enable Eraser Tip". And you can drag the tools you need for drawing from the list to the top toolbar and switch them using the top row of number keys on the keyboard (up to 12 tools).

The only thing that cannot be adjusted in any way (and this is really annoying) is normal zoom control. You can zoom in and out of the image only using the buttons in the "Options" menu. There are no hotkeys or even separate tools for this.

How to draw on a graphics tablet

Finally, I hope we have decided on the drawing tools and now I would like to say a few words about the method of working with a graphics tablet. Not being a special artist, I do not pretend that the following is the absolute truth and the only correct course of action. However, in my opinion, the algorithm is quite successful.

In principle, if you draw well and are already accustomed to the peculiarities of pen pressure, then you can draw classically by hand. However, most often, even professionals create their drawings layer by layer using a preliminary sketch and gradually bringing it to the form of a finished picture.

There are two ways to create a sketch. The first is to put a real picture on the tablet and trace its contours. Due to the fact that the pen is usually active and emits radio waves, you can trace drawings even through fairly thick books! The second method (more common) is to trace the contours of the image in the computer on a new layer.

For simplicity, let’s try to draw an ordinary apple (I apologize in advance for the not very beautiful drawing, alas, I’m not much of an artist :)). To do this, open the picture we like in a graphics editor, create a new layer above it and on this layer draw a sketch with closed contours, which we obtain by tracing the image on the bottom layer:

The resulting outline is filled with the desired color, after which you can begin drawing details on a new layer. Here you need to work quite carefully and you can already experiment with different tools to imitate the texture of various materials. To get a more realistic effect, you can also make another layer with highlights and shadows, which is superimposed to give volume to the drawn image. This is the result of my efforts :)


A graphics tablet in skillful hands is a very convenient thing that allows you to create beautiful drawings on your computer. However, like any tool, you need to get used to it. Well, of course, if you are an artist like me, then you will have to work hard to master the techniques and techniques of drawing in general, and not just on a tablet.

While I was writing the article, I kept remembering one of my children's books about a lion cub who decided that he was an artist because he had a tassel on his tail. Specifically, the following lines perfectly characterize an inept tablet owner like me:

If you have a tassel on the tip of your tail,
This does not mean that you are already an artist!

Therefore, if you decide to buy yourself a graphics tablet, first of all master the theory of painting so as not to be like that lion cub :) Even the most expensive digitizer will not draw anything for you!

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.


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