Restore a VK page by phone. Restoring a VK page after deletion or hacking

How to restore a page in a contact after deletion? What to do if you forgot your number or password? Don’t remember your email or did you create a new VKontakte (VK) page for the same number?

Greetings, dear readers, to the pages of the blog: !
Nowadays, social networks are an integral part of everyday life.
The most popular social network in Russia, without exaggeration, is VKontakte.
It happens that emotions run high).
You had a fight with your boyfriend or girlfriend, and the annoying spammers are bothering you with their advertisements!
VK doesn’t work in the game, or you just created a new contact page on the same phone number or email, a day, a week, a month has passed... you remembered that you have the necessary information on that page, phone numbers, friends, addresses, game pumped up... and you ask yourself the question: how to restore a page in contact after deletion?
In this article we will analyze all the points from simple to other nuances.
For example. Forgot your SIM card number, email, password, created a new VK account on the same number, your page was hacked and deleted, it gives an error... in general, let's do everything in order).

How to restore a page in contact

By and large, deleting it is not scary, remember your phone number, email and password, restoring your account should not pose any difficulties for you.
This is what a deleted account looks like.

What do we need to do? Click: “restore page” accordingly.
Next you will see a page like this.

Click again the same thing, the entire page is restored.
You could have done this recovery procedure without me).
Yes, the only condition. You can restore it within 8 months!
If the period has passed longer, alas, you have lost your page forever(.

Now let's look at more complex options for restoring it.

How to restore access to a page in contact if you have forgotten your login, password, phone number, or it has been hacked and deleted

What should I do if I forget my password?
Click “Forgot your password?”
Next, write your phone number, the address of your mailbox to which your account is registered or your login. Click “next,” after which you should receive a password for the data you specified to change it.

2. If you forgot your password, the recovery procedure is the same.
"Forgot your password?" indicate your email address, or your login or phone number. Next you will receive an SMS with an activation code, i.e. restoring access to your account.

3. How to recover if you forgot your email, phone, login.
You need to remember one of these to recover your password and access your VK page accordingly.

4. What to do if you don’t remember anything except your first and last name.
This...oops), do nothing, forget about her).
Kidding). Of course there is an option.
To restore access, you need to contact technical support. I will support VK.
You will be asked to scan your passport, after which you can easily do it.

5. What to do if your contact account is attacked by spammers and your page is blocked?
In such cases, it is written when your page can be unblocked.
Accordingly, write your login, phone number, soap (which is one thing), enter your password.
Next, you will need to answer standard questions about working securely in contact and change your password.

6. Your account was hacked, they write, “your page is blocked forever.”
Honestly, I’ll tell you, you got it.
In this case, you will not do anything.
Create a new account.

7. You need correspondence in contact, but you deleted your account and before that all correspondence.
How to recover messages?
No way, sorry(.

8. What to do, you have several profiles linked to 1 phone number, how can I restore access to the 2nd page?
To do this, you must have another email or login linked to your first account.

Let's look at other problems.
A common problem many people have when restoring a profile, and it just happens that VKontakte gives an error.
What to do?

Is it possible to restore a deleted page if the site throws an error?

Often, many VK sites give the following error: (error: invalid_client/ Username or password is incorrect)
What could this error mean and how can I fix it?
1. Option - there are problems on their website. Just wait and soon (from 30 minutes to a day) you will be able to log in without any corrections to this error.
2. Option - browser cache is full. You need.
3. The worst option, you have problems with your browser. Way 1, reinstall the browser.
4. Solving the problem. Write to technical support on VKontakte.

How to fix errors

  • Think with your head before deleting your personal page in contact!
  • Do not go to dubious sites that offer you money, votes, gifts in exchange for a number and password for your page. These are scammers!
  • Register everything to your VK account at once. This is a phone number, email, and login, in case you forget something, you can easily restore it

That's all I have for today.
If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer.
S.uv. Artem Poluektov.

The social network VKontakte stores a huge amount of information about a person if he actively uses it. These are correspondence with loved ones, photographs and much more, which I would not like to allow outside viewers to see. To minimize the likelihood that someone will read your correspondence, you need to set the most complex password possible. This often leads to the person who set the password forgetting it. In such a situation, the social network VKontakte allows you to recover your password, and this can be done in several different ways, which will be discussed in this article.

How to recover your VKontakte password

Recovering the password from the VKontakte social network is very simple if you remember the login or phone number to which your account is registered. If you do not have access to this phone number, advice will also be given below on what to do in this situation, but for now let’s consider the simplest option, what to do if you forgot your VKontakte password. Follow these steps step by step:

After completing all the steps described, you can log into your VKontakte account using your old login and new password.

How to recover a VKontakte password without a phone number

Using the method described above, you can log into your account only if you have the mobile phone number to which it is registered. Accordingly, without access to this phone, you will not be able to receive an SMS message with a confirmation code. However, if there is no longer access to the phone number, this does not mean that the VKontakte account is lost. It is possible to restore access to it if you have forgotten the set password, as follows:

Important: If there are no personal photos on your VKontakte page and you do not have access to the phone number to which the page is linked, it is almost impossible to recover your password.

It is worth noting that using the method described above, you can restore access to the page by forgetting not only your phone number, but also another login, in particular, your email. In fact, with this option, restoring access to the page occurs in “manual mode” with the involvement of a VKontakte support employee.

Category: Social networks Created: 12/18/2016 20:20

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about how to properly restore a VKontakte page. You may need to restore your VKontakte page in several cases. The most common situation is the loss of access to a page on (forgot your password, lost access to the cell phone number to which your VK account is linked, and now you can’t access your page). It is also a common case when a contact page for some reason becomes blocked.

You could accidentally delete your VK page yourself, or someone could do it without your knowledge by hacking your page and gaining access to your account. It often happens that VKontakte admins block access to for violating the rules for using the service. A page can be blocked for sending spam from it, or for some other similar offense in the form of suspicious activity on the account. Your computer may have become infected with a virus, and then your VK page was hacked.

One way or another, if your page is blocked on VKontakte, you will need to restore access to your VKontakte page. How to restore access to your VK page will be discussed in this post.

How to restore access to a VK page if there is no access

Let's start with the situation when you need to restore access to the page if you have forgotten your password or you do not have the SIM card with the cell phone number for which your account was registered at If anyone didn’t know, then you can actually unlink your VK page from your cell phone number.

Let's start with the case when you need to restore access to your page in a situation where you lost your password or mobile phone SIM card, the number of which was used during registration. Before you begin the procedure for recovering your VK password, try first looking in the settings of the browser you are using to see if there are any saved passwords. Many Internet users do not clear their browser history and save passwords, which are then automatically inserted into the login and password fields on sites where passwords were saved in the browser. This is of course convenient, but over time it happens that people forget their access data to sites from social networks. networks, postal services. Therefore, I never save passwords in the browser, plus I don’t save them for security purposes, since saved passwords can be “hijacked,” especially if you surf the Internet on a Microsoft Windows operating system.

If you still couldn’t find the data to access your VK page, then you can start trying here recover your page password(that is, get a new password for your account)

1. You can restore access to the page if you have access to the mobile phone number associated with the page, which was specified during registration, and which was used as a login to enter the VK page. To restore access using a linked mobile phone, you need to go to the access restoration page, and then simply follow the intuitive step-by-step instructions.

You need to go through several simple steps of the recovery wizard, then you will need to come up with a new password, and then use the new password to access your VKontakte page.

2. If your page in Contact was registered a long time ago, and you have not linked it to a mobile phone (the function of linking an account to a mobile phone did not appear in immediately, and therefore for old accounts this function may not be used if it is specifically was not included by you), you will need to contact access restoration service for logging into a page in Contact.

On the page you will need to enter the address of your page in

1. If you don’t remember the address of your page, then there’s nothing to worry about. You can search for yourself in VKontakte. This social network allows you to search for people without registration. You need to find your page and see its internal address, and you can do this by clicking on the link at searching for people on VK . The search can be carried out by full name or other data. You can simply enter your last name and city of residence, and I think you’ll be able to find yourself right away.

When you find your VK page through the search, click on the button " This is my page" to proceed to the next step to restore access to the page.

The process of restoring a page in VK will be more complicated if during registration you indicated “fake” data (fictitious data). If you have just such a case, then one way or another you will have to remember the data with which the page was registered. But one way or another, you will still have to disclose your real data, since you will need to send a scan of your passport. So it won’t be possible to run the social network

2. The next step you will need to take a selfie next to your computer monitor, attaching a scan of your passport to the application.

3. The next step to restore access to the VK page will be to provide a valid phone number and take a photo in front of your computer with the page open in the browser on your computer to restore access:

4. At the final step of the recovery wizard, you will need to upload any document with your photo and full name. A passport is perfect for this.

After you click on the “next” button, you thereby consent to your data in the form of your last name and first name being restored, that is, replaced with your real data. Then you just need to click on the submit application button and wait for the VK moderator’s decision on the verdict, about which you will be notified by SMS message that will be sent to the phone number you specified.

How to restore a page in a contact if it is blocked or the page is hacked?

    1. Let's clarify the point that problems with logging into your VK page can be caused if your computer is infected with viruses, or your mobile device is infected. For these common reasons, access to a page in a contact may be blocked. Access may be blocked if you are suddenly asked to send an SMS to access your account (do not fall for this scam under any circumstances). If you have this situation, then you definitely have a virus on your computer or mobile device. It will be necessary to carry out work to scan and eliminate viruses on the computer, and thus normal access to the page will be restored by itself. On the VKontakte portal they even offer their antivirus software called Cesurity, which can be downloaded absolutely free from the link. With this anti-virus software you can scan your computer and restore access to the social network To scan your mobile device for malware, you can install the application application from Kaspersky.
    2. Also, in the case described above, the page may be blocked by moderators at itself for any violations. In such a situation, a message will be displayed about the reason why your VK account was blocked, and there will also be links to security instructions, where you can read how to avoid blocking your VK page in the future.

It will not be possible to restore access to your contact account before the specified period.

You should not fall for “fairy tales” to restore your page quickly for an additional fee from any third-party craftsmen. Such services are an outright scam, nothing more.

The gradation of blocking may be different for different periods.

The lightest case can be considered the so-called “freezing” of a page on Freezing of the page may occur in the event of some minor violations, and the page may thus be frozen until you visit the page and become familiar with the reason for freezing the page. Most likely, you will need to change the password for your VK page (when changing the password, you can also change the phone number associated with your page, if there is any need for this).

To unfreeze the page, you will need to enter an SMS message and enter your new password, and then you will need to click on the button "Unfreeze page":

Everything is ready, we can say that your access to your page on the social network has been restored, and it will be visible not only exclusively to you, but to all users of the popular social network. VKontakte network.

A page may be frozen if suspicious activity is identified on it:

The process of defrosting the page will occur in the same way as described above - i.e. A code is sent via SMS to the cell number linked to your account. Next, you come up with your new password and click on the “Unfreeze” button. That’s all in essence, after these movements there should be no more activity of a suspicious nature, since you have changed the password for your page.

Your account could be blocked for more serious violations and then all that remains is to wait for the blocking period to expire (usually it is indicated). There is no way to restore the page faster - this is the policy of the VKontakte administration.

If you receive a message that your page is blocked forever, then the only option to restore your blocked page is correspondence with social technical support. networks. I would like to give you the following advice. Under no circumstances should you use those when corresponding. to be rude to support, and to download rights in any way. It is better, of course, to conduct correspondence in a constructive manner, telling your current situation. There is a chance that your offense will be forgiven and the page will be restored.

Contact technical support Contact You can use this feedback form, or write them an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. )

  1. Your page hacked, and therefore cannot log into your account (the hacker could simply change your password to his). In such a situation, you will need to try to restore access to your page as described above in this article, i.e. You will need to do some work to restore your VKontakte page:
  2. — if your page was linked to a phone number
  3. - if the page was not linked to the mobile phone number or the phone number to which the VK page was previously linked, you no longer use

How to restore a page previously deleted from VK?

If you are fed up with everything and decide to delete your page from yourself, then this can also be done. Within half a year, the page can actually be restored if for some reason you suddenly change your mind about deleting your account from Within 7 months you can restore your account without any problems. The main thing is not to forget your login username and password in order to restore your page yourself after deletion. You just need to log in with your username and password to your page and click on the “Restore” link.

If it so happens that within 7 months you have not restored your account, and after 7 months the need for this still arises, then in such a situation it will be necessary to resolve these issues only through

" Let's talk now how can I restore my VKontakte page? and how to unfreeze your account. When do you have to restore the page? When you were hacked and various types of spam were sent from your profile, you forgot your login or password, or you deleted your profile and now want to restore it. But there is another problem when supposedly VKontakte asks you to send an SMS from the suggested numbers, Do not send SMS under any circumstances. Your balance will simply be debited and you will not receive any refund. If this is exactly the situation you have, then here is the article “VKontakte requires SMS. What to do? "

How to restore a deleted page in VK?

Many people ask the question, if you delete your profile in a contact, can it be restored?

If you deleted your page or someone else deleted it, then it can be restored until the given time, which is 7 months. If the account is not restored within this period, it is deleted forever.

To do this, you need to log into your account and at the top there will be a link “restore your page”.

Then click on “Restore page”

Your account has been restored.

How to restore a page in contact if you forgot your login and password?

It is not uncommon for people to forget their passwords to their profile. In this case, you can recover with the following access restoration.

We go to the main page of VKontakte and on the left we see “Forgot your password?”

We click there and see that we need to enter “Login, Email or phone”. Enter one of the required contact information that is linked to your page and click on “Next”.

Then a confirmation will appear: “Is this the page to which you need to restore access?”

Click yes.

And a code or recovery instructions will be sent to your number or email, depending on what you indicated.

How to restore a VKontakte page if there is no access to mail or phone?

In this case, you need to go to the recovery page and click “click here”.

We found ourselves approx. Now you need to enter your old data and new ones.

Either in the Old phone number field, correctly indicate the phone number to which your account is linked, or in the Old E-Mail field, correctly indicate the email address or login that is used to log into your profile.

You will need an accessible number that has not previously been associated with any profile.

That's it, send your application.

If you do not know your old data, then you will need to fill out an extended application.

In order for it to appear, you need to enter your new number in the “Available phone number” field and click on “Submit request”. A window like this will appear:

A very common problem now is when the page freezes. This happens mainly due to spam. Either you spammed yourself, or someone spammed from your account.

To unfreeze you will need the mobile phone number linked to your account. A code will be sent to it, and then following the instructions you can easily unfreeze your account. If the old number is no longer there, then link another number.

The first time you can defrost it immediately, but the next time the blocking time will increase.

I hope my instructions helped you.


Before restoring the page, I want to convey to readers that your main assistant in this difficult task will be the technician. VKontatka support. Only they will be able to restore the page in its most neglected state. Neither a hacker, nor a webmaster, nor your friend who has been using VK since the founding of the social network. networks, and those who have access to your personal data, servers and other information inaccessible to almost anyone. Only they will be able to give the right advice and the most accurate information on working with the service, in any case, its functions floating in front of us - the users. That is why there are many links to social certificates here. network and advice to seek help from these people.

Restoring a page using standard VK tools can only be done within seven months after deleting the page. After this period, you need to communicate only with technical support. To restore a previously deleted page, follow these simple steps.

We log in using our username and password to our page from the office. social network site -

Click on the Restore button on your page.

Before restoration, we will see a warning that all data will be restored instantly and you can immediately continue using the page.

All friends, all messages, all activity in the contact will be restored and you will simply continue to use the page as before it was deleted.

How to recover a page if you forgot your password

If you forget your password, the actions will be slightly different. We need to restore it through the connected phone number or via email.

You need to use the password recovery form. Follow this link or on the main page click Forgot your password.

It will be useful to read the help on password recovery on the VK website -
We receive a recovery code by email or phone. We enter it in the appropriate field and restore access to the page.

Enter the associated phone number or email address in the field. Just remember that you need your phone to recover your password in any case. Even if the email address is entered correctly, an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to the linked phone number.

How to restore a page if you forgot your password, email and phone number

If you have forgotten all your login information to your page, you can restore access, but it will be more difficult than simply entering the recovery code from SMS. Now we will recover with the help of VKontakte support.

To do this, we will need to take a selfie next to the monitor with the social page open. networks in the browser. And you also need to send a copy of your passport, if asked of course.

If you have forgotten your login and password, it will be useful to read the official information in the VK help -
If you are, then I’m afraid that restoring the page will be almost impossible. And senseless too. Because you can restore almost everything - messages, wall posts, all deleted friends, etc. very, very difficult, long and tedious.

Our steps:

  1. Filling out the recovery form;
  2. Sending identification data (passport and selfie next to the screen with an open VK page, if required);
  3. Waiting for page recovery.

Fill out the recovery form

Here you need to enter the URL address of the VKontakte page. If you don’t know, click the link below. If you don’t remember the data, click here and find your page in the search. People search is available without authentication.

Then you need to fill out the following form. We record here all the old data by which the page was accessible - this is the old password, number and email address. Enter your current recovery number and email. Our task here is to fill in everything that is possible.

Click Submit a request, confirm the entered phone number and wait for a response from technical support.

The first thing to do to restore the page is, of course, write to technical support; to contact technical support, follow this link -, to work with this form you need to log in. If it is not possible to log in, write an email to the support email - [email protected]. We leave all contact information for the page, old and current - if known. We will need to find a page that we do not have access to and send all this data to technical support. You may also need a photo or scan of your passport and a selfie with a monitor with an open page in the browser. Everything will become more complicated if there was fake data on the page, but in any case, if the page is restored, your passport data from the sent copy will be on the page.

7 months after deletion, page restoration is possible - write to technical support. Everything is individual and depends on the situation. In this way you can definitely restore the page, the main thing is to write that we did not delete it, otherwise they will definitely not be restored.

How to restore a page if it was hacked and frozen for suspicious activity

Your page could be frozen for suspicious activity. If, for example, you sent spam, distributed materials that should not be distributed, or violated the law of the Russian Federation, your page could be frozen. The freezing time depends on the degree of the offense. If you violated the laws of the Russian Federation, then forever. In any case, personal logic with cunning and technical support are capable of even the impossible from the point of view of the rules of the system. Including the restoration of pages blocked forever.

You can find out when the page is unfrozen by logging into your account. The whole situation will be described on the main page. Here you will see the duration and reason for the blocking. And only after the specified time you will be able to use the page again.

Also read the help on the website -


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