What does ranking mean? Ranging

Search ranking is the notorious “citation index” of scientists, adapted for use in the Internet space. The more authoritative the resource, the more users access it, the higher the quality and reputation of the resource, determined by the special criteria of search engines, and the more words in the site’s content that are requested by the user through a search engine - the higher the chances of this site and its individual pages to get into the most the top of the search results.

Each search engine has its own ranking method, that is, selection from countless sites on the Internet, and even the most experienced SEO specialists do not know the exact criteria for this selection. But there are some well-known rules, the observance of which allows for effective website promotion.

  1. Relevance, that is, the correspondence of words to the page content to the requested keywords. It is important not only the presence of these words, but also the density of the words to each other, the frequency of use, and the place where the keywords are used.
  2. Regular publication of unique content that arouses the interest of visitors - an abundance of external links. The presence of respected, authoritative resources accessing this site is also taken into account. There is a concept of link rank, this is when search engines select a resource not by the presence of the requested words on its pages, but by the frequency of use of these words in links to the resource.
  3. On-page optimization is important. The title has the greatest weight for a search engine, in which keywords are used to give it weight. The search system takes into account which words are defined by the site author as the most important (through the use of tags), the presence of links (links to go to other sites), and the topics of the sites must be relevant to the topic of the source.

These are just some of the most important criteria for selecting sites, the list of which is constantly changing and supplemented by search engines in order to quickly and efficiently provide the user with the best results.

The Internet is made up of millions of sites and contains exabytes of information. So that people can find out about the existence of this information and use it, there are search engines. They implement the human right to access information - any information that is needed at the moment. A search engine is a technical tool with which an Internet user can find data already posted on the Internet.

Users search for a variety of things on the Internet - from scientific papers to erotic content. We believe that a search engine should show relevant pages in every case - from articles on a specific topic to adult sites. At the same time, she simply finds the information that is already on the Internet and open to everyone.

Yandex is not a censor and is not responsible for the content of other sites that are included in the search index. This was written about in one of the company’s first documents, “License to use the Yandex search engine,” created back in 1997, at the time of launch: “Yandex indexes sites created by independent people and organizations. We are not responsible for the quality and content of the pages that you may find using our search engine. We also don’t like a lot of things, but Yandex is a mirror of the Runet, not a censor.”

Information that is removed from the Internet is also removed from the search index. Search robots regularly crawl already indexed sites. When they discover that a page no longer exists or is no longer indexable, it is removed from search as well. To speed up this process, you can use the “” form.

In response to a query that the user entered in the search bar, the search engine displays links to pages known to it, the text of which (as well as meta tags or links to these sites) contains words from the query. In most cases, there are a lot of such pages - so much so that the user will not be able to view them all. Therefore, it is important not only to find them, but also to arrange them in such a way that those that are best suited to answer a given request - that is, the most relevant to the request - appear on top. Relevance is the best match to the interests of users seeking information. Yandex determines the relevance of found pages to a given query completely automatically - using complex formulas that take into account thousands of properties of the query and document. The process of ordering the results found by their relevance is called ranking. The quality of the search depends on ranking - the extent to which the search engine can show the user the desired and expected result. Ranking formulas are also built automatically - using machine learning - and are constantly being improved.

Search quality is the most important aspect for any search engine. If it doesn't search well, people will simply stop using it.

Therefore, it is important for us to constantly improve ranking algorithms and make them resistant to external influences (for example, attempts by some webmasters to deceive the search engine).

That's why we don't sell rankings in search results.

Therefore, the search results are not influenced in any way by the political, religious or any other views of the company's employees.

Users scan the search results page from top to bottom. Therefore, Yandex shows at the top, among the first results, those documents that contain the answers that are most suitable for the user - that is, the most relevant to the given query. From all possible relevant documents, Yandex always tries to choose the best option.

Associated with this principle are several rules that Yandex applies to certain types of sites. All these rules work completely automatically, they are carried out by algorithms, not by people.

1. There are pages that clearly degrade search quality. They are specifically designed to deceive the search engine. To do this, for example, invisible or meaningless text is placed on the page. Or they create doorways - intermediate pages that redirect visitors to third-party sites. Some sites are able to replace the page from which the user switched to some other one. That is, when a user goes to such a site using a link from the search results, and then wants to return to them again and see other results, he sees some other resource.

Such resources are not of interest to users and mislead them - and, accordingly, worsen the quality of search. Yandex automatically excludes them from the search or lowers them in the ranking.

3. For queries that do not clearly imply a need for erotic content, Yandex ranks adult sites lower or does not show them at all in search results. The fact is that resources with erotic content often use quite aggressive promotion methods - in particular, they can appear in search results for a wide variety of queries. From the point of view of a user who was not looking for erotica or pornography, “adult” search results are irrelevant and, moreover, can be shocking. You can read more about this principle.

4. Yandex checks indexed web pages for viruses. If a site is found to be infected, a warning note appears next to it in search results. At the same time, infected sites are not excluded from the search and are not demoted in the search results - perhaps such a resource contains the answer the user needs, and he will still want to go there. However, Yandex considers it important to warn him about the possible risk.

Ranging is the process of organizing information according to criteria such as authority, respectability, and relevance. The ranking result can be seen by receiving a response from the search engine to your query (if we are talking about a website). The system processes the user's request, sorting the received data in its database. This is how ranking occurs. The output is a list of links in a certain sequence. This is an example of ranking information.

Implementation of ranking

Understanding the specifics of how the ranking process works will clarify the fact why two similar sites with the same topic occupy different places in the system’s response. Below we will look at what criteria the search engine is guided by, giving preference to one site, displaying a link to the result on the first page, and assigning a place to another in the list only on the fifth.

Any site indexed by a search engine is subject to ranking if there are pages that meet the query. Different search engines have their own ranking algorithms. The difference in the performance of search engines is noticeable when different sites appear in the TOP 10 in different search engines.

Relevance and ranking

– this is the maximum compliance of the site with the request. Each search engine has its own concept of relevance, but there are two common points.

The first point is meaning or content. Checking for content occurs by processing the words for compliance with the meaning in the texts of all articles published on the site.

The second point is formality. This refers to how well a site matches search engine relevance algorithms. It must be remembered that the ranking result is a variable value. The system algorithm is systematically changed to ensure that irrelevant sites, using “barbaric” methods, are not able to bypass the filters. Sites that are trusted by the search engine will not be affected by the algorithm change.

Another important factor influencing the relevance of a site is link ranking.

Link ranking lies in the number and quality of transitions and links to this site from other sites. The quality of links includes factors such as the content and volume of anchor text, the age of the site and links, their location on the donor and recipient, the stability and authority of the linking sites. Link ranking counts towards the full ranking of the site.

Hello, those who want to promote their website!

Today there is a little theory about how search engines determine a site’s position in search results.

Let's talk about the main ranking factors so that you understand what search engines pay attention to when analyzing your site as a whole and each page separately. If you don’t know these truths, you can rack your brain for a long time and think what’s wrong with your site.

The article will not present a simple listing of factors, but only a main list, which represents groups of factors. Each group includes many factors, of which there are more than 100. To prevent them all from being listed, at the end of the material I have given a checklist in which you can see everything. He will make you understand that website promotion is a complex process and every little detail is important.

Ranking concept

Ranking is the process of distributing positions in search results between sites for certain queries, the main task of which is to select the 10 best documents for a specific query and place them on the first page of the search.

At the very beginning of the development of search engines, it was enough for a webmaster to add more meta tags to a page and his site would be ranked in the TOP of search results. But search engines are gradually improving. There is a great need for this, since every day there are an order of magnitude more sites and users are becoming more demanding.

Based on this, there are 2 main tasks for search engines:

  • Give the user a specific answer to the given answer and solve his problem;
  • Determine which site can give the best answer.

Based on these tasks, ranking occurs. In order for it to happen as efficiently as possible, there are ranking factors, from which the site is evaluated. They can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Internal:
  2. External.

Now let's look at the main factors that belong to 2 groups. Let me remind you once again that you can find a more detailed list of all factors in the checklist at the end of the material.

Internal factors

Internal factors include all aspects of the site’s usefulness and the absence of any obvious manipulations to deceive search engines. This also includes an analysis of the correct technical component (correct layout, clean source code, setting up redirects, site mirrors, robots.txt, etc.).

The main internal ranking factors include:

  • Text content, that is, content - the analysis of the text that you publish on the site occurs. The quality of content is being determined according to many parameters, the main of which will be: uniqueness of the text, novelty, relevance, relevance to the user’s request and naturalness (correct optimization of the article); I found an interesting short video regarding text ranking factors. Be sure to check it out.

  • Meta tags and tags - the presence and correct use of all meta tags (keywords, title and description), as well as title tags, bold, italics and so on. This is very important, because if you use all these things incorrectly and excessively, you can get caught in a filter for over-optimization, which is a clear sign towards manipulation of search engines. Meta tags also determine the relevance of the document, so you need to enter key words in the title, description and keywords phrases, but do it wisely so as not to over-optimize the content and make it unnatural. The same applies to the use of keys in the text, when more of them make the document unreadable for the user.
  • The quality of the site as a whole - this includes everything that makes the site useful and convenient. As a rule, this is the number of pages on the site, correct and convenient navigation, linking, and the number of pages. An abundance of advertising can also be attributed here. Also a very important parameter is the age of the site (not the domain, but the resource from the moment it first entered the index).

Improving internal factors is entirely up to us, since everything happens inside the site. You need to constantly work on its filling. As the project grows, this becomes more difficult, but the right edits and improvements can significantly improve the website’s promotion.

I can also include the quality of external links from our resource and their quantity as internal factors. Whenever possible, you should link only to high-quality sites that complement the information on your page and help solve user problems. It is also worth reducing their number.

External factors

Factors that evaluate the interaction of a resource with the external environment of the Internet. They mean:

The behavioral factor can be identified as a separate group, since it has many indicators that are evaluated by search engines:

  • Time spent on a site is a fundamental factor in assessing page quality. If the user spends a long time on the page, then this is a clear sign that there is interesting and useful content. To improve this indicator, try to use as many capture points as possible: videos, images, tables, lists, and so on.
  • Bounce rate - if a visitor entered a page and immediately left it, then this is a signal that it does not provide the desired answer and does not meet the request.
  • The number of page views is more suitable for assessing the quality of the site as a whole, since a larger number of views of other documents clearly indicates this.
  • Return rate - if a visitor returns to your site again on another day or on the same day to read other materials, then this is a big plus.
  • Click-through rate (CTR) in search results and others - if your site gets better referrals from search results, the better for promoting its pages.

To improve all these indicators, you need to work on content. You should always give a clear answer to the user. If you use long articles discussing many issues on the topic, then try to make sure that the visitor finds a solution to the problem.

If we take the first external factor, which implies the presence of backlinks to the site, then it can also be influenced quite simply. It's no secret that buying links to a site also takes place and gives a tangible effect.

I want to note that this “simple” will exist for the time being. Search engines are constantly improving their ranking algorithms and every year it becomes more and more difficult to find truly high-quality sites in order to purchase links to them.

Previously, this factor was essentially calculated only by the number of backlinks. Now 5 high-quality backlinks can give ten times more effect than 2000 bad links. Also, the links must be natural, so that search engines understand that the link is not manipulative, but is placed on us due to the high-quality presentation of useful content and the solution to the user’s problem.

There are a lot of interesting videos on the topic of types of factors, but I recommend that you watch only the following. I have provided them below and they perfectly complement this material.

The second video will be useful for those who want to understand in more detail the factors used by Yandex. In the video you will see a report from a representative of this search engine.

At the end of the article, I propose to consider some other ranking factors that are not so significant, but all other things being equal, they can give priority to your site when distributing positions in the search results.

  • Domain factors - the domain zone, oddly enough, also influences promotion, but not as significantly. The main parameters of a domain include its level (preferably 2nd, for example, a website), history (have sanctions been previously imposed on it), the presence of a keyword in the domain name
  • Regional factors - most suitable for commercial requests, when the user is given a list of sites exactly in the region he needs. If you need to advance some pages due to these factors, then you need to assign a region to your site in the webmaster panels of search engines, use the names of the region on the page, and also link from sites that have the required location.

I found interesting pictures here that show the importance of various factors in ranking. I give them to you below. Draw conclusions.

Here is a chart of the importance of some factors in the google search engine (clickable image).

Here is another importance chart for google.

Unfortunately, I didn’t find anything similar for Yandex. But I covered the main points in the text of the article. If anyone finds similar images with statistics, I would be grateful if you share them so that I can supplement this material.

Check list

As promised, I am providing a checklist that contains all the main ranking factors point by point. Knowing this list, you will be able to properly optimize the site and each of its individual pages so that promotion proceeds at a rapid pace and search engines identify your pages as the best and put them in the coveted top 10.

The list was created for the Google search engine, but the items will also be relevant for Yandex. Maybe not everything in Yandex will be significant, but the main points in both search engines will be identical.

That's all, friends. If there are any additions and corrections, I will only be grateful if you point me on the right path. On this note, I say goodbye. If you liked the information, then don’t forget about the social media buttons below.

By the way, I soon wrote fundamental material about where each aspect of promoting an information site is clearly described point by point. If you have an article resource or a blog at your disposal, or you just want to create one in order to make good money in the future, then you need at least theoretical knowledge of how to make a quick start and achieve your first impressive number of visitors. Well, and then implement this knowledge in practice, which, in principle, is nothing overly complicated.

Thank you and see you soon.

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev!

Greetings, friends! I am sure that each of you uses search engines from time to time. Especially those who are engaged in some kind of... I tell you more about the types of earnings.

Everyone remembers very well that when we enter a request, we get . What influences which sites will be there and in what order? Now I will tell you about website ranking and what it is.

Yes, you understood correctly, ranking is the distribution of sources in this list. The fact is that with the increase in the number of websites, the development of business on the Internet, the popularity of social networks and the increase in the number of bloggers, competition on the Internet for the first lines of search began to gain incredible momentum.

Key search phrases began to be shoved everywhere possible, with or without reason. All in order to drag as many people as possible to your site. Naturally, the most popular of which are the domestic Yandex and the foreign Google, they came up with a response to such an extension and created an algorithm that determines the most useful and suitable resources for each request.

They rely on how complete your information is on a specific topic that the user needs. The process is based on external and internal ranking factors.

External factors

External factors are the most important. They determine how active a resource is in relation to the entire Internet network. These include citation and behavioral factors. Now I will explain what it is.

Citation is, in simple words, links from third-party sources. And the more authoritative these sources are, the more such references to your site, the better. At first, you often have to negotiate such link advertising for money. Over time, if your content is truly unique and interesting, you may be lucky and grateful readers will start quoting it.

The behavioral factor determines the relevance of your content. I’ll describe it in simple language: the time spent on your website by a person who follows a link, transition to other topics, returns to your resource and, of course, page traffic itself is assessed. Navigating and quickly closing your page reduces your relevance score, so you need to try to fill it with really useful text and try to grab the visitor's attention.

Internal factors

Internal factors include the content itself, its design and site properties. There are special requirements for the content of the site. It must be unique - you will not make a popular resource by copying information from other sources.

The number of errors and the naturalness of the text influences. Naturalness means competent inclusion of keywords and phrases, moderate saturation of the text with them. Overspam is not included in the top. The text should be formatted in such a way that it is convenient and easy to read - with headings, divided into paragraphs.

And, of course, the most important factor is relevance. The text must correspond to the request, answer the questions posed in the search and provide the necessary information. The service will help you study the properties of your text Advego . There you can see errors, spam, water, nausea and uniqueness of the text. An irreplaceable resource in writing texts.

As for properties, the site must be properly designed, with meta tags and tags, all according to the methods I described earlier in this article. The age of the site also plays a role - don’t expect to be able to take first place in the search just by creating a resource, formatting it according to the rules and writing a couple of unique texts without errors.

All the secrets of development are revealed in great detail in this course. By SEO promotion . I recommend it to those who want to learn how to promote websites well from scratch.

Well, that's all, friends. I hope that I have explained this topic to you in sufficient detail and clearly. Yes, it was possible to cram a whole bunch of terms and beautiful words here that would be understandable only to a fairly narrow circle.

I tried to write for people who have just come to this topic and are wondering whether they should study. Surely now you understand that it’s definitely worth it! And my blog and Vkontakte community . Subscribe, read, learn and wish you great success!

See you soon!


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